

根据历史学家Thomas Caryle的词,“世界历史是伟人的传记。”有一些领导理论。最早的领导理论之一是1840年提出的伟人理论。根据这个理论,只有一个人才能有伟大领袖的特性。它认为,伟大的人是天生的领导素质,是内在的(低音及应用,1990)。
在特质理论之后,引入了领导行为理论。它提供了一种完全不同的领导者视角,并聚焦于领导者的社会、心理和生理特征。因此,它是从领导者那里了解有效的人际关系和人类行为的东西。因此,领导者定义自己内在的品质,而不是内在的东西。行为理论之所以重要,是因为它关注于领导者所拥有的特定行为。最重要的两个不同的行为研究中包括的任务导向型领导和以人为本的领导(Yukl et al,1999)。一方面,任务导向型领导侧重于组织的结构和组织遵循的程序。这种行为包括主动性、组织能力、澄清和收集信息等素质。以人为本的领导,另一方面包括关注人民内心需求的领导者。因此,他们倾向于通过强调人际关系来激励工作人员。


According to the word of the historian, Thomas Caryle, ‘The history of the world is the biography of great people.’ There have been a number of theories on leadership. One of the earliest theories of leadership is the Great Man Theory, proposed in the year 1840. According to this theory, only a man could have characteristics of the great leader. It assumed that the great man are born and the leadership quality is intrinsic (Bass & Stogdill, 1990).
The theory was disputed in 1860 by a professor Herbert who started that the leaders are due to social conditions.
Further, trait theory of leadership was proper in 1930-1940. This theory believed that the people who become good leaders are either born with the leadership qualities or they make themselves excellent with respect to a certain role. These qualities includes intelligence, sense of responsibility, creative view and other values. Thus, the trait theory of leadership largely focused on the analysis of the mental, physical and social condition of the person in order to identify different characteristics of a leader. But, there were certain negative things about this theory, hence it was rejected.
After the trait theory, the behavioral theory of leadership was introduced. It offered a completely different perspective of being a leader and focused upon the social, mental and physical characteristics of a leader. Thus it was something which understood the effective relationships and the human behaviors from the leaders. It is therefore defined that the leaders develop the qualities within themselves and is not something which is inherent. The behavioral theory was important because it focused on the specific behavior possessed by the leader. The two most important among the different behavioral studies included the Task oriented leadership and people oriented leadership (Yukl et al, 1999). On one hand, the task oriented leadership was something which focused on the structure of the organizations, the procedures which were followed with the organization. This kind of behavior consisted of qualities like taking the initiative, organizational abilities, clarifying and gathering of information. People oriented leadership, on the other hand includes the leaders who focus on the inner need of the people are satisfied or not. Thus, they tend to motivate the staff members by their emphasis on the human relations.



根据文章,在欧洲推广佛教。Bhikkhu Bodhi,作者试图解释,佛教的宗教在欧洲地区鲜为人知,因为在过去的20年里,西方公众对佛教的认识已经提高,并且正在急剧增加(菩提,2000)。作者为了确保在欧洲的佛教不仅是大众媒体来源和佛教电影的结果,而且实际上必须通过使宗教渗透到欧洲的土壤中,从而健康地促进,这一宣言由作者做出。作者对这首诗的创作方式进行了仔细的解读,而埃德温·阿诺德爵士的《亚洲之光》一直激励着西方佛教的发展。佛教之所以能蓬勃发展,其原因在于各种因素,包括政治统一性、良好信仰、以及需要采用一种精神信仰体系。对于西方人来说,佛教是唯一的过程,通过这种训练,心灵的训练可以带来内心的平静和对自我的深刻认识,这也有助于实现西方国家灵魂的另一种深刻的需求。此外,作者还指出,西方人必须面对的各种问题不仅是外在的,而且是内在的(菩提,2000)。因此,根据这篇文章,需要在西方文化中保持微妙的纪律,以隐藏在宗教背后的明确意图。从这篇文章中可以看到,在电视上使用电影的大众媒体报道将不会帮助佛教扩大和触及人们的内心,因为电影往往误解了真实的刺激。例如,在电影《小佛》中,导演们并没有把注意力集中在唤起和诠释宗教的正确情感上。这篇文章还描述了真正的僧侣和修女的需要,他们是佛法的实际化身。


According to the article, Promoting Buddhism in Europe by Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, the author has tried to explain that the religion of Buddhism is not known barely in the region of Europe because since the past 20 years awareness in public in the West has raised on Buddhism and is sharply increasing (Bodhi, 2000). This proclamation has been made by the authors in order to make sure that Buddhism in Europe is not just a result of mass media sources and Buddhist films but actually has to be healthily promoted by making the religion seep through the soil of Europe. The author discretely interprets the way in which the poem, The light of Asia by Sir Edwin Arnold has been inspiring the growth of Buddhism in the Western region. The reason for Buddhism to flourish as per the authors comes from various factors inclusive of political uniformity, favorable belief and the need to adopt a system of spiritual belief. Buddhism for the westerners was the only process by which training of mind could take place for bringing peace inside and deep knowledge of the self which also led towards fulfilling alternative profound requirement of the soul in the western region. Additionally, the authors proclaim that various problems the westerners will have to face are not only external but also internal (Bodhi, 2000). Therefore, according to this article, there requires a maintenance of delicate discipline in the middle of western culture temptations that may hide the clear intention behind the religion. From this article, it can be implied that mass media coverage using films on television will not help Buddhism to expand and reach the hearts of people because films often misinterpret the real stimulation. For example, in the film the little Buddha the directors have not focused on arousing and interpreting the right feeling of the religion. This article also has depicted the need for real monks and nuns who are actual embodiments of Dhamma.







 The case study describes that there are many factors that forced the general and industry environment and affected Campbell’s choice of strategy. Changes in the preferences or tastes of customers and countries different consumption pattern or culture are forced general environment that affect the company’s strategy. Campbell is a leading food producer in the US as covered the around 85% US household market, but in recent times, the company soup sales has slowdown as sales declined by 6% in 2011 and 1% in 2012 in compare to last year (Yahoo, 2014). The US customers were looking for more convenient meal or food options such as ready meals and eating out.
Moreover, the company also has not performed well in the Russia and Chinese market because these countries customers prepare soup at home. Consumptions of soup in China and Russia countries has far higher than the US but the both countries consumed homemade soup that impacted on the sales of soup of Campbell’s. The Chinese market consumes around 300 billion serving a soup in a year, while the US customers consumed only 14 billion serving a soup in a year. Campbell want if the company could capture only 3% at home consumption market than it is equal to the size of US business. The China’s and Russia’s soup sales declined due to homemade-soup culture in the countries (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2014).
In addition, high competition force the industry environment affects the company’s choice of strategy. The US packaged food industry recorded slower growth rates in 2011 than that in 2010 because customers prefer to eat at home after rise in the price of commodity. Moreover, after the recession in 2008, American are cooking at home to response the recession. In addition, the availability of refrigeration and other storage space in homes of most of the people also impacted the demand of packaged food and soup in the market (Cox, 2008).





The activities of OSFI have been divided into 2 broader categories inclusive of supervising and regulating. Supervising holds OSFI to identify risks specific to the institution and its related trends along with timely intervention for minimizing loss to Canadians. Regulation on the other hand lies in enhancing the safety procedures related to financial systems by system-wide risks evaluation and promotion of best practices by recommendations, policy offerings and guidance.
From this perspective, the three main sectors of OSFI are supervising, regulating and corporate service sector. The authority employs more than 600 employees across 4 separate organization chains such as in Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.
The power for OSFI is driven from several legislations such as the Bank Act, Trust and Loan organizations Act, Cooperative Credit Associations Act, Insurance companies Act and even Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985. These legislations help the OSFI to set out rules for structuring and operating the financial institutions along with federal regulation standards formalization (Eggert et al, 2012). The several acts addressed above are important aspects of the industries that they are responsible for governing and they are designed in a way that they provide consistency. Under the Act of OFSI, it is a responsibility of OSFI to report to the parliament by the Finance Minister and the sole responsibility of the superintendent is to exercise the provided authorities through legislations of finances and pensions and it is required that OFSI makes reports to the Finance Minister. The regulation of OSFI is across 400 institutes of finances and also across Canadian based 1500 pension plans inclusive of deposit taking institutions, foreign bank representative offices in Canada. Institutes taking deposits with banks are inclusive of banks such as domestic banks, foreign banks, complete service branches foreign bank and branches for foreign banks, trust organizations, loan organizations, associations for cooperative credit and retail associations for cooperatives.



一般来说,固定的分区必须有一个标准的64毫米钢钉在它的固定的单层上,并且在每一边固定的石膏板和完成的油漆。如果声音处理在操作上是必须的,那么它就可以沿着附加的石膏板、声音填充或其他技术专家的结构。在屋顶上的舱壁必须被忽略,除非它很明显是需要的,因为它的初始成本很重,当租户离开时第一次开采成本,而初始价格的增加可以通过空调的服务来改变。按照规定,改变的包裹应该从标准的64mm大小的钢钉和单独的薄钢板上进行开发,并在每一面和一个漆面上画上石膏板。在这种情况下,声音处理实际上是很重要的,因此它可能会在额外的石膏板、声填充或其他主开发的基础上实现。在屋顶上的舱壁应该被避开,除非是由于他们的高昂的入门费用,在占用期间的疏散费用被放弃了,而更换空调和冷却系统的费用也增加了。(James e .导演奖,1992)。







In general, the partitions that are fixed must have a standard of 64mm steel studs in its taped single layer and it fixed plasterboard on every side and completion of painting. If sound treatment was operationally must, hence it could be taken along added plates of plasterboard, sound infill or other technical specialist constructions. Bulkheads which are above the roof must have to be ignored unless it is obviously needed because of its heavy initial cost, the first cost of extraction when the tenant has vacated and the increase of initial price can be modified by the service of air conditioning that suit. As a rule, altered parcels ought to be developed from standards of 64mm sized steel studs along with a solitary thin plate section of taped and arrange plasterboard on each one side and a painted completion. On the off chance that sound treatment is practically important, hence this might abide accomplished with extra layers of plasterboard, acoustic infill or other master development. Bulkheads over the roof ought to be evaded unless completely essential in view of their high introductory expense, the expense of evacuation during the occupancy was abandoned and the increased price of changing aerating and cooling administrations to suit. (James E. Rappoport, 1992).


The normal building roof is to be held and adjusted just if practically important. On the off chance that the building’s guidelines roof was adjusted, hence it would be reestablished to its unique state during the occupancy was cleared.

Regularly, a particular rejected roof would be introduced of a component as the building. All roof tiles or completions modified or harmed by the occupant must be supplanted and/or repaired by the inhabitant.


Ordinarily, cover or floor covering tiles would be given abide the building’s holder. Every floor covering or rug tiles adjusted or harmed abide the inhabitant must have been supplanted and repaired by the occupant is towards suite unique floor complete during the tenure is abandoned.





Cognitive psychology approach proceeds with analyzing the personal level. Cognitive psychology also includes social psychology under it. Human cognizance needs a context to understand and analyze for elements. It might not be able to do so without the right amount of contextual presentation. Any form of information given to the human brain will be mapped with existing representations or connections and these will then be reasoned and analyzed before being updated. A similar scenario is also possible in the context of media representations. It can be seen that media representations also work with framing in ways where contextual representations is presented. The contextual representation could either be the history of a case or it could be the case as presented to the people of particular state or nation. These forms of contextual information are a very essential part of framing. Here the main consideration is given to which of the frame could be considered for disposing and structuring the messages such that they reach an audience better. These studies in the psychological level are presented in frames of reference from Sherif and prospect theory from Kahneman and Tversky. Sherif (1935) posits that individuals’ determination and cognition are not only impacted by psychological factors but also must occur in a proper reference frame. Psychology is also individual and social and most of these developments also proceed from a contextual frame of reference or origin. As Lippmann (1922: 55) argues, “we pick out what our culture has already defined for us, and we tend to perceive that which we have picked out in the form stereotyped for us by our culture”, so just as the individual’s individual and collective social psychology might overlap, there is also overlapping created in the existence of the frame. It appears that in effect that frame in individual level could impact the existence of the media frame. Kahneman and Tversky consider how a set of same natural messages impact selections and what the evaluations of such selection could be when such a message is present in different ways.  In this context it is necessary to consider the elements of the individual and the society as they obviously impact on the framing.





遵循相同的逻辑,虚拟变量已被用于确定其他变量(如国家和团队)的影响。 分析中使用的数据来自网站Ultimate A-League。得分最多的年龄组的计算可以通过直方图完成。分析基于5岁年龄组从15岁开始分配数据。因此,年龄组包括15至19岁,20至24岁等。对整个数据以及一些具有大量数据点的组进行了分析。


To include the other intrinsic variables, further regressions were carried out. To capture the effect of different categories, dummy variables were created to compare if there exists any significant relation with goal keeping in these categories and that if they were different from the other categories. The general standard rule of using a dummy variable is that the category in a variable having the highest frequency is not assigned a dummy variable but all other categories are assigned a dummy variable (Data and Statistical Services, Princeton University). The dummy variables are used to compare any difference they create in the dependent variable as compared to the variable which has no dummy. For example, the analysis includes the maximum number of players from the striker position. So, the model does not use any dummy variable for the position of a striker but uses a dummy variable for all the other positions. So, the model coefficient for the position of goalkeeper can be interpreted as the difference of impact the goalkeeping position has on goal scoring against the position of striker. If the coefficient is positive and statistically significant, then the position has a significantly positive effect on the number of goals against the position of striker. A similar interpretation can be drawn for all other positions.

Following the same logic, dummy variables have been used to determine the impact of other variables like country and team. The data used in the analysis has been sourced from the website Ultimate A-League。

The calculation of age groups having the most number of goals scored can be done through histograms. The analysis distributes the data based on a 5 year age group starting from 15 years. Thus the age groups would include 15 to 19 years, 20 to 24 years and so on. The analysis has been carried out for the overall data as well as for some of the groups which have significant number of data points.





The constitution of the company is adopted in many ways; the first way is to adopt the constitution by registering in which each applicant agrees with the terms of the constitution before becoming member of the company. Another way of adopting the constitution is after the registration in which a special resolution is passed that adopts a constitution (Campell, 2013). A company can modify the constitution developed after passing a special resolution. In this special resolution 21 days notice is present for the companies that are listed publically and agreement under which special resolution is passed consists of 75% of the majority votes that are in the favour of the amendment.
Amendment in the constitution
The company can only repeal its constitution after getting 75% of the majority votes by the members and this is how special resolution will be passed. If there is some contract then all the parties need to agree with the change in terms and conditions of the contract (Mancuso, 2013). This majority of 75% will give the right to the members of the company to look forward into the amended constitution and minorities in votes will have to bind with the new constitution clauses.
Another factor is present that explains about the amendment in the constitution that may not be effective when amendment is passed unanimously by the stakeholders or some of the members are retired from the company.
Current situation of AHA
After looking at the rules and regulations of the corporations act and constitution it can be stated that Grace is not in a good position right now. She can only save herself by getting majority members on her side. It looks that other directors and stake holders of the company are not happy with her performance and they want to hire new accountant because she is charging too much. In this case it is not mentioned that other members of the company are following full standards of amending the constitution like they have to inform 21 days before about the amendment and this decision cannot be taken unanimously. Agreement by 75% members of the organization is required. In this situation a table of replaceable rules is followed that mentions about the objects that are subject to the amendment.





Agreements are binding promises made by transacting parties for an exchange as stated inside, and it binds the parties to abide by the clauses and promises under the agreement that are to be adhered. With growing complexity and freedom of conducting business or any personal endeavour, agreements today are becoming mush varied and tend to have some stringent binding clauses which have the potential of creating a misalignment between the parties later. Considerations are one such element of an agreement, where parties need to provide details of some consideration for the services or monetary rewards they expect from others and vice-versa. However, some agreements are also sealed without any consideration on a party and it becomes a tricky situation for the law to address the concerns of such cases. This paper explores the validity and enforcement of agreements which are along with or without a consideration.
When two or more parties enter into an agreement, it is usually for exchange of services, mergers, takeovers, property purchase, will formation, etc. An agreement is assumed to have some kind of consideration for each transacting party without which it is just a one sided agreement. Exchange of services for monetary considerations is the most usual assumptions for agreements being signed and sealed. However, some agreements do not have any consideration from one side and is just a transfer of a decided product or service without any consideration. Such agreements are probably seen as one sided and in prejudice. For example, labour laws in a country would allow and justify the labours right on certain profits of a manufacturing unit or some housing rights. Such a right, if mentioned under the constitution of a country would make them eligible even if the agreement is not sealed and without consideration. Similarly, contract law will prove complex for smaller businesses, because of the inaccessibility and the complex nature of the law.










Business is not confined to a territory or a region. In current times, the production might be happening in one area but the consumption takes place throughout the world. The use of business letters is important in international sales because it is a formal way of conducting business. Different regions have different cultures and mindset and hence the use of business letters is a standard way of corresponding irrespective of the culture, tradition, language etc.
Business communication in international ales has become very easy with the use of technology. Business correspondence is done through emails as well. Emails are fast as compared to the letters. With the help of technology, it becomes very easy for the clients and the business owner to communicate with minimum cost and both can expect a quick reply as well. Though letters are also a very widely used way of communication, sometimes the time taken to receive a letter is long. Sometimes the letters even get lost in transit.
The major importance of corresponding through business letters are:
Help in maintaining proper relationship with the client and vice versa: Since businesses are scattered all around the world, proper relationships need to be maintained through proper means of communication. It becomes easy for the customers to send inquiries to the business provider and it becomes easy for the business provider to respond to the client.
Creating and maintaining goodwill: Business letters are often a mode of enhancing the goodwill in international business. Businesses also send letters to their potential clients to keep them informed about any changes or about the new products etc.
Business letters as evidence: Business correspondence is an integral part of international business. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to remember important things about each and every client. Therefore the letters are treated as the record of all the transactions or commitments which happened between the client and the company. In case of dispute, the letters play a very important role to solve the same.