


According to Marci (2009), the publishing industry has been facing issues in increasing its revenue from online advertising, despite significant growth in the online readership. One of the reasons for this is availability of free information to the readers on internet and as a result refrains from subscription. The biggest competition is from companies like Google. As a result it has been noted that advertising accounts for around 10% of the total revenue only. One aspect that has to be understood that the cost factors in making the newspaper on websites is 6 times lower than traditional print publishing. The advertising has to be priced accordingly. This is to say that considering easy and cost effective availability of information on internet, the priority should be to recover the cost associated with web portal separately and print newspaper separately.
Another important aspect is that the migration of the users from offline to online platform will take some time. The newspaper will have to keep in place the hybrid system for a brief period. Further the primary way to increase advertising on websites the content has to be displayed based on the strength. This is completely different from what is published in newspapers which contains generalized content. For example St. Louis Post launched MySTL today. This is a branded community enabling users to create groups, post content and also contain special interest sections. The company has been able to strengthen the Middle American brand and at the same time promotes interactions amongst the groups (Lewis, 2009). In a survey by Austrian regional newspaper it has been found that there is greater willingness in online users to pay for specific services. It has been highlighted in the study that primary customers for such information are businesses and youngsters (Franz and Wolkinger, 2003).
Last but not the least, social media has provided a tremendous opportunity for the newspapers to market their website. The user of social networking websites have grown tremendously. It has become easier for the companies to reach prospective customers. The social networking comprise of two different segments. One comprise of websites like facebook, instagram, twitter etc. while other category is that of niche platforms like Linkedin. Thus the companies have a variety of option and may target to market on these websites based on their target user.

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