



Trading in between different provinces has been in practice since long time. The present research study tries to find out the effect of GDP growth rate fluctuation and fiscal policy of the continents Asia and Australia, effects on the trading relations in between them. It has been seen that continents trade in between themselves in order to acquire differentiated products and services from one another. Through this study, the researcher had tried to find out the factors that have urged the need of trading relations in between these two continents. Trade and business relations in between countries and continents are a very common goal of prospect. People from different places and areas tend to build up trade relations in between them and earn profit. Asia and Australia being to separate and unique entities have a strong trade relationship.

1.2 Significance of the Study

Through the conduction of the research study, the researcher wants to highlight the importance of gross domestic product and fiscal policies in the genre of establishing trade relations with other domains. In this research study, the researcher has chosen Asia and Australia, and how their respective gross domestic product, growth rate and fiscal policies taken up by the government with an aim of establishment of foster trading relations in between them. The study also emphasises the importance of forming influential fiscal policies for the attainment of esteemed goal set up by a domain.

1.3 Problem Statements

The study has tried to focus on the factors that are predominantly present in the economic structure of the Australian and Asian economies. The researcher had tried to emphasize on the characteristic components to determine, how the fluctuation in the gross domestic product growth rate and individual fiscal policies have affected the trade relations in between Australia and Asia.

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