


The historical events are always an interesting subject about the way it is being portrayed and the way it is interpreted to suit the present audience and also make the entertainment quotient of the movies industry survive with inclusions of self-declared incidents which are identical to the real ones. The conversion of events into cinematic language and elaborating the same events makes up the major part of the movies as it extracts the essence of the event and then makes it larger than life itself for enhancing its box office value and keeping the core principle of entertainment in cinema alive. The conversion has been done and handled in the best way possible and has been having profound impact on the audience, who tend to recollect the actual hardship of war, history, battles, and emotional turmoil of the real life event. The impact is even more profound when some viewers undertakes the cinematic language and the movie as their own and pledges to give up something bad or take up something good. These impacts are legendary and is only the result of the larger than life image and broadcasting of the real life event played by popular stars of elemental value, which then are able to push the feelings and impacts down to each of the viewers.

Similarly, 127 Hours is a unique conversion of the real life event of Aron Ralston who was stuck between the boulder in the Utah national park and in spite of more than two or three characters and that too the character remaining immobile for most of the film, the conversion of the real life even is absolutely real and makes one engaged for the full tenure of the movie. The conversion has changed the way people perceive failure, especially self-threatened failure and permanent loss of limbs or an organ of the body after the movie was released (Taylor, 2005). These impacts are more or less empowering and uplifting for all viewers and makes one rethink their poor quality of decision and replace it with a fresh one which is consisting of the fighting spirit and a genuine and excruciating urge to survive even after a major accident where a body organ is permanently lost (Teays, 2012).
United 93 and World Trade Center, both released within a short gap of about four months converted the tragic event of 9/11 in America to a moving cinematic showcase of the actual happenings of the event. The dialogues, the incidents, the small spontaneous actions, the saving attempts, the death embracement, helping others, and being a unable spectator to the event is largely shown to make the viewer aware of the intensity of the tragedy that stuck the country. The conversion is more about the happenings that occurred in small incidents which made up the larger one (Vankin and Whalen, 2005). The impact has been phenomenal and after five years of the event, the movie again raised may questions about the quality of decisions that were taken right after the event and has been having long lasting impacts on its society and in other countries as well.

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