


The teacher had used the simple technique of dialogue to engage with the students and instil confidence in the minds of the students. One of the most highlighting aspects of the teacher teaching is the use of the message redundancy. The students are discussion about the nuances of the person who would have posted a particular sign or advertisements. It was a simple concept that is used to connect with the students.
The teacher was able to give mini summaries of their speech and this enabled the students to recapitulate the message that was being disseminated by the teachers. There was recasting of the efforts. In this process, the teacher was able to reformulate the student’s phrases using words in a collaborative effort. The teacher did undertake wait times process to hear the voices of all the students in her class. The direction of the classes was given by the teacher in a natural process and in the manner of speech.
The teacher uses a number of techniques to communicate different viewpoints. There was the facial expression that was welcoming to the students to listen about the views of the students. The teacher was available emotionally to the students. She helped them articulate and also encouraged the students to make further discussions. There were also the factors of making eye contact with the students to make them aware of the classes (Stacey & Gerbic, 2008). The teacher did not use a number of voice modulations. Rather the teacher used the techniques of discussing with the students to make them more aware.
The vocabulary of the teacher is simple. This is because the teacher wants to connect with the students and be a part of their learning process. This is evident in the ways in which the teacher discusses about the ideology. The teacher instilled confidence in the minds of the students by encouraging to talk more and made them vocal about their views. These are evident in the process. The teacher did not aid in the students in the pronunciation process. She wanted the students to learn the subject and make them comfortable in the English language and did not make any pointed gestures towards the mistake. She was being casual to enable the students to learn the subject.
An important role is played by the student in this scheme. The student role is explored in the following.

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