
代寫論文 價格:組織目標的分類

代寫論文 價格:組織目標的分類
組織目標可以分為業務目標和組織功能目標。首先,公司的最高管理層決定了公司的基調和目標。他們負責建立公司的使命和願景聲明(Freeman, 2010)。公司的所有活動都應著眼於實現主要目標。設定目標和目的很重要,因為它們將確保對公司中特定團隊所取得的進展進行準確的評估。通過這個過程,可以保證公司的生產力和資源的優化。組織中有特定的團隊來實現其企業戰略目標、功能目標或業務級別目標。實際的目標和目標因公司的團隊而異。這些目標的實現取決於各個管理者。應該設定明智的(具體的、可衡量的、可實現的、現實的和與時間相關的)目標。 2015)。管理者根據個人的需求和目標制定SMART目標。 SMART是一種助記碼,由各個經理根據需求使用。對公司的每一個目標都應根據這些要求進行評估。要徹底改革戰略和徹底管理變革,需要一年多的時間。對於特定的目標,可以使用智能目標。他們更敏捷,並將確保准確的評估。
因此,總的來說,評估將基於公司的功能、業務和戰略目標。高層管理人員設計目標。管理者基於智能代碼實現目標。評估時間取決於每個需求。一個公司的正式戰略計劃取決於圍繞公司的經濟因素、政府法規、競爭對手分析、供應商、技術因素、地理因素、文化因素等主觀因素(Rose & Murphy,,)。 2015)。這是一個非常分析和結構化的過程,在公司中遵循。明確定義了關鍵性能指標。所有的變量和假設都是在初始過程中做出的。通用電氣(General Electric)、卡特彼勒公司(Caterpillar Inc.)、福特公司(Ford company)和許多銀行等公司都採用了這些正式的戰略。許多公司都採取了正式的戰略。該模型的不足之處在於,在這種形式化的系統創新中,創新沒有得到優先級(Rose & Murphy, 2015)。該模型被認為是一個層次分明的模型。

代寫論文 價格:組織目標的分類

Organizational goals can be divided into business goals and organizational functional goals. Primarily, the top management of a company sets the tone and the objectives of the company. They are responsible for setting up the mission and vision statement for the company (Freeman, 2010). All activities of the company should be towards envisioning the primary objectives. It is important to set goals and objectives, as they would ensure accurate assessment for the progress made by the specific teams in a company. By this process, it would ensure that there is productivity and optimization of resources in the company. There are specific teams in organizations to meet its corporate strategic goals or functional or business level goals. The practical goals and objectives vary based on the teams of the company. It is up to the individual managers to ensure that these goals are met. SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and time related) objectives should be set (Rose ,& Murphy,. 2015). Individual managers based on the requirements and objectives from SMART objective. SMART is a Mnemonic code used by individual managers based on the requirement. Assessment for each objective of the company should be done based on these requirements. For a complete overhaul of strategy and for complete change management, it would take more than a year. For specific goals, SMART objectives can be used. They are more agile and would ensure the accurate assessment.
Hence, to conclude, evaluation would be based on functional, business and strategic goals of the company. Top management designs the objectives. Managers implement goals and objectives based on SMART code. Time for evaluation depends on each of the requirements. Formal strategic plan for a company depends on economic factors surrounding the company, governmental regulations, competitor analysis, suppliers, technological factors, geographical factors, cultural factors and other subjective factors (Rose & Murphy,. 2015). It is a very analytical and structured process that is followed in companies. Key performance indicators are clearly defined. All variables and assumptions are made in the initial process. Some of the companies adopting these formalizes strategies are General Electric, Caterpillar Inc., Ford company, many banks etc. Many of the companies have adopted formal strategy. Disadvantage of this model is that in this formalized system innovation does not get priority (Rose & Murphy, 2015). This model is considered to be a very hierarchal model.