


Research philosophy is the belief that helps to make proper structure or the format of the research, which will be followed to conduct the research work. It will depend on positivism research philosophy instead of Realism and Interpretivism carry out the research study in a flexible way as positivism philosophy tends to verify facts on the basis of logical proof that can be of utility in case of this research.

Research design must be fit for the nature of the research work. Three major types of research design can be mentioned and they are descriptive, explanatory and exploratory (Hakim, 2010). In this case, exploratory research design will be used to analyse the consumer behaviour towards cashless society in China market.

Research approach is an essential aspect to carry out a successful project work. It contains two major sub-types, and they are inductive and deductive. This particular research will follow deductive type of research approach to gain new insight through the research study. Inductive approach will not be suitable for this work, as this research has been developed on the established ideas of different existing theories.This particular section of research proposal is concerned to make a crystallized conception about the procedure of the research study. It will give information regarding research method, research approach, data collection and data analysis process and sampling method and size.

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