


Environmental security and its promotion have become essential components for almost everyone living on this planet. Securing the environment will help in offering better lives for everyone in present and in future. However, in order to save the environment, it is not possible for one nation to make an effort on behalf of all the other nations. From this perspective, it becomes fair to say that international cooperation as well as environmental security are inter connected. The environmental security principles along with the languages have influenced the shape of key global accords in conjunction to the international relations definition and agendas of security. Cooperation at the international level therefore is an essential factor when trying to secure the environment and when trying to aim at environment sustainability. Cooperation of this level involves problematic issues of distributive nature across and within nations. This essay has been focused on arguments to state that environmental security requires international cooperation in order to be successfully achieved.
The essay will initiate with briefly analysing the reciprocating impact of international relations and environmental security. The global environment based agreements which are flourishing has been considered as a depiction of the relationship present between dimensions at the local and worldwide level. As a conclusion for this paper, a view for the long term has been provided.

Moreover, environment related policies of one nation inclusive of their taxes, subsidies and other instruments of regulation can indulge in having an influence over other nations with regard to importing and exporting (Haas, 2010). International agreements on the environment should consist of various provisions and measures that help the world at large and not just any one nation.
Hence, in many cases, there has been success gained through international cooperation, but there are still several areas in which international cooperation to secure the environment are needed for example in the situation of bush fires in Australia and the issue of ozone layer depletion in the specific area (Imber and Vogler, 2003). Through international support and cooperation of nations, global frameworks can be created to secure the environment. Such an effort is crucial and should be regarded mandatory.
The present world has become multi polar in nature with unequal power being divided to all the nations when it comes to development as some nations have lesser resources and others have more. This does not imply that any one nation is leading the other, but these power oriented nations need to come together to solve the biggest hurdles of mankind and presently concerns environment based security.

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