


英语作为一种全球性的语言,目前是全球化语言的大部分特征的例证。会有人会争辩说,各种文化和经济领域都是以英语为主的。 “国家地理杂志”的编辑指出,在美国销售超过130万辆丰田汽车,可口可乐收入不到30%来自美国,雀巢在80个国家拥有自己的食品工厂, 90%以上的高产电影都是由美国制作的。因此,可以说来自不同国家的越来越多的趋势和产品正在进入全球市场(Graddol,1999)。由于全球思想和产品的增长,英语有助于促进这些趋势和产品的销售,并作为国际语言传播。在几个关键领域,英语已成为主流语言。这些领域包括国际旅行,大众媒体,教育,国际安全和通讯。




English as a global language currently exemplifies majority of the characteristics of aglobal language. There would be some people who would argue the fact that a variety of cultural and economic arenas are dominated by English. The editors of the National Geographic noted that over 1.3 million cars of Toyota are being sold in United States, less than 30% of the income of Coca-Cola is from the United States, Nestle has its own food factories in 80 nations and it is of American productions that more than 90% of the high productions films are made. Thus, it could be said that from a variety of nations, more and more trends and products are reaching the markets across the world (Graddol, 1999). Because of the growth of global ideas and product, English helps in facilitation of sale of these trends and products, spreading as an international language. In several crucial arenas, English has come up as a dominant language. These areas include international travel, mass media, education, international safety and communications.

Second feature of the BruttGriffler is possessed by English because of the demographics on the future users of English. This is because of the fact that alongside of the other languages English as a world language gas established itself very popularly. It is estimated that in the next 50 years the demographic projections supports that the equilibrium amongst the non-native and native speakers would be significantly shifted.

By definition if an international language belongs to one culture then we could conclude that for language learners it isn’t necessary to acquire knowledge regarding people’s culture who voice that specific language as their native tongue. However, there are some who are of the opinion that without knowledge of a target culture language can’t be taught.