








A challenge in IHL that has arose recently lies in the states capability of labelling every warfare act as terrorist act even though it had been committed through armed groups in the armed conflict course, specifically in non-global armed conflicts. Even though it is a general agreement that parties within IAC (International armed conflict) under IHL, might attack lawfully the military objectives of each other but still the states have kept a reluctance to understand that similar principles are applicable within non-global armed conflicts.
Therefore the states that indulge in non-global armed conflicts with increased frequency label any act as an act of terrorists even when under IHL, domestic insurgents as acts are not unlawful. For example, attacks in opposition to the personnel from military groups. From this perspective, it becomes apparent that there is something missing here or has been overlooked is the fact that there is an essential difference between legal regime’s and IHL that govern terrorist acts.

The difference is that IHL has its basis on the premise that specific violence based acts in opposition to the goals and objectives of military groups cannot be considered as prohibited in nature. Any terrorism act, anyhow, by its very definition is not only prohibited but also criminal.
The requirement of differentiating between lawful war acts and terrorism acts should be kept in mind in order to avoid conflating the legal regimes. This is specifically essential within armed conflicts in non-international regions, wherein violence acts are organized through armed groups in opposition to the objectives of military forces remaining in any situation, subjected to the prosecution of domestic crimes. The capability of designating these, in addition as “terrorist acts”, can lead towards diminishing the incentive of armed groups to pay their respect to the laws of IHL and can also cause a barrier in conflict political process subsequently to resolve conflict.










The key research area targeted in this research essay is to acquire legal rights on a specific category of non-traditional trademarks that is color. The key objective of the essay was focused on determining general trends for treating marks of color and identifying the scope afforded in terms of protection. Considering each and every implication introduced by the nature of color, this essay has analysed the procedure of registration and common issues that brand owners face under the willingness of providing protection in terms of law to a specific color. Color can be seen as extremely widespread and common that in the initial sight, difficulty is involved for understanding how to apply traditional rules on registering trademarks and how one could be permitted for possessing color in the form of intellectual property.

All across the globe, specifically in the field of advertising and marketing where there is huge significance of trademarks, is filled with colorful decorations, experiences, goods and objects. However, debates regarding if color may be compatible for the performance of trademark function and its registration has now come to an end. Most of the jurisdictions that include European Union are not valuing that irrespective of its very nature, during limited circumstances, there can be independent registration of trade mark under abstract color. The lawful provisions that govern registration are more or less the same for all categories of mark.

Yet, when considering color marks, there is very restrictive interpretation that makes registration a very difficult task for delivering performance. While there seems to be appropriate justification for the restrictive approach to registration under the need of maintaining soundness in operating justice, it is affected by some considerations further limiting the scope to protect colors even further ahead. Such considerations tend to involve the limited number of colors available, while there is a significant need of protecting the free competition across the market.




在学校向积极学习模式转变之前,哈里斯的这番话在克林顿戴尔中学的学生中是一种普遍的感觉。在克林顿戴尔,最重要的问题是个人设备和技术缺乏可访问性。在2011年课程被Clintondale翻转之前,通过对匿名学生的调查,clinton ondale的教育工作者发现,在2011 – 2012学年,82%的学生拥有个人设备(Nielsen, 2012)。


除此之外,每一个学生都被邀请到学校教育者的观看和讨论视频类,前半小时空闲时间或任何时间的学校,因为它已经达成的教育者,视频的可访问性是重要的。最后,尽管一些教育工作者已经制作了他们自己的视频,其他人已经在使用教育网站上免费提供的视频(Shannon, 2013)。当学校的一位物理科学老师接受全国教育协会采访时,他报告说翻转课堂的方法包括学校的外部教育工作者。


这增加了学生家庭通过与教育工作者有关的在线论坛的参与。有人建议,教育工作者应该考虑与教育社区分享关键优势,同时专注于跨专家领域的视频创作,以此作为实现这一目标的一种方式(Siegle, 2014)。委员会进一步指出,来自其他学科领域、家庭和家长的教育工作者在观看以教育为基础的录像时也表现出了乐趣,并提高了他们的学习能力。


在克林顿戴尔高中(Clintondale High School)的一些学生和教育工作者看来,翻转课堂的结果带来了许多积极的东西。根据一些学生和他们的导师的报告,学生的参与度有了显著的提高。教育工作者和学生都有一种教学方法的授权感,学生对教育的结果有更多的控制(萨默维尔,2012)。但是,教学人员承认,仍然有一项主要的要求,就是要引进更多的变化。


The comment by Harris had been a common feeling across the students of Clintondale, prior to the transition of the school towards a model of active learning. The most significant issue at Clintondale is the absence of accessibility in personal devices and technology. Before the classes were flipped by Clintondale in the year 2011, by the surveys of anonymous student, it had been found by the educators of Clintondale that 82 per cent of the students had accessibility of personal device during the school year of 2011 to 2012 (Nielsen, 2012).

In addition to this, each and every student had been invited to the school for viewing and discussing the videos with the educators half an hour prior to the class, during free time or any hour of the school, as it had been agreed by the educators that the accessibility of the videos was important. Finally, even though a number of educators had been making their own individual videos, others had been using videos freely available on the websites of education (Shannon, 2013). When a physical science teacher of the school had been interviewed by The National Education Association, he reported that the approach of flipped classroom included external educators at the school.

This increased the involvement of families of students by the online forums related to the educators. It had been suggested that the educators should consider sharing the key strengths with the community of education, while focusing on the creation of videos across the expert areas as one way for such accomplishment (Siegle, 2014). It was further stated that educators from other areas of subject, families and parents showed enjoyment as they watched videos based on education and enhanced their learning as well.

As per the perspective of a number of students and educators at Clintondale High School, the results of flipping the classroom introduced a lot of positive things. There has been a dramatic improvement in the engagement of student as reported by a number of students and their tutors as well. Boththe educators and the student have a sense of empowerment by the approach of teaching, and the students have more control over the outcomes of education (Somerville, 2012). However, it had been admitted by the teaching staff that there is still a major requirement for introducing additional changes.




一般情况下,冠状动脉成形术后介入置管需要较多的卧床休息时间,因为该方法用于诊断置管后。这最终增加了医生详细研究血管造影结果的时间,因此,构建一个计划来确定合适的干预,然后,消除任何类型的复杂性(Panchamukhi & Flaker, 2000)。Pearson(2015)认为护士在PCI术后有一定的护理责任。

这些职责包括定期观察病人在血管成形术后出现的并发症的任何迹象,如体温、血压、心率的变化,严格的动脉血氧饱和度(SpO2),以及持续监测他们的周围脉搏和神经血管状态(Sheldon, 2001)。这些信息是面试过程中第三个问题的基础。作为回应(见附录),所有初级和高级护士都提供了类似的观点,即在PCI术中,患者的常规评估过程包括测量心率、血压、温度和周围毛细血管氧饱和度(SpO2)等。





In general, a patient needs more bed rest time after experiencing coronary angioplasty if conducted through interventional catheterization, as this method is applied after diagnostic catheterization.This eventually increases the time for the physicians to study the angiographic findings in detail and thereby, construct a plan to identify a suitable intervention and thereafter, eradicate any sort of complexity (Panchamukhi & Flaker, 2000).According to Pearson (2015), nurses possess certain post PCI care responsibilities.
These responsibilities comprise observing the patient continuously at periodic intervals for any sign of complications arising after the angioplasty, such as variations in temperature as well as blood pressure, heart rate, restricted SpO2 besides constant monitoring of their peripheral pulses and neurovascular status (Sheldon, 2001).This information acted as the base for question 3 in the interview process. In response (see Appendix), all the junior and the senior nurses provided similar viewpoint that the routine assessment process for a patient during PCI involves measuring heart-rate, blood pressure, temperature and peripheral capillary oxygen saturation (SpO2) among others.

This response was in alignment with the secondary findings retrieved from the report of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (2017), wherein it is mentioned that PCI complications generally increase amid the patients due to high blood pressure, fluctuating heartrate as well as temperature and lack of SpO2, which must be observed after the angioplasty is performed.The response to this question thus implies that the nurses in the CCU department of Hong Kong possess a general understanding of their responsibilities towards post PCI patient care.
Evaluation of puncture site begins from the time when the patients make an entry to the post anesthetic care unit (PACU) and continues until they are transferred to the inpatient unit.Considering that neurovascular observations are ought to be conducted with every observation set, the puncture site must be assessed in every 1 hour for better quality healthcare to the patients suffering from PCI, as it helps to ensure that required measures are taken immediately any sign of complication is observed (The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, n.d.).


留学生找论文代写时的常识问题解析。留学生们在找论文代写平台机构时,比较关注的就是论文代写价格是否在自己的接受范围内、论文写作质量是否保证原创、付款后什么时间能拿到论文成品等问题,这也是留学生们在找论文代写平台机构时所顾虑的问题。今天加拿大高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis老师为留学生们做以下解析,希望能为留学生们消除顾虑,顺利的完成论文作业!












综上所述就是留学生找论文代写时的常识问题解析。有关更多论文代写问题留学生们可以在线咨询加拿大高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台客服,此论文代写平台专业信誉高,论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有毕业论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


北美论文代写essay写作指南。essay几乎是每个中留学生必须面对的论文作业之一,繁重的essay写作虽然很难应对,但中国留学生可以提高essay写作练习,还要提高essay引用格式和用词的准确度,严格按照essay写作格式要求进行写作,那么有关北美论文代写essay写作指南有哪些呢?接下来加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis老师为留学生们做以下讲解。


然后确定你的立场你要从中找到你的立场,当你确定你的立场后,你就要从你学校的资料库或者网上材料找到足够的论据来支持你的论点。要注意的是你在写essay之前一定要确认你的立场(比如你是否同意这个观点,一定是“是”或者“否”,或者一定从topic的两个观点中选出其中一个),否则,你的论文将无法继续。加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis老师提醒 留学生们在每一个段落的内容中,举例子和提出论点时要清晰,每一段不能只有一句话,一定要保证多一些内容。精练的句子也不能铺天盖地的使用,会使得语言枯燥乏味。


最后就是写出一个清晰的thesis statement扩展你的outline,首先,用一个“hook”来点亮你的“introduction”部分当你确定你的thesis和你的论点论据之后,你便可以开始扩展你的五段式outline的整体构架了。从你的“introduction”部分开始、你的最开始需要用一个“hook”来点亮观者的眼睛。当你有了整的“outline”(大纲)之后,继续扩展你的结尾段的“conclusion”部分会变得相对容易。关于扩展结尾总结段,你第一件需要注意的事情就是不要使用和前面,尤其是和thesis重复的词句来进行概括。在这一段里,你需要使用不同的词来进行总结,与前文相呼应。如果可以的话,你可以使用一些语录和数据,但是要记住,一定要提及到这些数据的来源。

以上内容就是北美论文代写essay写作指南,希望能给留学生们带来帮助!留学生论文代写可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台机构专业信誉高、论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有加拿大代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉值得留学生选择和信赖!


论文代写英文论文的正文部分怎么写作?英文论文写作难度虽然有点高,但中国留学生要学会改变自己中式英语写作思维,按照英文论文写作格式要求和写作步骤进行写作。如果时间充足,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis老师建议留学生们提前进行论文草稿的写作,这样就可以做论文后期完善的修改和提高。针对英文论文的写作问题,今天加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis老师就为留学生们着重讲解下英文论文的正文部分写作。



很多留学生会对Result的内容写作感到比较容易完成,主要是因为前面的introduction的内容做足了功课。只要根据图的注解,一个图接一个图往下写就可以。当然学生要特别注意的一点——每一段要有一个开场白,为介绍做接下来实验的动机或目的做铺垫。加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis老师提醒大家还有一点很重要即逻辑性要强,语言要简练,说清楚为什么要做该实验,怎么做的,有什么阳性对照,阴性对照;结果是什么,发现是什么。尽量少做解释、推论,不要做猜想。每一段的最后可以有一个简短总结,常用“These results suggest…”、“Therefore, …”、“Taken together…”等词来做总结。最后一个要注意的是,前呼后应,即前后段之间要有关联性,过度时避免生硬。


这部分内容是引导老师按照你的思路去理解文章。所以这部分内容需要包含如下几点: (1) What do we know about the subjects? Only relevant information should be provided; don’t write a review. (2)What we don’t know. (3)Rationale:Why you want to do it? Don’t repeat abstract. (4) Approaches:How you are going to do it. (5)Significance Make an appeal to general readers.加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis老师提醒留学生们有一点很重要,即不能把Introduction写成综述review,避免参考资料内容已有的结论全部写进你的论文中。


以上内容就是论文代写英文论文的正文部分怎么写的解析,希望能给留学生们带来帮助!加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



In the present times, there have been some of the studies related to the use of graphs in case of annual reporting. These researches have largely focussed on the use of data analysis. Though, there are few writers who have considered the role which has been played by the graphs with respect to the financial information which is provided to the shareholders. Most of these researches clearly give the indication that there may be an increase in the overall frequency of graphs which may be there in the annual reports of the financial institutions (Mason, 1985; Wilkins and Lennard, 1988). It may also be important to have the good corporate design (Martin, 1989). There are also a number of studies which may be required to identify the general guidelines which are considered for the purpose of construction of the graphs from the statistical literature related to the graphs. For the use of the graphs in case of financial reports, seven guidelines have been proposed by Taylor and Anderson (1986) for the purpose of development and use of the graphs in the annual financial reports of the companies. The impact of the violations of these guidelines had also been examined in an experimental manner. This was done through the use of the commercial bank loan offers. It was concluded that it is true that there is a distortion in the graphs for the purpose of a more favourable impression in the financial reports.
Nobles (1983) had done the classification of the international accounting system into the large number of forms such as micro, Anglo-Saxon Practices and macro practices which includes the continental European practices. Amidst this, the micro based practices related to the accounting practices may be defined with the help of the weaker influence of the government, stronger profession related to the accounting and comparatively active equity markets. The focus of the same is to have a proper and the fair presentation of the different accounts and to portray the economic reality behind the benefits which may be given to the investors. In general, the macro accounting practices are characterized through the influence of the government in a completely strong manner, weaker profession of accounting and the less active equity markets. In the micro based nations the process of financial reporting is generally geared up for their satisfaction of the investors in comparison to the macro based countries in which there is the need for the alternative annual report users. Because of these kinds of pressures, the representation of the financial performance in case of the annual reports is more and more important in micro based nations in comparison to the macro based nations. On the basis of this classification, the UK may be regarded as the micro based nation. Germany, France, Italy and Spain are considered to have the macro orientation.

有关论文范文论文代写-年度报告中使用图表的研究就为留学生分享到这里。加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供论文代写、essay代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



Therefore, there are a few things that the businesses should keep in mind when inside trading is concerned. When this kind of information is placed representing the corporation, none of the defenses apply and the penalties get harsher. The fines can go up to $4,950,000 or three times the profits which have been made through illegal trading. A general find of ten percent of the corporation’s annual turnover can be levied.
Also, ASIC keeps the interest of the general public first, and therefore has categorised inside trading an offence which involves penalty and charges.

The decision of the court was made after referring to a number of cases. When McCallum J was determining the sentence for Curtis, it was observed that a number of factors must have gone incorrect like lack of prior offences, youth, good character and the absence of an early guilty plea. McCallum J stated that it was difficult to establish that Curtis was a true contrite and a forfeiture of $1.43 million was established, and still no admission of guilt, therefore “cynical” was the word used in this case ([27] of R v Curtis (No 3) [2016] NSWSC 866) (Bagaric, 2016).
This case was not accepted as a ‘white collar crime’. The reason being that the traders were not harmed in the process and there was no financial loss at such. But nevertheless ASIC looked into this matter severely addressing the fact that the community is harmed in such cases at large.
Whether or not Curtis should be jailed, it was stated that (at [51]), “In my view, however, punishment by a sentence of imprisonment has real bite as a deterrent to others in the case of white-collar crime. White-collar crime is a field in which, perhaps more than any other, offending is often a choice freely made by well-educated people from privileged backgrounds, prompted by greed rather than the more pernicious influences of poverty, mental illness or addiction that grip other communities. The threat of being sent to goal provided it is perceived as a real threat and not one judges will hesitate to enforce, is likely to operate as a powerful deterrent to men and women of business” (Philips, 2016).
Furthermore ASIC pursued the case for conspiracy topping inside trading. It can be said that ASIC wanted to send out a message to the different units in the market about the charges which would levied if anyone would be found guilty of inside trading as the chairman of ASIC, Greg Medcraft, stated “Insider trading is a crime and it is increasingly likely to be detected. It will be investigated and where possible, prosecuted.”

加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供加拿大代写、essay代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



The aim of this assignment is to conduct an analysis of the case study assigned in reference with three important questions. With key focus on having a better understanding about cross- cultural management difference, nature of strategic thinking, reconciliation of opposites, strategy paradoxes and strategy tensions, this case study analysis will be conducted as per different criteria. Providing a brief overview about the case study, a brief analysis and discussion will be conducted for the macro and competitive environment of the company from the case study. The case study assigned for the purpose of this assignment is that of IKEA in which key focus is on the efforts put in by IKEA for enhancing the sustainability of its wood supply chain. The paper will focus on answering three different questions. First, what are the major strategy tensions/dichotomies that the case has attempted to reconcile over the years? Second, do managers view these tensions/dichotomies as puzzles, dilemmas, trade-offs or paradoxes? And finally, what type of organization and mind-set do you think are needed to reconcile strategy tensions/dichotomies in the way the company in the case has?
Considering the context of the case study, the supply chain of wood was among the several strategic dimensions to be addressed by the company in order to move ahead with its ambitious plan of growth for doubling sales reaching 50 billion Euros by the year 2020. In addition to this, the strategy of each and every department of IKEA was in alignment with the People and Planet Positive strategy of the company (So et al., 2012). Nevertheless, sourcing of wood consisted of main lever that could be used by the company for increasing the positive effect upon sustainability. With key focus on this case study, the above mentioned three questions will be answered based on which concluding point will be drafted.

Also, in the achievement of sustainable supply chain of wood, the managers of IKEA faced a significant issue as they put in efforts for deciding how they should be meeting the overall goals in the ambitious sustainability plan of the company. In America and Europe, the political environment has significantly developed with time providing a stable environment for businesses like IKEA。

加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供加拿大代写、essay代写、毕业论文代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!