


本分析的目的是为宝缇嘉即将推出的新产品制定营销计划。有人提议BV计划为他们的品牌推出一个新的秋季系列。这是一个相对较新的产品,是传统意识形态和新意识形态的混合。为此,本文对营销分析、战略营销、物流运营市场进行了详细的论述。根据实证数据,上海、北京、广州和深圳是中国最发达的四个城市,约占所有富裕消费者的30% (Zhou, 2011)。在排名前十的城市中,50%的富裕客户已经找到。中国的经济增长水平相当高;与农村地区相比,发达城市的增长率非常高。这些发达城市被发现占了大部分的销售(Sudame,和Sivathanu, 2013)。最初的产品发布应该在上海。本分析中提出产品将在中国时尚之都“上海”推出。

新产品在上海市场有巨大的潜力。本分析提出产品推出的“Couture”系列产品。有人说上海是“东方的巴黎”(Dubois, and Duquesne, 1993)。在过去的几十年里,它被发现增长非常快,商业运作一直与流行的时尚城市如米兰、巴黎和伦敦保持一致。上海被认为是“东方时尚之都”(Chadha, and Husband, 2010)。因此,有人认为上海是公司新产品上市的理想市场。在上海成立后,新产品的业务运营应延伸至北京,在北京,宝缇嘉已经有了良好的品牌形象。该产品的愿景和使命是成为奢侈品市场的领导者。他们想要确保他们保持产品的高质量水平(Degen, 2009)。这是产品的主要使命和愿景。


Purpose of this analysis is to develop a marketing plan for a new product that is to be launch by Bottega Veneta. It has been proposed that BV is planning to launch a new Fall season line for their brand. This is a relatively newer product that is a mix of conventional ideology and the newer ideology. For this the marketing analysis, strategic marketing, logistics operational market has been discussed in detail in this analysis. According to empirical data, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen are the four most developed cities in China that accounts for about 30 percent of all wealthy consumers (Zhou, 2011). Among the top ten cities, 50% of the wealthy customers have been found. There is a high level of disproportionate growth in China; the growth is very high in the developed cities when compared to the rural areas. These developed cities are found to account for the majority of sales (Sudame, and Sivathanu, 2013). Initial product launch should be in Shanghai. It has been proposed in this analysis that the product will be launched in the fashion capital of China “Shanghai”.

There is an immense potential for a newer product for Shanghai markets. This analysis proposes the product launch of the “Couture” collection of the product. It has been said that Shanghai was the “Paris of the East” (Dubois, and Duquesne, 1993). It has been found to grow tremendously in the past few decades and the business operations have been in line with the popular fashion cities such as Milan, Paris, and London. Shanghai has been estimated to become the “Oriental Fashion Capital” (Chadha, and Husband, 2010). Hence, it has been suggested that Shanghai is an ideal market for the new product launch of the company. Subsequent to establishing in Shanghai, the business operation of the newer products should extend to Beijing where there is already a good brand image for Bottega Venneta. The Vision and mission for the product are to be the market leader in the luxury products. They want to ensure that they maintain the high quality levels of the product (Degen, 2009). This is the main mission and vision statement of the product.