


卡拉·琼(Carla Jean)对于帮助和忠诚的渴望之间的冲突感,令读者感到震惊。一个女人的存在不过是为了服务于提供支持的目的,现在正在对她的丈夫采取行动。同样,洛雷塔的性格可以被描绘成推理和常识的声音。她被看见为她的丈夫铺设“法律”,当埃德·汤姆装载他的马时试图安抚他的妻子,他将被期望跟随。她很有信心,相当嘲弄她是一个可靠的妻子和家庭主妇。尽管她们的思想坚定和独立,她们都选择与各种男性系统一起工作和反对。小说中的两个女人抵制了最终的阳刚之气。与男性不同的是,女性意识到自己有选择的余地。科恩兄弟似乎只是用女性角色作为抵制社会等级和法律的手段。

吉恩的性格起初可能被看作是外围的;不过,她可能是唯一真正提供抵抗的人物。在最后一幕中,当Chigurh杀死了Carla jean时,尽管她拒绝了抛硬币,但她揭露了Chigurh生活的男性代码的不相干性。她拒绝抛硬币,因为她意识到这是隐藏现实的另一个无用的男性代码。有必要指出的是,男性汉字在系统和规范的社会中没有面对或不知道自己被禁闭。正如前面提到的那样,这部小说中的女性被观察到抵制这些制度,因为她们的主体地位发生了变化,即拒绝了对她们执行的顺从作用。她的性格非常重要,因为它暴露了整个小说中个人的代理和代码之间性别斗争的存在。


Half way through the novel, the readers are astounded by Carla Jean’s conflicting feelings of desire to help and loyalty. A women whose presence was nothing more than just for serving the purposes of offering support, was now acting against her husband. Similarly, the character of Loretta can be depicted as the voice of reasoning and common sense. She is seen laying out the “law” for her husband that he is expected to follow when Ed Tom is attempting to appease his wife while he loads the horse. Her great confidence is rather a mockery of her as a dependable wife and homemaker. Both the woman, despite their tough mindedness and independence, choose to work with and against the various masculine systems; it is the two women, in the novel, who resist the ultimate masculine systems. Unlike the men, the women realize that they are open to the choice of having options. It seems that the Coen brothers, only use the female characters as a means of resistance to the social hierarchy and laws.

The character of Jean may be seen as peripheral at first; however, she is probably the only character who actually offers resistance. In the last scene, when Chigurh kills Carla jean, despite her refusal to call for the coin toss, she exposes the irrelevance of the masculine codes that Chigurh lives by. She refuses the coin toss because she realizes that this is yet another useless masculine code that conceals reality. It is necessary to note that the masculine characters fail to confront or are unaware of their confinement in a society of systems and codes. And as previously mentioned, the women in this novel are observed to resist these systems due to the change in their subject position i.e. denial of the submissive role that is enforced onto them. Her character is significant in the sense that it exposes the existence of the gender struggle throughout the novel, between an individual’s agency and code.