


In terms of the concept of the stock turnover, most of the company’s preferred the policies, which will effectively increase the liquidity of the company. As a result, this will significantly enhances the turnover as well as the valuation of the company and also affect the company’s stock price.

As per the statement of Jagric et al. (2015), TARP programme can be broadly discussed in terms of the Banking support programme as well as credit market programmes.

As per the law of capital purchase programme, the CPP is not capable to buy the mortgage-backed securities. It preferred to purchase shares from banks. The targeted investment programme is preferable for purchasing of the shares. In addition, according to the community development programme, this is able to provide at the lower rate of dividend. This dividend rate is used to purchase the shares from the targeted banks, which are focused to lending of the lower income (Gulf, Kim & Qiu, 2010).

Credit market programmes mainly consist of the public private investment programme, term asset, the backed securities loan facilities, and the programme of the securities purchase. In order to understand the programme of public private investment, this programme includes the funds, which is required to purchase the mortgage-associated securities from the banking balance sheet. In this context, Kim & Zhang (2011) puts that the management securities can be achieved by the investment into the TARP funds. As per the TALF programme, it is able to operate the asset backed security market. On the other hand, SBA programme can enhance the credit availability for the small businesses.

Moreover, as per the case study it can be stated that to understand the troubled asset relief programme, it is needed to discuss about the abnormal return of stock and normal return of stock. In the words of Guthrie (2011), abnormal return measures the distinction between the actual return and the expected return of securities. On the other hand, if beta is multiplied with the actual rate of return, then the normal rate of return can be observed. Beta measures the effect of stock on the market volatility.

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