

代写价格-数字游戏导致的健康问题分析。游戏在身心发展方面发挥着巨大的作用,但随着技术的发展,与游戏相关的身体方面正在逐渐消失。今天公园仍然是空的,只有几个孩子分散在这里和那里,主要是老年人的社会成员。这是因为儿童和青少年已经失去了参加体育锻炼和运动的兴趣。21世纪的第二和第三个十年,由于年轻一代缺乏体育活动,预计会出现一些严重的健康问题。还有一个严重的社会互动问题与游戏和数字技术的使用有关,这使人们疏远。由于现代通信和社交应用的使用和依赖,人们之间的距离越来越远(Francesca, 2011)。游戏也产生了同样的效果,即玩家选择在网络游戏中挑战他们的朋友,而不是在地面上与他们碰面,争夺挑战。接下来论文范文代写价格-数字游戏导致的健康问题分析如下:

Games play an immense role towards mental and physical development but as technology has developed, the physical aspect associated to games is gradually being lost. Today parks remain empty with only a few children scattered here and there and mainly elderly members of society. This is due to children and teenagers having lost their interest to participate in practical games which deliver physical exercise and movement. The 2nd and third decades of the 21st century are expected to see the development of some serious health conditions due to the lack of physical activity among the younger generations. There is also a serious social interaction concern associated with the use of the games and digital technology which is distancing people. People are growing further apart due to the use and dependence of communicating via modern communication and social applications (Francesca, 2011). Games are also delivering the same effects where players are opting to challenge their friends in games online rather than meet them at the ground and tussle over the challenge.
The future beholds several negative aspects linked to the digital technology due to many people overusing and growing addicted to the technologies which are devastating their ability to interact and be normal people. Pokémon Go has brought an innovative idea which is aimed at allowing players become more mobile and social but over the long run, this may not be the solution since players are likely to grow bored and return to their games which allow the player to remain redundant and idle. These results in the smart phone and other handheld gaming consoles being discouraged by many professionals’ health and social advocates who continue to discourage the development and overuse of the handheld gaming and communication device which are actually compromising the integrity of the society by alienating the players. Humans are naturally social and it’s only natural that people should be able to communicate and share their thoughts and feelings as this helps reduce stress and promotes positive mental development as well as the acquisition and gaining of knowledge. Games deprive people from this basic human habit which is likely to result in triggering many social problems.

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