


User gratification theory states that people actually seek out specific media tools to satiate their needs. The purpose of the user gratification theory is that it centres around the notion of the active audience. With the advent of the social media tools, the people tend to use specific social media tools. The companies need to identify the content that would relate to the people and how the people would relate to the media content. This is based on a positivist approach that is focussed on the tools used by the social media tools. The main question that the companies are asking themselves is the ways to connect with the consumers using the specific tools and content. In the previous era, the audience were more passive. They accepted the paradigms of advertising. In the current times, the audience control every aspect of the media content.
This is centred around the user gratification theory, as it operates on the paradigm that the people tend to control the media content (Whiting and Williams, 2013). There is an active role for the audience to interpret and integrate the media. The media content that is developed is also based on the paradigms that have been established by the audience. Based on this theory the people in the social media tend to use the social media for their specific needs. The reasons for seeking out are majorly entertainment, knowledge gaining, learning of the views of the peers and also for general scanning of the environment around them (Whiting and Williams, 2013). Knowingly or unknowingly, the people are influenced by the content showcased in the social media. This is used for a variety of purposes (Whiting and Williams, 2013). The influence could be towards making a current purchase, or alternatively the consumer might retain the positive perception till a needs arises for them to purchase the product.

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