






A development plan for the location was applied by the District Council in 1998, and summarizes the allowed planning and development protocols on the building construction. Being a client for the renovation project, South West Regional Development Agency set the tactical vision: a combined implementation of development on the location that fulfils the expectations of the local customers, though simultaneously as commercially workable. It must be a flagship for sustainable construction and must be of advantage to the local communities, Street as well as the surrounding environment.

Sustainability is a key focus for this green building development, the techniques and tools applied to support the deliverance of this idea through the project from master plan and thorough design offer a helpful case study.

Mass customization entails a level of malleability that CAD-operated tools cannot offer.  The program associated with the tools should be more user-friendly to make this feasible.  Minor modifications to the recurring activities of the machines presently entail a rigorous re-programming process. There is an active stigma of provisional construction, many times linked with modular constructions that are dependent on ready-built precedents. Indeed, a modular building technology is completely different from an on-site built correspondent.

Construction market has been expanding swiftly and plays an important part in the socioeconomic development of the country. Moreover, it is a key supplier to unfavourable effects on the environment. The  emission of by infrastructures provokes the nature calamities and global warming throughout the world. Approximately 45% of the world’s energy resources applied is associated with the construction industry. Cost overrun, time overrun along with waste generation are main challenges experienced by the construction industry. Such problems can be minimized by the implementation of sustainable development in building technology. Sustainability can be categorized by revolutionary improvements. This approach will assist in raising project efficiency; minimize construction wastage and also save energy. Sustainable construction entails a powerful agenda and espousal of current technologies.



但是他对自己的爱和他实现愿望的决心迫使他犯了谋杀罪。他的头脑支配着他的行动,他决定按照预言行事。三女巫已经成功规划麦克白的倒台是他们不能伤害他直接让他做自己。用麦克白自己的话说,“我安顿,和弯曲每个代理下士这可怕的壮举”(ACT1,场景7)。这表明,他已经改变了,麦克白是一个世俗的变好的愿望 确定。



Transformation of Macbeth from a Brave Warrior to a Villain

But his love for himself and his determination for achieving his desires forced him to commit murder.  His mind used to dominate his actions and he decided to act on the prophecies.  The three witches had succeeded in planning the downfall of Macbeth as it is they could not harm him directly so made him work on it himself. In Macbeth’s own words “I am settled, and bend up each corporal agent to this terrible feat”(Act1, Scene 7). This shows that he had changed and Macbeth was determined by a desire for worldly and variable good.

Killing Duncan surged Macbeth on the path of his own destruction. He not only killed king but also his servants, so there may be no evidence against him. After doing this horrific act he ahd surrendered before the evil forces. He said, “Come, sealing night… And with thy bloody and invisible hand, cancel and tear to pieces that great bond, which keeps me pale.”(Act 3, Scene 2). He wanted to kill Banquo as he was afraid the Banquo will assassinate him to make his descendents the King of Scotland (as prophesied by three witches). Macbeth was also feared that Banquo knows that he killed Duncan. He thought that by killing and doing bloody acts his purpose will be served but he forgets that he is losing the final part of humanity inside him.




侵权行为是对某人或财产所犯的错误或伤害的一种形式。香港法中的侵权过错责任。它与执法人员所涉及的刑法不太相似。合同法有一些重叠的成分,也有一些重大的差异。侵权责任不是约定的责任,更多的是承担的义务。如果合同义务只能由签署合同的当事人承担,侵权责任将扩大到受其影响的所有人。侵权行为的根本依据是寻求损害赔偿。一些香港的法律规定,将为占领者责任条例侵权起到关键作用(第314),致命意外条例(Cap 22)和民事责任(贡献)条例(第377)。在就业方面是雇员补偿条例(第282),尘肺病(补偿)条例(第360),职业性失聪(补偿)条例(第469),和非法定的交通事故受害者的赔偿方案(由交通事故受害者的资助(援助基金)条例(第229)。



A tort is a form of wrong or a harm that has been done to a person or property. Tort in Hong Kong law is fault-based liability. It is not similar to criminal law where the law enforcement officials are involved. There are some overlapping elements with contract law and some major differences too. Tort liability is not an agreed upon liability, it is more of obligations owed. Where contractual obligations might be owed only to the parties that signed the contracts, the tort obligations will extend to everyone affected by it. The very basis of tort is to seek damages. Some of the statutory provisions of Hong Kong that will play a key role in Tort as the Occupiers Liability Ordinance (Cap 314), Fatal Accidents Ordinance (Cap 22) and the Civil Liability (Contribution) and Ordinance (Cap 377). In terms of employment it is Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282), the Pneumoconiosis (Compensation) Ordinance (Cap 360), the Occupational Deafness (Compensation) Ordinance (Cap 469), and the non-statutory Traffic Accident Victims Compensation Scheme (funded by the Traffic Accident Victims (Assistance Fund) Ordinance (Cap 229).

A tort can be classified into three types, one is the intentional tort, where it is assumed that person intended to damage. A negligence on the other hand is when a person injured person or property despite owing a duty of care because they were careless. On the other hand a strict liability is one where the person has not been intentional nor has been negligent but is seen to be liable nevertheless. The plaintiff here is not required to prove the fault of the defendant.



用枷锁跳舞,这可能是描述伊朗电影的最合适的词组。 70年代以来,伊朗电影的异军突起,使伊朗电影在电影领域独树一帜,重要特征。与欧洲艺术之家和好莱坞大片相比,伊朗电影,尤其是儿童类电影在关爱人性方面显示出更多的闪光点。实际上,由于缺乏知识和西方媒体的歪曲,很多人可能对伊朗有一个黄疸的看法,导致了很多的无知。伊斯兰文化是人类文化的重要组成部分。伊朗电影业是近年来电影理论界关注的焦点。电影史上有很多伟大的导演,但是像安德烈·塔可夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky)这样的电影的诗人是罕见的,伊朗导演阿巴斯·基亚洛斯塔米(Abbas Kiarostami)肯定是其中之一。

在重新发现伊朗西部地区的电影基本上是成功的,并赞扬伊朗的主要电影制片人在全球电影节。从某种意义上说,阿巴斯·基亚洛斯塔米(Abbas Kiarostami)已经获得了电影人和评论家的非凡关注。黑泽明认为他是有史以来最好的电影制片人。有人建议,伊朗电影一直在为观众提供一种新的电影语言。以非常低的预算以非常规的方式使用非专业的演员,没有或者最少的脚本是非常重要的。大部分电影利用纪录片的风格代表了基本的社会问题,排除了其他类别的国家电影中的主题。这导致了伊朗独特风格的产生。



Dancing with the shackles, this might be the most appropriate phrase to describe Iranian cinema.   Since the 70s, the sudden emergence of Iranian cinema made Iranian film unique and important character in the area of the film. In comparison with European art house and Hollywood blockbuster, the Iranian film, especially children genre film showed much more shining points with regard to caring for humanity. In fact, many people may have a jaundiced view of Iran due to the lack of knowledge and the misrepresentation of western media, which led to much ignorance. Islamic culture is an important part of human culture. The Iranian film industry is the focus of film theorists in recent years. There are many great directors found in the film history, but the poets of films such as Andrei Tarkovsky were rare and Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami is surely one of them.

On rediscovering the cinema of Iran within the Western area basically characterized to be successful and acclaiming to bestow upon the major filmmakers of Iran at the global festivals of film. In particular sense, Abbas Kiarostami has achieved extraordinary attention from both, filmmakers and critics. Akira Kurosawa considered him as the best filmmaker ever alive. Suggestions have been given that the films of Iran have been offering the viewer a new language of cinema. Non-professional actors being used in a common way with no or minimum scripts at an extremely low budget are tremendous. Most of the movies have been representing basic social issues by utilizing the styles of documentary and excluding the themes have been found in other categories of national cinema. This has resulted in the production of a distinct style of Iran.

In this report, critical analysis will be done on the cinema of Iran. Primary sources and secondary sources shall be used along with an appropriate methodological approach. The present popularity of the cinema of Iran is certainly a counterblast to the Hollywood.




电影的后半部分描绘了PU Yi和他妻子的野蛮状态。皇后成为一名鸦片成瘾者和一名女同性恋者,并与一名女同性恋日本人发展关系。显示皇帝过着堕落的生活。当共产党接管对中国的控制权时,一切都变了。在这一幕之后,观众们期望共产党人应该对溥仪判处死刑,但是他接受了再教育。提供的理由是,他不知道他的任何活动是把鞋子绑上还是关上水龙头。在最后看到,他很乐意作为一个园丁,复制那个积极为他的劳教。这部电影描述了皇帝的生活除非受过教育,否则是无用的和无关紧要的。因此,电影载有重要的教育信息。



In an another scene of the movie, Pu Yi goes restless by sitting on his Dragon Throne continuously and due to the same he jumps of the seat and runs towards the door of the room. He is obstructed by the vast drapery at first followed by thousands of minions of the emperor who are lined up to kowtow him. Further in the movie, when Pu Yi remains on the throne, there is always a person over his head. One of the scene, where he is thrown out of the Forbidden City represents a great irony. In the scene, he is shown to wear a western dress with a cigarette in his land and he is shown to be leaning on a piano.

The latter half of the movie depicts the brutal condition of PU Yi and his wife. Empress becomes an opium addict and a lesbian and develops a relationship with a lesbian Japanese. The emperor is shown to be living a life of depravity. Everything changes around him when the communists takes over the control over China. After this scene, a viewer expects that the communists should sentence Pu Yi to death, but then he is reeducated. The reason which is provided is that, he does not know any of his activities right from tying his shoes or turning off the tap. In the final seen he is happy to work as a gardener which replicates that being reeducated works positively for him. The movie depicts that how the life of the emperor is made useless and irrelevant unless he is educated. Thus, the movie carries a message of importance of education.

Thus, the ending sequence of the movie is something which is unexpected. In this scene, Pu Yi is shown to visit the Forbidden City which has been opened for the tourists. The emperor observes that a Young Boy sits on the Dragon Throne.




然而,一段时间以来,风力开始稳步上升,潮水不断冲击更远的岛屿。天气局负责人艾萨克·克莱恩(Isaac M. Cline)驾驶一辆被马拉着的手推车,警告人们并要求他们离开。在城市,情况完全相反,撤离的人很少。但是,在许多沿着海滩的人们等到太晚之后,在较大的建筑物中寻找任何类型的避难所,优选在远离海湾的市区,在从加尔维斯顿岛到大陆的桥梁下降之前,靠近沙滩的房屋开始倒塌。过了一段时间,当时德克萨斯州第四大城市的大约三分之二被摧毁,因为这场风暴促成了从一排建筑物中提取残骸,并把它扔在巢排上。那些试图通过水和风来寻求避难所的人有时会被屋顶的飞行石板斩首,并被卡住的木材和砖块卡住(Bradley 1975,pp365,第1段)。



However, over the period of time the wind started to increase steadily and also the tide kept crashing farther islands. Around the low areas the official in charge of the Weather Bureau (Isaac M. Cline) drove a cart which was drawn by the horse so as to warn people and asking them to leave. In the city, the situation as totally opposite, there were very less people who evacuated. But, before many people along the beach waited until too late to look for any kind of shelter in the larger buildings preferably in the downtown area which was away from the Gulf and before the bridges from the Galveston Island to the mainland fell, there were many houses which were near the beach started to fall first. Over a period of time, about two-third of the city which was then the fourth largest in Texas was destroyed as the storm contributed in lifting the debris from one row of building and hurling it against the nest row. People who were trying to make their way through the water and wind for the purpose of seeking refuge were sometimes decapitated by the flying slate from roofs and were stuck by hurtling lumber and bricks (Bradley 1975, pp365 para.1).

Before the anemometer which measures the speed of the wind blew away, the highest velocity of wind which was registered was about an average of 84 miles an hour at 5:15 P.M for a period of five minutes. However, there were recording of 100 miles an hour of gusts and later the estimates of the weathermen’s reached about 120 miles per hour. A sudden rise of four feet in depth of the water was caused by a sweeping ashore in advance of hurricane’s vortex. Moreover, after a few time the complete city was in the water to a depth maximizing up to 15 feet.










ü所有FIT政策的主要目的是为了稳定投资,从安大略省的情况可以看出,在政府发现新信息的时候政策发生变化。但如果政府和政策制定者决定突然增加能源使用的限制,那么对政府尤其是客户的主要依赖就会被冲走,导致不安全的规定(Stokes 490-500)。




The ways however by which FIT policy regimes of Ontario prove to effective in nature are as follow:

üQuick deployment of important capacities because the policy regimes helps in removing challenges present in the project of renewable energy.

üFrom the perspective of innovation, FITs are justifiable because they are very crucial over the expensive technologies that remain to be same without changing

üStability and certainty for investor is also provided by the FIT in order to reduce the premium risks and energy prices volatility

üDiverse participation is allowed across societies and communities letting all work together towards the same goal of de-carbonization.


üThe main aim of all policies of FIT for providing stability in investment, it has been evident from the case of Ontario that policy changes at the time of implementation takes place as the government finds new information. But if the government and the policy makers decide to abruptly increase the limit of energy usage then the prime dependency on the government for especially the customer’s washes away leading towards insecure provisions (Stokes 490-500).

üOn the other hand, Feed in Tariff policies need to be accepted in a political manner and their acceptance at a political level is possible only when intervals of adjusting the price are consistent as well as shorter in duration. When prices are set, the government has to seek actively various information sources. From accessing several newly formulated informational databases, the government and the policy makers understand which RIT policy is rigid and which requires stability. Therefore, it can be further said that the government should be able to refine their policies in accordance to coalition of renewable energy for addressing the concerns of the opposing groups. For example, community support should be funded by the government and priority should be given to them.

üCollaborative efforts have to be pursued by the government throughout jurisdictions for bringing the costs of the components at lower levels in ideal manner before they are deployed. Trade disagreements should also be avoided.




琼·哈德诺诺(Joan Hardjono)早在1971年就在和土地使用变化政策作斗争,还写了一本关于印度尼西亚人民和土地使用政策的书(Hardjono,1971)。她参与过多次对话,也是几个压力团体的一部分,这些压力团体可以通过迫使政府采取适当措施来解决经济问题的土地使用威胁,从而带来一些变化。她是一个在环境保护方面取得平衡的传道人,同时也涉及经济发展和当地社区的生计。对于政府通过双边关系和协议保持经济增长的作用,同样保持环境价值的完整和保持,这当然是一个很大的挑战。然而,只有利用砍伐的土地和农地进行经济发展,才能经历增长,而不是一种趋势和可能性,但是还有很多其他的选择,比如提供不适合农业的荒地或荒地,行业。这是非常有可能的,可以通过对国家土地储备及其质量和发展可能性的适当调查来实现。印度尼西亚政府一直没有意愿为森林和农业地区的土地使用变化设置障碍,从每年大约50万到150万公顷的快速砍伐速度看,造成了3000万公顷森林的损失情亦方范亦亦读亦作读范亦作内亦范范预范信息亦预范预范信息中的信息上范范信息预然范范如果观察到这种情况,表明印尼政府管理不善,或者不愿意把环境恶化作为一个重大关切点。


Joan Hardjono is fighting the land use change policies since as early as 1971 and also wrote a book about the people and Indonesia and the land use policy (Hardjono, 1971). She has been involved in multiple conversations and has been part of several pressure groups that can bring some change by pressuring the government to take proper steps towards addressing the menace of land use for economic concerns. She is a preacher for bringing in a balance in environmental conservation, which also involves economic development and offering a livelihood for the local communities. This is of course a big challenge when it comes to government’s role in maintaining economic growth through bilateral ties and agreements and also equally maintaining environmental value intact and preserved. However, it is also not a trend and possibility that only by using deforested land and agricultural land for economic development, growth can be experienced, but there are a lot of other options like offering waste land or barren land which is not fit for agriculture to industries. This is very much possible and can be achieved through a proper investigation of the country’s land reserve and its quality and probability of development. The Indonesian government has been lacking the will to put a barrier towards land use changes in forest and agriculture regions, seen by the fast deforestation rate of about 500 thousand to 1.5 million hectares per annum which is resulting in a loss of 30 million hectares of forest land of the total 127 million hectares of natural forest land in Indonesia (Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), 2010). This when observed it indicates the poor administration of the Indonesia government or their unwillingness to consider environmental deterioration as a major point of concern.








Food preferences are usually presented as an individual preference. However research has proved that it is not only individual determinants that influence personal food choices, it is also collective determinants. The collective determinants will include the context in which the eating behavior is formed. The environment, the access to food choices, the financial state of the individual, the costs offered by the restaurants and more are involved in this choice making. The term environment usually encompasses a wide range of factors such as the interpersonal environment that includes the family, relationships and peers. It also involves the environment over which the individual might not have much awareness or control such as the economic or the physical environment. Food in the external environment, no longer fits into the personal determinant, it is now a commodity to be marketed and hence political and social factors also intersect with the economic factors.

In the external environment, the socio economic dynamics of interaction leads to expensive healthy foods becoming less accessible to the low income community (Power, 2005). There could be access restrictions for seniors (Payette & Shatenstein, 2005). Supermarkets that present less expensive and health food might be available only near major transportation routes and this leads urban areas to have less access to high quality food at economical prices. Physical access to food is also affected by low income (Raine, 2004).

In this context of the built physical environment and the social environment affecting the food choices of people, it is significant that the effects be studied. Research indicates that around 2 million of the people living in the United States are more than a mile away from a supermarket and hence have access restrictions to healthy food (US Department of Agriculture, 2009). A ‘food desert’ is hence created and the people living in the food deserts might opt for fast, easily accessible fast food 。








Instead of using nuclear energy to against enemies and manufacturing our energy needs from oil and fuel which are creating carbon dioxide, governments must adopt the nuclear energy for our needs. Most of the countries in the world are working on it, every country must done it as well (WENG and ZHAO). The resource world is having to compete with energy needs are cause of carbon dioxide addition in societies. For that, one must also make the use the electricity more effectively and efficiency. The use of electricity is though our need but has negative consequences on earth as well (Krupskaya, Zvereva and Morin).

Our Solution

The best solution which is being focused and worked for is to reduce the ways and decrease the amounts of greenhouse gases which are increasing rapidly with the rapid inventions. Society and stakeholders should encourage the companies which are using alternative healthy and green resources to meet their need (Hardoy, Mitlin and Satterthwaite). Consumer should buy those products which are manufactured by those green environment promoting companies. This will encourage the other companies in corporate sector and governments as well. It will be more easy and possible to proceed for improvement. Companies, governments and stakeholders of society could work together in order to develop the healthy modes and products of transportation (Jänicke). According to researches, transport is the second leading cause after industries in speeding pollution (Hardoy, Mitlin and Satterthwaite).