


Stravinsky gave a proper interpretation on the dissimilarities and similarities between his music with Schoenberg’s music, and it uncovered the most important compositional techniques and aesthetical tendencies of the two most famous music composers of the twentieth century (Bewerunge and Riemann, 2013). According to Stravinsky, there are many technical similarities between his and Schoenberg’s, however; they had different musical backgrounds and the dissimilar tradition of music. It is surprising that Stravinsky created a composition “only at the piano”, however, he composed it almost no music for the solo piano. Alternatively, Schoenberg composed “never at the piano”; however, in Schoenberg composition, there are several notable pieces for single piano.
The key difference, between the two successful music composers of the twentieth century, Arnold Schoenberg and Igor Stravinsky, is mainly their dissimilar attitudes towards the tradition of Western music. Igor Stravinsky was a Russian, born and brought up in Russia who was the follower of neoclassicism music. Arnold Schoenberg was Australian and progenitor of German Music. Schoenberg views represents that the music of Stravinsky was not original music, but Schoenberg, the Russian music composer was an imitator, or transformer not an inventor. Being a music composer, he was only capable of transforming various music style and genres in diverse ways. Throughout the music composition of Stravinsky, there are various styles from Rimsky to Tchaikovsky from Mozart to Verdi and from Bach to Beethoven can be traced. Schoenberg produced original music and was a real creator of music.

Music is considered as an integral part of the human society, and from the ancient age, the music has been an important cultural measure for the society. The music has been evolved over the time, and several changes occurred to the music. The changes in the society, and important historic events, have a great impact on the music, and the music has been changed because of these events. There were many musicians who came and left their great marks by their amazing works in the field of music. Often it was witnessed that the two successful music composers were conflicting with each other since they had different ideology and music tradition. They came from different cultural backgrounds, and hence their musical upbringing was different that cause the conflicts. The history has witnessed many such conflicts of the music composers; however, the conflict between Russian music composerIgor Stravinsky and Australian music composer Arnold Schoenberg was one of the most hyped conflicts that lasted until the death of Arnold Schoenberg. Arnold Schoenberg was modern era music composer, and he broadly criticized the work of Stravinsky as imitating neither work nor an original piece of music. Igor Stravinsky was a neoclassicism music composer, and according to him Schoenberg was a music chemist. His flawless art only can be observed in experiment room.

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