


有效的时间管理将帮助管理者确保在给定的时间框架内完成任务。通过努力工作来实现有效的时间管理的概念已经被一种现代主义的方法所取代,这种方法包括聪明地执行任务,以便节省时间(Krishnan, Teo & Lim, 2013)。时间管理的好处包括灵活地利用现有资源和增加一天的组织活动。管理者可以利用时间管理来定义分配给员工的任务,发现需要管理层关注的具体问题,并监控组织实现目标的进展。在特定的情况下,琼斯先生和他的人力资源团队担心卡普尔先生的表现,因此需要从他那里找出表现不佳的原因。调查发现,卡普尔先生拖延工作导致经理们对他感到失望,尽管他工作很努力。因此,理解时间管理的基本概念是必要的,这将有助于理解管理者面临的挑战(Ling等,2014)。下面提供的报告将讨论琼斯先生可能采取的措施,以便通过平衡的时间管理计划分配和协助员工完成任务并实现目标。

报告还说明了无效时间管理对业务和任务的影响,以提高生产力和减少拖延的机会。报告的结尾对琼斯先生、他的人力资源团队和组织所面临的紧迫问题有着批判性的理解(McAllister, 2014)。一个组织的一般管理取决于政治、法律、经济、社会和技术方面。每个维度的变化都对组织的战略方向和业务的常规操作产生巨大的影响。时间管理的过程可能从一开始就包含在公司的政策中,或者是一种应对组织绩效问题的适应性措施。一般来说,时间管理被认为是为组织活动制定时间表(Neupane et al., 2012)。然而,在不评估时间管理缺陷的原因的情况下,管理人员可以找到方法来设计一种功能性策略,使不同的员工能够按照不同的职责安排时间表。由于计划不周和危机管理等因素,管理者面临着时间管理不当的问题。


Effective time management will help managers in ensuring completion of tasks within a given timeframe. The notion of achieving effective time management through hard work has been replaced with a modernistic approach involving smartness in executing tasks so that time can be saved (Krishnan, Teo & Lim, 2013). The benefits of time management include flexible implementation of available resources and increasing the organizational activity conducted in a day. Managers can use time management for defining the tasks to be assigned to employees, scouting specific issues which require the attention of management and monitoring the organization’s progress towards achieving objectives. In the given case Mr. Jones and his HR team are worried about the performance of Mr. Kapoor and hence need to find the reason for the low performance from him. It is found that Mr. Kapoor delays work which causes the managers to be disappointed with him despite his hard work. Thus it is necessary for comprehending the basic concepts of time management which will help in understanding the challenges for managers (Ling et al., 2014). The report provided below will deal with the possible measures which Mr. Jones can implement in order to assign and assist employees with tasks and achieve objectives through a balanced time management plan.

The impacts of ineffective time management on business as well as tasks are also illustrated in the report for facilitating higher productivity and lesser chances for procrastination. The report is concluded with a critical understanding of the pressing issues faced by Mr. Jones, his HR team and the organization (McAllister, 2014). The general management of an organization is dependent on political, legal, economic, social and technological dimensions. The changes in each dimension have a formidable effect on the organization’s strategic direction and the regular operations of the business. The process of time management may be an inclusion in company policy right from its inception or an adaptive measure to counter issues with organizational performance. Generally, time management is perceived as setting a timetable for carrying out organizational activities (Neupane et al., 2012). However, without evaluating the causes for flaws in time management, managers can find methods to devise a functional strategy which can enable the structuring of schedules for different employees handling distinct responsibilities. Managers face the issue of improper time management due to certain factors such as poor planning and crisis management.