


考虑到动机是Bob最强大的特征之一,他仍然专注于建造船只,即使他的第一艘渡轮被拒绝,他仍然致力于开发更复杂的功能设计和渡轮(Kuratko et al., 2015)。此外,作为一种特性的创造力可以从由Bob开发的广泛的设计范围来看。他不仅坚持不懈,而且对开发的ferries (Ducker, 2014)的销售也很有说服力。他在创立InCat的初始阶段(Zolin, 2015)承担了所有可能的职位的组织角色,他是全能的。最重要的是,Bob承担了风险承受力、视野、商业技能和驾驶的特征,他在组织中担任主要领导者,不仅忽视了船只的设计和建造,而且还忽略了组织的管理(Fisher et al., 2014)。


Bob的其他一些创业特征是灵活性和开放性。这是显而易见的,目前组织队长的位置已经被鲍勃接管了。这个职位需要广泛的投入,而且时间很长,但他对水运的热情使他能够在发展国际品牌的情况下继续工作(Baum et al., 2014)。人们发现,鲍勃是澳大利亚最灵活的企业家之一,因为他不仅担任了船长的职务,还负责运送渡轮,而且实际上是在运河船上管理着这个组织。因此,在Bob的日常活动中,领导技能和业务管理技能是很明显的。


It is to consider that motivation is one of the strongest characteristics of Bob as he had remained focused and determined to build the boats even when his first ferry was rejected, he remained dedicated to develop more sophisticated and functional designs and ferries (Kuratko et al., 2015). Furthermore, the creativity as a characteristic can be viewed from the extensive range of designs that were developed by Bob. He was not only persistent but also persuasive regarding the sales of the developed ferries (Ducker, 2014). He consisted of versatility as he undertook the organizational role of all the possible positions at the initial stages of founding InCat (Zolin, 2015). Most importantly, Bob entails the characteristics of risk tolerance, vision, business skills and drive as he operated as a primary leader in the organization that overlooked not only the designs and construction of the boats but also the management of the organization (Fisher et al., 2014).


Some of the other entrepreneurial characteristics of Bob are the flexibility and open-mindedness. This is evident as presently the position of the organizational captain has been taken up by Bob. This position requires extensive dedication and it is time consuming but his passion for the water transport has enabled him to remain working despite of developing an international brand (Baum et al., 2014). It is found that Bob is one of the most flexible entrepreneurs in Australia as he not only undertakes the position of Captain which makes him responsible for the delivery of ferries but also manages the organization virtually from a canal boat itself. Hence, the leadership skills and business management skills are evident in the daily activities of Bob.