

这部电影的剪辑很普通。然而,这对于50年代的好莱坞来说已经足够了,好莱坞并没有突破常规的剪辑技术,如剪切和模糊。没有后续的镜头,手持相机,和不均匀的三脚架碟是显而易见的,但不是理所当然的一个扰流片。当一个人感到有实质内容需要简单地剪切并移动到下一个场景时,这表明他在编辑方面缺乏专业知识。总的来说,《在海滨》的外观和感觉是黯淡的、自我否定的,而且完全可以想象,喀山在某种程度上摒弃了他在前十年制作的那些真诚但毫无品味的好莱坞电影,与《布鲁克林的一棵树》(a Tree Grows in Brooklyn)非常相似。



The editing of the film was very ordinary. However, it was sufficient for the Hollywood of 1950’s, which had not broken out of routine editing techniques of cuts and blurs. The absence of following shots, handheld camera, and uneven tripod dish are perceptible, yet not as a matter of course a spoiler. When one feels substance to simply slice and move to the following scene, it demonstrates a level of lethargy or absence of expertise in editing. On the whole, the look and feel of “On the Waterfront” is bleak, self-denying, and altogether conceivable, a certain dismissal by Kazan of the sincere however tastelessly wistful Hollywood movies he had made in the earlier decade, much similar to ‘A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.’

The discrete photography and the extensive area of shooting in New Jersey make “On the Waterfront” a true carrier of the European ancient traditions and customs such that a large number of other American movies of the time (like Jules Dassin’s Naked City) began to impersonate, yet proved unable, tumbling off in later reels into emerging tradition of cinematography and film editing. Kazan manages the lowly apprehension of the docks through each shot of the film. One can view the same in the chilled breaths of the performing artists in the dark and freezing New Jersey evenings, and one can also feel it in the sweat-soaked Polish bar wedding scene, where the general population of the waterfront look for discharge from their work with such wild eyed vitality.





因此,他们抓住了他们的作品,并形成了当时流行音乐的实质。流行音乐的趋势可能改变了音乐的节奏和节拍,但其深刻的含义总是显而易见的。这触动了广大公众的思想、心灵和灵魂。许多社会政治、宗教和文化运动都受到流行音乐的影响。一旦流行音乐开始突出任何问题,它通常被普通人所接受。朗朗上口的曲调、含沙射影的影射和暗示性的手段是流行音乐的长处。它们构成了当今社会思想进程的脊梁。他们的行为实际上就像是一个地方的普通民众的武装号召(Sadie, 142)。


Popular music took on the responsibility of apprising the general population and also about the socio-cultural upheaval taking place in society. On the one hand, it praised the virtues of a close knit family that looked after its old and infirm inmates as well as the infants and on the other had, the popular music brought to light the selfish trends where men and women were running away from responsibility and hardships of family life resulting in the breaking down of this vitally essential structure. It was the time of strife where people were trying to find their own feet. They wanted to realize their own dreams. It was a time of impatience, dissatisfaction and to some extent greed and acquisitiveness. The writers, composers and singers of popular music caught these social trends and highlighted the vital and most relevant need of the times, the need for cohesiveness, perseverance and patience.

Thus they captured in their compositions and they formed the substance of popular music of the day. The trends of popular music may have changed the tempo and beat of the music, yet the deep meaning was always apparent. This was what touched the minds, hearts and souls of the general public. There have been many socio-political, religious and cultural movements that have been high-lighted by the power of popular music. Once the popular music had begun to highlight any issue, it was usually taken up by the common people. Catchy tunes, innuendoes and suggestive measures were the strong point of the popular music. They formed the back-bone of the current thought processes of the society. They virtually acted like a call to arms for the general population of a location (Sadie, 142).



生物降解聚合物是一类可以分解为天然化合物的特殊聚合物。这些被认为是一种可行的材料,可以替代石油基塑料(Anne, 2011)。由于其用途的增加和对环境的影响,越来越多的研究致力于生物可降解聚合物的开发。从研究分析来看,它具有最大的增长潜力。不像石油产品。这些产品可以被降解为环保产品(Anne, 2011)。近年来,由于石油基产品的有害影响,这些材料得到了开发。为了对这些化合物进行分类,了解它们的结构分析机理,需要了解基本的结构化学,发现它们主要由酯、酰胺或醚键组成(Ojeda, 2013)。

这些结构可以分解成对环境友好的化合物(Ojeda, 2013)。根据它们的用途、结构和生产方法,可以对这些生物降解聚合物进行分类。将生物聚合物分为两大类,分别对其可再生含量和生物降解程度进行了分类。在此基础上,将它们分为:由多糖和蛋白质组成的农业聚合物。从微生物中提取的聚合物,如聚羟基烷酸盐(PHA)。聚合物是从生物衍生的单体化合物如聚乳酸(聚乳酸)发展而来的。同样来自石油产品(Anne, 2011)。


Biodegradable polymers are particular categories of polymers that can break into natural compounds. These are considered to be a viable material that can replace petroleum-based plastics (Anne, 2011). Owing to their increased uses and their effects on the environment, more researches have been dedicated for the development of biodegradable polymers. From research analysis, it has proven to have the most potential for growth. Unlike petroleum based products. These products can be degraded into environmentally friendly products (Anne, 2011). In the recent times owing to the deleterious effects of petroleum based products, these materials are developed. There is a need to understand the basic structural chemistry in order to classify the compounds and understand their mechanism On structural analysis of these compounds, it has been found that they are primarily composed of ester, amide or ether bonds (Ojeda, 2013).

These structures can be broken down into compounds that are environmentally friendly (Ojeda, 2013). Based on their usage, structure and their method of production these biodegradable polymers can be classified. Biopolymers are classified into two main groups the classification is made on their renewability content and biodegradable level. Based on this, they are classified into :Agro polymers they are comprised of poly saccharides and proteins.Polymers that are extracted from microorganisms such as Poly-Hydroxy-Alkanoates (PHA).Polymers developed from Bio derived monomeric compounds like Poly Lactic acid (PLA).Also from oil products (Anne, 2011).



重要的身份成就基本指标包括青年个人对未来的职业有明确的认识,有规律地选择娱乐活动和政治上的意识形态,以及知道如何理想地生活和实现他们的愿望。这些身份成就要素对于防止青少年特别是女孩无法专注于工作、未来的狂热投资、参与违法广告狂热地向当局提交等都是重要的。身份成就的一个分支是在个人内部保持高度的自尊。除此之外,在学业成就、家庭凝聚力和社区服务方面,身份认同的实现似乎有着至关重要的影响。基于偶像崇拜的态度涉入涉及到迁移、浪漫虚幻、虚荣和偶像崇拜范围(White et al, 2009)。



Important identity achievement essential indicators are inclusive of the young individuals having clarity on their career in future, selecting activities of recreation regularly and ideologies politically as well as knowing the way in which one can live ideally and achieve their aspiration. Such identity achievement elements are important to prevent younger teenagers especially girls from the incapacity to focus over tasks, future based fanatic investment, involvement delinquently ad submission fanatically for the authority. One identity achievement offshoot is high self-esteem maintenance within individuals. Achievement of identity, apart from this, appears to have essential bearings over achievement academically, cohesion in family and community service. Idol worship based attitudinal involvement has reference to relocation, romance illusory, vainglory and the idol worship range (White et al, 2009).

Vainglory here has a reference to focus over fame acquisition, status in the society, possession of material and trendy and luxurious living. It is a result from commercialized pop culture audience. The pop culture industry accordingly, further has an interest in commodification values cultivation, fabricated pop stars intimacy and consumption in customers for perpetuating consumption further. Such a commercial cultivation trend is apparent across Asian nations. It helps to explain the increasing aspiration of materialist nature between the modern world younger girls. As depicted in other researches on common public, a person having more materialistic tendency, consumes more and has a tendency of being less focused on differences of class. To younger individuals having only limited resources of finances, such pattern of life appears to have detriment to their development of identity.











个人陈述(PERSONAL STATEMENT)是在申请过程中按照学校的要求来写的一篇有关申请者背景、学术研究能力以及职业目标的文章。一篇成功的个人陈述一定要有重点,有内容,根据学校和专业的要求来写,要充分地展示出申请者的优势,以便能够抓住录取委员会的注意力。










负担能力和差距是导致中国卫生部门增长的另一个因素。由于巨大的成本,大多数中国的穷人和中产阶级家庭无法负担。与此相比,他们发现美国的治疗更便宜(Li & Song, 2002)。为卫生保健制定的政策影响有限是另一个原因。从2000年起,政府开始实施针对贫困和中产阶级的价格优惠政策。但是,这些政策的影响实际上很小,而且没有得到经常实行。缺乏政府对组织和管理的适当监管是中国卫生服务水平低下的另一个原因(Gao et al., 2001)。对于需要多重护理的患者缺乏协调的护理。不同的政府机构在提供医疗服务方面并没有发挥有效的作用和制定有效的规章制度。

中国医院的认证成立于1989年。正因为如此,有许多检查包括科学的管理、病人的安全以及服务质量。该认证并没有在所有地区得到正确的实施,同时也存在着谨慎的观察。私营医院的缺乏是医疗保健差的另一个原因。政府的诊所和医院一般都不够好。在许多地区,没有私营医院。医疗中心管理不善是另一个原因。研究发现,大多数服务提供者是在乡镇一级雇佣的,政府拥有传统服务(Eggleston et al., 2008)。因此,它们对工作人员的选择、雇用、解雇和补偿率的控制非常少。


Affordability and disparity is another factor which has led to the rise in the health sector of China. Because of the huge costs, most of the poor and middle class families are unable to afford in China. In comparison to this, they find the treatment in USA much cheaper (Li & Song, 2002). Limited impact of the policies made for the health care is another reason for the same. From 2000, the government has made the policies implement price discounts for the poor and middle class people. However, there policies actually had a very less impact and had been not brought in regular practice. Lack of proper regulation on the organization and the management by the government is another reason for the poor health services in China (Gao et al., 2001). There is a lack of coordinated care for the patients who want multiple cares. The different government organizations have not taken effective roles and regulations in the delivery of healthcare services.

The accreditation of the Chinese hospitals was established in year 1989. Because of the same, there are a number of checks including the scientific management, safety of patients and service quality. This accreditation is not implemented properly in all the regions and there is discretion observed in the same. Lack of private sector hospitals in many reasons is another reason for the poor healthcare. The government clinics and hospitals are generally not good enough for the patients. In many regions, there are no private sector hospitals.Poor management at the healthcare centers is another reason for the same. It has been found that most of the service providers are hired at the township level with traditional services owned by the government (Eggleston et al., 2008). Thus, they have a very less control over the process of selection, hiring, firing and the rate of compensation for the staff.





Aim of this report is to establish and prove that the managers who follow strict ethical approach in the workplace tends to be more successful and perform better than those who do not exhibit ethical behavior in making business decisions. The scope of this research is reflected in the material represented in it. It makes it an informed reading source for students as well as leaders seeking information on the ethical leadership, traditional approaches, models, consequences, methods to include it in practice and also the objective of profit behind this approach.The methodology used to compile this report is extensive use of books and journals on the topic of ethical leadership. The use of college library and archives has immensely helped in making this report possible. Due to the sheer vastness of the material available on the topic of ethical leadership, it became a mammoth task to decide what is most relevant to our research topic.

The material present here has its limitations as it is not all encompassing and reflects my views and understanding of the subject of ethical leadership. For the success of any organization, it is necessary that the scope, ambition and goals of the leaders match with those of the business vision, thus it is essential for the managers to have an honest approach towards their work. Conclusion includes some recommendations to ensure that the learning outcomes of this report are easily understood by the readers.The report also suggests that how in the present changing circumstances “crisis of trust” is becoming widened up among the managers and the employees and how this gap can be closen to bring the two essential factors of growth, managers and employees together.



考虑的替代产品或服务的威胁,效果也是极低的。这句话是在上下文中,这个行业没有很多选择的替代的长途航班。然而,对于短途飞行,有一个可用的替代品。英国航空公司最近成立的5号航站楼客服和操作性能的转换(Alderighi et al .,2011)。公司专注于超过行李目标和守时在整个网络,同时确保实现客户满意度的得分记录。未来,企业认为投资新飞机的效率和灵活性,即使在经济挑战的持续时间。所有这些努力都是在英国航空公司作为一个关键的进一步消除替换产品的风险提供额外的好处。

考虑到供应商之间的讨价还价的力量,整体效果高。这么高的影响主要是由于限制的运营成本和关键依赖的供应燃料(巴尔莫,2012)。此外,最近一段时间以来,员工,供应商可以选择下罢工工会的支持。这些因素导致增加供应商之间的讨价还价的力量。没有否认这一事实的现代商业航空公司增加了互联互通。因此,英国航空公司(British Airways)的关键在一个网络可靠性non-airline和航空公司合作。公司努力工作更可持续的发展和更好的与供应商的关系,以平衡能力的影响在供应商讨价还价。


Considering the threat from the substitution of products or services, the effect is also extremely low. This statement is in context with the fact that the industry does not have many options of substitution for flights of long haul. However, for flight of short haul, there is an availability of some substitutes. British Airways has recently established its Terminal 5 for the transformation of customer service and operational performance (Alderighi et al., 2011). The company focuses on exceeding baggage targets and punctuality throughout the network, while ensuring the achievement of record score for customer satisfaction. Further ahead, the business considers the efficiency and flexibility of making investment in new aircraft, even in the duration of challenging economic grounds. All of these efforts are put in by British Airways as a key for further eliminating the risks for substitution of product by the provision of the added benefits.

Considering power of bargaining among suppliers, the overall effect is high. This high effect is mainly because of the restrictions in terms of the operational costs and key dependence on the ones supplying fuel (Balmer, 2012). In addition, it has been seen since recent times that employees and suppliers have the option to be on strike under the support of trade unions. These factors result in increasing the power to bargain among the suppliers. There is no denial in the fact that the modern business of airline has increased interconnectivity. Hence, British Airways has key reliability on one network for both non-airline and airline partnerships. The company works hard for the development of more sustainable and better relationships with the suppliers in order to balance out the effect of power to bargain among the suppliers.





The market research conducted by the Bay Ferries services observed a considerable increase in the number of passengers from America. The increased traffic can lead to profits for both the government and the ferry operator if added services are offered, the income from which can be divided between the government and the service operator. The passengers are likely to pay for the service charges owing to better facilities. Such services can be related to the utilitarian theory that links any decision to the maximization of pleasure.

The delegation of responsibilities on the various departments and the clauses provided for ecological maintenance would definitely be beneficial for the operator, as they would have to be less observant of the traffic ways maintenance. Furthermore, following the environmental clauses would result in them providing a better service to the passengers by improving the aesthetic appeal, and thereby increasing their bottom-line.The above impacts of the sharing of responsibilities among the relevant authorities would considerably lower the pressure on the government alone, while substantially increasing the quality of services for the passengers.














