
代写价格-沃达丰和BT plc的供应链管理系统

本商业报告拟对代写价格-沃达丰和BT plc的供应链管理系统进行探讨,沃达丰系统的供应链管理系统介绍了企业资源规划。相反,BT plc在供应链管理系统中引入了OEM硬件,实现了对库存的高效管理。从2012年到2014年,BT plc的运营效率超过了沃达丰。但从股利折现模型来看,沃达丰的流动性状况要好于英国电信。发现英国电信公司的市盈率、市净率和市销率都高于沃达丰。接下来有关代写价格-沃达丰和BT plc的供应链管理系统的具体探讨分析如下:

The investment in BT plc for the short term period is attractive compared to other firms in the UK. BT plc has the financially more attractive for short term investment because of its higher price to earnings ratio, price to books value ratio and price to sales ratio. The higher valuation ratio of BT plc implies that the investors are attractive to the stock for investment in future. The increasing demand for the equity stock of BT plc may increase the share price for the short term period. However, the efficiency in terms of converting the sales into cash takes longer period for BT plc. Hence, the long time of investment to BT plc may not be effective for getting rate of return from the stock.
Medium term

The medium term investment is to be done in Vodafone. It is because Vodafone’s liquidity position is quite satisfactory and it is operationally efficient in terms of inventory turnover, debtors turnover and creditors turnover period. Although the stock has overvalued according to the dividend discount model of equity valuation, it is recommended to take sell position for short term period but for medium term period Vodafone stock may provide higher return to the investors.

Vodafone Company is attractive to the investors for long term perspective because of its operational efficiency. The stock is overvalued according to the dividend discount model. However, the operational efficiency of the company will help to generate increased sales in future. Although the price to earnings ratio and the price to book value ratio are lower compared to BT plc, the valuation ratio of Vodafone has maintained increasing trend. The increasing trend of the valuation ratio implies that the company will be profitable for long term perspective.

The business report is prepared to explore the supply chain management system of Vodafone and BT plc. The supply chain management system of Vodafone system introduced enterprise resource planning. On the contrary, BT plc introduced OEM hardware in the supply chain management system for efficient management of inventory. The operational efficiency of BT plc is found to be more than Vodafone from the year 2012 to 2014. However, the liquidity position of Vodafone is better than BT plc According to the dividend discount model Vodafone is overvalued. The price to earnings, price to book and price to sales ratio of BT plc is found to be more for BT plc compared to Vodafone.

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