

项目执行人员 – 公司的项目执行人员是负责实现公司目标的人员。该股东还负责在DX公司作出决定,并对公司正在进行的项目有更多的了解。

项目经理 – 项目经理还参与公司的决策过程,比如谁应该分配给一个特定的项目,并决定谁将在一个特定的项目上工作。项目经理应该随时了解DX公司的项目进展情况,负责项目的总体规划和执行。

业务分析师 – 业务分析师也将决定谁应该分配给一个特定的项目,并决定谁将在与项目经理协调的特定项目上工作。公司的分析师还负责确定DX公司的批准的利益相关者,并对DX公司正在进行的与项目执行者同样的项目有更多的了解。分析人员也应该更新DX公司的项目。

技术架构师 – 负责项目的总体技术设计。技术架构师应该更新正在进行的项目或在公司中被搁置的项目。建筑师也对DX公司的项目有更多的了解。他们还帮助决定谁应该分配给项目中的特定任务。

应用程序开发人员 – 开发人员负责在DX公司开发应用程序(Meredith and Mantel,2011)。 DX公司的应用程序开发人员应该随时了解项目在公司中的进展情况,并且必须通知特定项目取决于哪个任务。


Project Executive- the Project Executive of the company is the person who is responsible for achieving company’s goals. This stake holder is also responsible for taking decision in the DX Company and has more knowledge about the ongoing projects in the Company.

Project Manager- Project managers are also involved in decision making process of the company like who should be assigned for a particular project and decide who will work on a particular project . The project manager should be kept updated about the ongoing process of the project in the DX Company .He is in charge of overall planning and execution of the project.

Business Analyst – Business Analyst will also decide on who should be assigned for a particular project and decide who will work on a particular project coordinating with the project manager. The Analyst of the company is also responsible to identifying the approved stakeholders for the DX Company and has more knowledge about the ongoing projects in the DX company same has the project Executive. The Analyst should also be updated about the projects in the DX Company.

Technical Architect – Is responsible for overall technical design in the project. Technical Architect should be updated about the ongoing projects or that are on hold in the Company.  The architect also has more knowledge on the projects of the DX Company. They also help on deciding who should be assigned for a particular task in the project.

The Application Developer – Developer is responsible for developing an application in the DX Company(Meredith and Mantel,2011). Application developer of the DX Company should be kept updated about the progress of a project in the company and also must be informed that the particular project depends on which task.





In many studies conducted in the past it has been observed that a spiritual philosophy of individual rights doesn’t seem to encounter the standard of comprehensiveness especially in a varied domain with several diverse principles in which not everyone understand this domain eventually expressive (Sen, 2005). Thus, a feasible earthly defence of these rights is likely together with being comprehensive as claimed by many theorists.

Similar to the Golden Rule or the Kantian categorical imperative, it has been argued in the study conducted by Alan Gerwirth that the standards of explanation for individual rights is founded on a higher ethical code which he calls as PGC or Principle of Generic Consistency. According to him, it is huge challenge to verify the human rights. He argues that it can’t be proved in any way possible that human beings are born with inherent human rights, even if they have rights since birth they are not empirically verifiable (Vizard, 2007).

In the modern world, the construct of human rights have attained some distinguished symbolic importance. In political terms, majority of the countries pass by the trick of demanding to honour a few kinds of these rights regardless of the fact that the same countries frequently disrupt the rights of its residents and in some cases not. Human rights in the past 50 years have become an important part of the international relations (Panikkar, 1982). This is because of the fact that there has been globalization of human rights discourses and concerns.



中国哲学家孔子的儒家思想了。儒家思想是一种强大的系统组成的社会,道德和政治原则。儒家哲学认为适当的社会行为和人类的关系是最重要的方面。儒家价值观如下五个方面(Wang ,Wang, Ruona & Rojewski,2005)





Confucianism has been developed by Chinese philosopher Confucius. Confucian ideology is a powerful system comprising of social, moral and political principles. Confucianism philosophy considers proper behaviour and relationship of human being in society as the most important aspect. The five aspects of Confucian values are as follows (Wang, Wang, Ruona & Rojewski, 2005)

Hierarchy and Harmony: This principle advocates respect for hierarchy. It can be traced to the Li and Wu Lun principles of Confucianism. According to this aspect if person behaves based on the predetermined position in society, harmony can achieved.

Group Orientation: Confucian doctrines emphasize on kinship and close personal relationships. The existence of individuals is for the benefit of group and handling conflict through internal meditation rather than external legal system. .

Guanxi Networks: Guanxi, in China, is referred to in business and investment. Guanxi is guided by Wu Lun principle and can be translated as relationships and networking. Indebtedness and obligations are required in Guanxi. It is the system in which favour is given to the people who are in group or network. This favour is based on relationships that are governed by Confucian thoughts.





The issue of financial inclusion of the poor sections of the society which forms the basis of Millennium Development Goals ensures at creating institutional-led sustainable sources of financial services which can provide affirmative response to empower the people to get rid of chronic poverty, illiteracy, health issues, etc. The Australian government aims at targeting issues which afflict the millions of poor in developing economies and use the instruments of microfinance to initiate sustainable and innovative solutions for the betterment of economic and social indicators in such poor economies. While ensuring the achievement of these goals, it has been seen that a number of factors are to be attained. These factors are related to the creation of supporting regulatory environment, development of adequate and suitable infrastructure which could aid in the dissemination of microcredit, development of innovative financial services that target the local requirements of each specific region and ensuring that prospective clients from the poor sections of the society are made aware of the possibilities of the benefits that can be derived from the services of microfinance.

The government of Australia has also ensured that it complements the existing private microfinance and financial service providers who are working to serve the target section of the population in respective countries. In order to make the process a sustainable one, it has also undertaken international initiatives which are aimed at creating a mechanism for international cooperation on the subject matter.









Maslow and Hertzberg are those who defined the theory behind motivation with enough research on human psychology. Motivation is all about getting the driving force that helps the person in achieving personal and professional goals. Though other theories of motivation are considered, Maslow and Hertzberg theory brought out good change in the theory. The most widely compared features of these 2 theories are widely discussed all over.

Maslow came up with a pyramid that states the 5 important aspects of a person. It starts from basic/physical needs in the base, the security need on top of it, social needs, self-esteem and finally self-fulfilment. Each aspect is considered important and he details that these 5 are essential needs that helps in motivating a person.

On the other hand, Herzberg developed a two-factor theory of motivation. This explains the factors which motivate and satisfy the person. A list of satisfiers including growth, promotion, responsibility, work itself, recognition and achievement. Another list of hygiene factors including the personal life, working conditions, job security, status, supervision, relationship with co-workers, company policy and administration, pay and benefits.

Maslow is based on the human needs and the satisfaction factors, whereas Hertzberg theory is a 2 factor list with motivators and opportunities of growth (McLeod, 2007). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs defines the personal needs and satisfaction with motivating the employees, Hertzberg refers the hygiene and motivating factors.





Example of this can be taken from the documentary in which he showed negative attitudes about the Slavery and Black Americans. The documentary title Evil man is because of the attitude of the president towards the Native Americans. The documentary depicted an institution in which slaves were placed and most of the slaves were black Americans. He kept more than 140 slaves in the prison and funded the institution for doing so. The policies he made for the Native Americans can be viewed as negative. His actions were not good as he was the president and was held accountable for all his acts. Re enactments of the incidents like war of 1812 in which he took help from Cherokees. After that he removed Cherokees from the land forcefully because of his power and by depicting himself as the Great White father. After that he challenged the court to seize the lands of the natives. This act was confusing because at one point he forcefully removed them from the land and after that he challenged the court to give back their lands. All in all the government of Jackson can be called as the Jacksonian Democracy that had no room for the Native Americans. On this basis slaves, Natives and women started asking for equality and egalitarian movements in America started that made history. Discussing about the reviews of Jackson towards the National Bank was negative because he wanted to crush all the national banks of the country. As his term as president continued he wanted to crush the second national bank of US. In 1833 he announced that the country will no longer use the second bank of the United States as the national bank of the country. He again used his power to remove all the funds from the bank that were executive and the final verdict were the bank war by the president (Shirts, 2012).





The Concept of sales is no longer only numerically identified as the movement of goods. Sales in more present times are identified as a net present value that includes the actual selling of the good and the brand awareness created through selling. Brand awareness is therefore the single most entity that is given much as much importance as the sales of the good itself. In this context in present times, most large and small business establishments are selling their goods directly and through affiliate (Ryan, 2014). The common meaning is that an individual or organization involved in some other area of business or work agrees to sell the product for an agreed commission. The area can be in the regular open marketing or through online digital marketing. The Affiliate can work from home as a resident representative and follow the leads or it could be an organization with a background of booking purchase orders from Educare and hence generating leads which will eventually be converted into sales by the parent organization Educare. Upon conversion of the lead into sales the affiliate will receive the due commission. At times, even if a lead only is given the due commission is given.






It is supported the economic systems that area unit predominately on the assembly over society to provide away the economic order. It is the tendency to be said concerning the human society and their relations. The localized thanks to confirm the expansion has the ability to render the expansion of this study. Through this, the impacts on the social demands can raise the amount at annually. This could modify the standard for trendy society by means that of social science. So, it dramatically raises the expansion of the population that would relatively short for the society.

It hyperbolic the curiosity level higher concerning the character of social order and social modification.  A progressive moment can have the shape to explain the social order to achieve the impacts higher to position well. This could dependently have an effect on the social people and has run below the political institutes. This social behavior is reduced to the study of individual, and sociologists are not affected by the people. Indeed, a good deal of this course has logical analysis involves observing the people individually. It is thinking rather social scientist seeking the link between the people and society.





For the discussion of the big five personality trait model an article has been selected and the name of the article is “The Big Five personality traits, learning styles, and academic achievement”. This article defines the relationship between these five personality traits and learning styles in the academic achievement of the students.  For this research 308 students were selected who were in the process of completing their graduation and were given the task to complete the five factor inventory do their personalities can be analyzed along with their grades in the university. The four learning styles selected were synthesis analysis, methodical study, fact retention and elaborative processing. After the results were conducted it was indicate that the personality trait of neuroticism was negatively related with the learning styles. All the four learning styles were negatively related with this trait. Traits like extraversion and openness to experience were positively linked with the learning style (elaborative processing). Consciousness was linked positively with all of the learning styles. Students who scored the highest GPAs had the personality trait of conciseness. After discussing the results of the research it was indicated that only one personality trait was negatively associated with the learning styles and impacts heavily on the GPAs of the students. This indicated that the students who had low emotional stability were losing their interest in the studies.









In British Gas, sales promotions are set of actions undertaken to encourage sales of the product or service. Motivation, remuneration and training are the three factors, which play a very important role for productive sales promotion. With efficient motivation, the organization gets following perquisites:

  • Engages staff into movement – Human resources isthe lifeline of a business and a business can perform smoothly only if it consists of efficient human resource (Stanton, 1997). It is through motivation that human resource of company performs in best manner for development of sales as well as of an individual working in the organization.
  • Better efficiency of employees – The gap between capability and readiness can be fulfilled by motivating employees in order to get best work performance
  • Accomplishment of organizational goals – The goals of the organization are attainable when there is proper utilization of resources, healthy work environment, productive work force and proper coordination is there between departments of company. All this can be achieved through effective motivation.
  • Conduct steadiness of work force- Role of motivation is really significant in order to ensure efficient work force for goodwill and reputation of company (Lehmann, 1977). If employees of the company have feeling of involvement in management they will work efficiently for accomplishment of goals are planned by the sales department.