


The first strategy implemented in this case is that the changes in the relation with the prior changes illustrate the growth of the China and the first strategic changes will enhance the growth of the China. The New Zealand had lost the preferential trade relations which had grown out in the British colonialism. The maintenance of the Britain is seen with the adoption of the statue of the Westminster in the years of the Post-war. The relationship enables the exporter to have an appropriate growth in the country, and the representation can be seen in the path of the lucrative way. The enhancement of the factors is depicted to be enforced for the enhancement of the integration of the international commission which is used for structuring the economy of the country. This enabled the formation of the relations which establish the growth of the economic relations between the two countries. The enhancement of the work can be easily imported for the development of the work and also the increase in the skilled labours can be established with the transaction of the various skilled labours. The challenges created by slowing the traditional markets and the shock are created in the traditional markets that develop the businesses for the purpose of diversifying the focus on the world economy (Ambrose, Diop and Yoshida, 2016). The establishment of the capital can be appropriately established for the development of the factors and also the establishment of the work is structured by establishing the development of the strategy. The positive impact is illustrated by the actively establishing the positive impact on the business and also the enhancement of the structure is illustrated. The development of the factors can be easily maintained by maintaining the norms of the business, and the impact is depicted by showing the purchasing in a most efficient way. Therefore, the efficient achievement of the goals can be made by the establishment of the relation between the China and the New Zealand. This is the overall logical argument which is established for the company, and the appropriate structuring of the system for the economic growth can be illustrated (Baldwin, 2017).

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