


Service as a process adds value to the bank . Services associated with the banks are classified on axes of the degree of interaction and level of customization and the degree of labour intensity. Banking services that are provided by Jinxian cannot be called as a service factory type of service because the labour intensity is not completely low and the degree of interaction and customization is somewhat high. It does not fit into the professional service quadrant because it is not necessary to customize solutions all the time for banks. Banks provide commercial and personal banking services that are mostly similar from customer to customer . The service shop quadrant is usually associated with those services that require low interaction and customization, now this is not the case with the bank, as customization for customers and interaction is high, so JINXIAN falls under the Mass service quadrant.
An improvement plan for the service should hence begin by approaching it based on elements of influence in this quadrant.
Now to improve the wait time, an implementation of a lobby manager in order to guide customers, attend to anxious customers, or assure them of time to be attended would help. It will have an impact on the wait time to consider how the addition of a lobby manager.

Secondly, the lobby manager could also be assigned additional work of giving the customer some form of an input form to fill, such as their account number that would make their work easier when they meet with the teller. Where there are different time periods, in addition to the lobby managers, some signs could be placed that electronically calculate and display the wait time. Queuing electronic display screens could be used.
In the case of the non-performing loan concerns for the bank, now there are two issues observed in the operational management with respect to loan sanctioning that has led to non-performing loans NPLs. Firstly, fraudulent documents were not checked, and secondly even as NPL continued with respect to a borrower, the bank continued to sanction more loans indicating that its monitoring system was not well developed. In this context, having a detailed after- monitoring system like the one below would help.

In addition to monitoring, survey formats used to collect data from people who have got loans in order to assess situation and other details that could lead to risks in defaulting of loan would also help.

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