


index. It is a tool which helps in the creation and the execution of the Map algebra. Similar to any other geo-processing tools, it is something which can be used in Model Builder and can allow the power of Map algebra to be integrated into the workflows. Though, this is the tool which is not intended to be used for the purpose of scripting environment. The benefits of the raster calculator are many. Firstly, it helps in the implementation of the single line algebraic expressions. Secondly, it supports the large number of variables which may prove to be useful in case of map Algebra which is being built in case of a model builder. Thirdly, it helps in the application of a spatial operation of three or more inputs into a single expression. Fourthly, it can be used as a multiple Spatial Analysis in a single expression (Martin & Jay 117).
Raster calculator is designed for the purpose of execution related to the single line algebraic expression by the use of multiple operators and tools. While there is the use of multiple tools in a single expression, the equation performs in a faster manner in comparison to the execution of individual operators.
In order to use the Raster calculator tool, there are three main areas which may be useful for the purpose of creation of a Map Algebra Expression which includes Rasters, Tools and Expression. The input rasters list helps in the identification of the input which may be useful for the purpose of calculation of the Map Algebra expression. The raster list ideally consists of the layers which are the part of contents and datasets which may be added in the Add Raster button. Tools on the other hand are another convenient section which can be used for the calculation of Map Algebra expression. By clicking on any specific tool in the list, the name of the tool and the open and close parenthesis will be placed in the expression in which the pointer has been positioned currently. The placing of the tool may be anywhere in the expression, though it may be placed in a position such that it helps to produce valid map algebra syntax. Expression is the Map algebra expression which is to be executed. The expression is required to be entered with the valid syntax. In this research, the raster calculator has been used to find that 50 % of water is at the center pixel.

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