







最重要的是,旅游组织应该合理利用每一个内部增长优势。组织的内部和外部规模经济导致目标规模的增加(Hurley et al, 2012)。在所有的传统旅游区域中,都存在着向最佳和主要区域集中的趋势。这样的旅游中心给土地蒙上了一层阴影,对小地方的发展产生了负面影响。后者要求满足于利基市场的开发,由于持续的规模经济,对主要目的地没有任何兴趣。


本文进一步提出以创新为导向的旅游政策需要一定的工具调整。培训以人力资源的个性化资本的方式产生个性化的人才(Foley et al, 2010)。这些影响主要体现在长期前景上。它们与个人承诺等其他重要变量一起,可以反过来促进劳动生产率的提高。另一种可能是建立创新促进计划。旅游业政策就像一项技术政策,可以用来为框架创造条件,帮助发展和改进创新过程。


The traditional destination future will have dependence over a policy of tourism oriented over innovation. Such policies can help in extending the tourism products and services life cycles and for achieving a steady growth rate. The latter, as always is dependent over the capital and labour inputs with regard to development of more effective new markets offering cultivation and effectiveness in terms of industrial structures. Such factors are apparent as mechanisms for innovation creation. They can lead to contribute towards enhanced developments. When managers are trained properly, the sector-specific know-how development and the research and development support results towards creating the conditions for a tourism development that is more forward looking, making it also possible for the required innovation to take place at the level of product, process and marketing (Sundbo et al, 2014).

There is also the requirement for policy of tourism oriented on innovation at the level of destination. The destinations should be highly competitive on the market places internationally and nationally. In the destination context, enhance use should make it possible for possibilities to be offered through growth of endogenous nature. The existing tourism centres agglomeration effects need to be incorporated as external tourism products economies as in any situation, they do not cost anything to companies.

Above everything, tourism organizations should make the proper use of every internal growth advantage. The interior and exterior economies of scale for organizations results in increasing with the destination size (Hurley et al, 2012). In all the regions for traditional tourism, there exists a trend to concentrate within the best and major regions. Such tourism centres result in casting a shadow over the lands and influences negatively over the small locations growth. The latter requires having content with niche markets exploitation which due to constant scale economies does not have any interest for major destinations.

This paper is further of the notion that a tourism policy oriented on innovation needs certain instruments adjustments. Training results in creating personalized know-hoes in ways of personalized capital of human resources (Foley et al, 2010). The influences mainly are seen in the long term prospects. Collectively with other essential variables such as commitment personally, they can in turn contribute towards labour productivity improvement. Another possibility lies in creating innovation promotion programs. The policy of tourism is just like a policy of technology which can be utilized for creating conditions for framework that helps in developing and improving the process of innovation.