


在通过股利政策进行现金分配方面,应合理计算派息率。支付率的计算方法是将股息价值除以所有税收后的盈利能力。股息值与资本投资的比值也对投资价值的最大化具有显著的指示作用(Zhu, 2014)。1997年,一家美国公司通过分红政策向股东派发了约2,750亿美元的股息,而该公司在缴纳了所有相关税费后,声称获得了56%的利润。股利政策对财务支出和进一步的投资程序有很大的影响(Lehmann, 1991)。“平稳”的股息支付是由保持适当的收入和成本比例的领导者来完成的。就收入而言,股息估计是不稳定的。在这段时间内,应该比较标准化偏差,这将描绘出股利法规的影响,除此之外,剩余股利方法在这方面也发挥着非常重要的作用。在这种情况下,应适当计算剩余金额。

它通常是通过最大化营运资本和最小化支出来计算的(Pham et al., n.d.)。股利政策带来的收益被认为是所有股票收益的一个基本要素。股利政策有助于投资金额的最大化。它被认为是非常有用的从过去100年的40%的回报价值(Da Silva, Goergen & Renneboog, 2004)。收益率:股息收益率是指年度股息与当前股票价值的偏差。不同的组织也有相同的情况。在大多数情况下,股息是由各自的组织按季度分配给股东的。股息的比例是在董事会会议后宣布的。还指出,在哪个时间段,股东可以获得股息额(Ogden, 1994)。如果股票经纪或股票转让过程缓慢,则按除息计算股息值,并以前两天的值记录。关于股利支付,组织有义务通过邮件向股东提供股利计算报表。


In terms of cash distribution through dividend policies, pay out rates should be calculated properly. Pay out rates is calculated by dividing the dividend value with the profitability which comes after submitting all taxes. The ratio dividend values and capital investment are also significant to indicate the maximization of invested values (Zhu, 2014). An American organization had distributed around $275 billion among the shareholders in 1997 through dividend policies, whereas the organization had claimed a profit percentage of 56% after submitting all related taxes. Dividend polices have a high impact on financial pay outs and further investment procedures (Lehmann, 1991). “Smooth” dividend pay outs are scored by the leaders maintaining a proper ratio of income and costing. In terms of income, dividends are estimated to be volatile. During this time period, the standardized deviation should be compared which will portray the impact of dividend regulations, apart from that residual dividend methods also plays a very important role in this regard. Left over amount should be properly calculated in such cases.

It is usually calculated by maximizing the working capital and minimizing the expenditures (Pham et al., n.d.). Returns caused by dividend policies are considered as an essential element of all stock return. Dividend policies help in maximization of invested amount. It is being considered to be very useful from last 100 years for the 40 percent return value (Da Silva, Goergen & Renneboog, 2004). Yields: Dividend yields are accounted by the deviation of yearly dividends in regards with current share values. The same varies from organization to organization. In most of the cases, dividends are distributed to the shareholder in quarterly by the respective organizations. The percentage of dividend is used to be declared after performed a board meeting of the directors. It is also stated that for which time period the shareholders are getting the dividend amount (Ogden, 1994). If there is any slow process caused by share broking or stock transferring, then the dividend value will be calculated as ex-dividend which will be recorded with values of previous two days. In regards to the dividend payment, the organizations are bound to provide a statement of dividend calculation to the shareholders through mail.