

在这篇代写essay-Netflix公司成功的关键分析中详细概述了Netflix在满足投资者和分析师的期望、超出市场预期并将其股价推向新高方面所面临的困难。这种在如此短的时间内实现的强劲增长甚至让华尔街的分析师们感到惊讶。他们有理由宣称,Netflix可能凭借这一表现成为娱乐业最宝贵的财富。Netflix成功的关键是它以内容为中心的方法来赢得客户。在21世纪的媒体格局中,丰富的内容对于形成强大的网络和强大的渠道至关重要。Netflix的人员需求基于运营效率、市场知识、与观众沟通、发展和管理用户基础,以及对不断变化的市场和客户行为的警惕(McCord, 2014)。Netflix的首席内容官特德·萨伦多斯(Ted Sarandos)用他富有远见的招聘政策证明,一个有能力发现每一个机会的领导者是至关重要的。Ted认为雇佣一个经验丰富的专业人士并不能带来商业上的创新。因此,像Netflix这样的公司应该雇佣一些有创意的人,他们有合理的营销经验、很强的分析能力、对细节的洞察力、优秀的书面和沟通技巧,来设计无与伦比的内容策略。这些策略应该能够与目标受众产生共鸣,从而达到最佳效果。接下来有关代写essay-Netflix公司成功的关键分析如下:

Half the battle is one if you have the right people on board working as a team. The staffing needs of Netflix are based on operational efficiency, market knowledge, connect with the audience, development and management of subscriber base and vigilance towards changing markets and customer behaviour (McCord, 2014). Ted Sarandos, the chief content officer of Netflix, proved with his visionary hiring policies that it is essential to have a leader capable of identifying every opportunity that comes his way. Ted believes that hiring a highly experienced professional would not be able to bring about innovation in business. Hence, companies like Netflix should hire creative individuals with reasonable experience in marketing, strong analytical abilities, an eye for detail and excellent written and communication skills to design unparalleled content strategies. These strategies should be able to resonate with the target audience to achieve best results.

Steaming has become a basic need in today’s digital world, whether you are travelling, at home or on a vacation. It is a life saver for parents with small children as these sites are best mode of entertainment for children anywhere and anytime (Jenner, 2016). The availability of on demand streaming on the device of your choice at any time and on any location, is addictive, exciting and highly comforting. Netflix connects with this need of its audience and offers them what they expect. It understands the value of this facility and strives to provide the best service in order to increase retention of subscribers over time.

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