加拿大 留学:文书申请技巧

加拿大 留学:文书申请技巧


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加拿大 留学:文书申请技巧



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加拿大 留学:文书申请技巧


所谓硬件,是指申请者自身的高中学校背景(包括高中各科成绩)和标准化考试成绩(TOEFL/ IELTS/SAT等语言考试)。软件则是指申请者的推荐人,推荐信内容,主essay,简历和所申请学校的命题小essay。


加拿大高阶论文AdvancedThesis教育网在同行业的代写服务机构中以适中的价格,优质的服务,赢得了广大客户群体的称赞,并因此拥有了一大批新老客户。如果需要加拿大 留学代写可点击上方栏目列表询问客服人员,我们将会耐心,热情的为您解答,给您建议。



质量保证经理关注了解ISO 14001中提到的需求,常常面临困惑与合规监管的引用。之前没有或有限的接触要求环境管制导致质疑的关键问题有关ISO 14001所扮演的角色在法规遵从性的保证。以下三个要求被手臂实现遵守规定和立法在EMS ISO 14001认证:任何组织应识别每一个法律义务相关的环境,熟悉每一个适用的监管和法律相关的环境。同时,公司遵循一些机制来确保定期鉴定法律义务。政策基于环境包括理解和遵守公司的承诺的每一个与环境法律法规适用于上下文。



Managers of quality assurance focus on understanding the requirements mentioned in ISO 14001 and often face confusion in referencing with compliance of regulation. No prior or limited exposure to requirements of environmental regulation results in questioning the key concern regarding the role played by ISO 14001 in the assurance of regulatory compliance. The following three requirements are fulfilled by ARM to comply with the Regulations and Legislation in EMS under the certification of ISO 14001: Any organization should be identifying each and every legal obligation related to the environment and has familiarity with each and every applicable regulation and law related to the environment. Also, the company follows some mechanism to ensure the identification of legal obligation on regular basis.The policy based on environment consists of the company’s commitment for understanding and complying with each and every law and regulation applicable in context with the environment.

The company understands that it is not sufficient to have words on paper and hence ARM puts in each and every effort fulfilling the commitment it has mentioned in the policy. ARM understands that complying with crucial lawful requirements further mandates the evaluation on periodic basis that the company decision. Whether ARM has been engaging in a comprehensive audit of compliance or has been employing a number of different monitoring activities it acknowledges if there is meeting of each and every identified legal requirement. Within the respective event, if there is identification of regulatory non- compliance, ARM understands the need of taking actions for correction of non- compliance and preventing its recurrence.

論文代寫 推薦:新金融環境

論文代寫 推薦:新金融環境

論文代寫 推薦:新金融環境

論文代寫 推薦:新金融環境

A large number of international corporations can be expanded with the help of the productive base which is available with a large number of nations in the world. Many emerging markets in the world have been opened in order to have a global corporation with the help of expansion by undermining the domestic production in the developing nations. In addition to this, a new global financial environment has been developed when the corporate mergers have opened the wave for the real economy of the world. These kinds of activities include the speculations translations in all forms. With the generation of the new financial environment, there has been development of the corporate mergers instead of money managers. The activities of the corporate mergers include the speculative transactions of different kinds. The overall turnover of the foreign exchange transactions in the present world have increased to one trillion dollars every day.

論文代寫 推薦:新金融環境
Though in the same, only 15 % has been corresponding to the actual trade. The author has considered that in the present times the global financial system in the world has reached a very dangerous crossroad. The markets for public debts are the ones in which there are transactions of billions of dollars of government bonds and treasury bills on the daily basis (Baylis et al). From the times of the early 1980’s, there has been a large amount of debt on the large corporations and they have transformed into the public debt. This process of the conversion of the public debt has been the central feature of the financial crises and has also triggered the development of the regressive taxation system.



它对于企业的生存很重要,因为它的站点和文章中列出了两个主要原因。首先,联邦快递是一种与国际接轨的邮件,在许多国家的竞争区域内运作,在这种情况下,公司确实有必要以任何可能的方式利用竞争优势。其次,联邦快递早在成立之初就开始从事多项业务(Isoncc, 2015)。自动化的一些操作包括提供从源头到目的地的信息的实时包裹跟踪、在仓库跟踪或读取货物的手持计算机、记录运输移动、覆盖的距离等等。



IT is important for the business survival, because of two main reasons as listed on its site and also in articles. The first of them is that FedEx is an internationally connected mail and operates in a competitive zone across many countries and in this context, it is really necessary for the company to make use of competitive advantage in whatever way is possible for the company. Secondly, FedEx works on multiple operations as early as the years of its inception it automated its operations (Isoncc, 2015). Some of the operations that were automated included real time package tracking for providing information from source to destination points, hand held computers for tracking or reading shipments at warehouses, recording the transit movement, the distance covered and more.

Customers have a variety of options available to them in the current times and want to be aware of the logistics of shipment movement. FedEx makes it easier for the customer for becoming part of the arrangement. Using Information technology tools, it has been made easier for customers to interact via the FedEx website, the Shipment manager in FedEx and also via the Shipping software system (FedEx, 2016). Only by incorporating Information technology tools, FedEx is able to present time definitive service for its customers and hence to lead in the cargo transportation industry, FedEx does have to rely on Information technology tools.



在过去的几十年里,我们的州和联邦政策采取了主动行动,以解决早期教育的关键组成部分和方面。在联邦一级,在奥巴马的领导下,政府通过向制定全面早教计划的各州发放500美元的奖金,努力推行早教改革。除此之外,新西兰政府还宣布了许多将列入2012年预算的举措。这些项目的实施是为了通过充分和适当的资金来增加幼儿教育的权益和受益人(Olsson, 2009)。

该法案加快了对各州的发展前景和支持,扩大了低收入家庭幼儿早期教育的范围和范围。这是通过为学习优质伙伴关系、儿童保育、母婴家访提供资金来执行的,以改善和提高幼儿时期的教育质量。有许多证据表明,许多州设立了机构来协助儿童早期教育。这些国家的行政当局与地方机构合作确定了五项政策,鼓励和改善儿童教育的标准和水平,从而对儿童的幼年发展产生积极影响(Halgunseth, 2009)。


In the past decades, initiatives have been taken by the state and federal policy of US so as to address the key components and aspects of early education. At the federal level, the administration under the leadership of Obama strived to bring out reforms in the trend of early education by awarding 500$ to the states coming up with comprehensive early education plans. In addition to this, there were many initiatives which were announced by the New Zealand government to be included in the budget of 2012. These programs were implemented so as to increase the early childhood education equities and beneficiaries through adequate and proper fundings (Olsson, 2009).

This act accelerated the prospect and extended support to the states so as to expand the scope and arena of the early education for the young children belonging to the low income families groups. This was executed through the provision of funds for learning quality partnerships, child care, maternal and infant’s home visits, so as to improve and upgrade the quality of the education during early childhood years. There is much evidence that many states have created agencies to assist in the early childhood education. The administration of these states, in collaboration with the local agencies has identified five policies which encourage and improve the standards and levels of childhood education and as a result create a positive impact on the development of children at young age (Halgunseth, 2009).



英国就业大臣普里蒂•帕特尔表示,全球失业问题是一个重大问题,需要解决以应对国际金融危机。在这个方向上,英国和其他20个国家正在签署条约,在全球范围内做出努力。经济合作与发展组织(OECD)认为英国的啃老族问题(不涉及教育、就业或培训)是一个迫在眉睫的问题(Hazenberg, Lashley & Denny, 2016)。英国的啃老族比例低于经合组织(OECD)的平均水平,尽管由于英国政府的新规定,啃老族的比例略有下降。英国政府规定,年轻人在年满18岁之前必须继续接受教育。

就业领域的专家认为,英国的非大学毕业生正在努力应对教育体制向职场文化的转变。这主要是由于学校没有提供足够的就业机会,以及提供学徒或工作经验的就业机会较少。与经合组织的平均水平相比,英国的技能水平较低,分布极不均匀。它在劳动力市场的最底层有大量的低技能工人,而在顶层有非常高的技能工人(O’connor, 2015)。商业世界可以帮助减少失业问题的一些可能的解决方案包括建立学徒计划。


As per Ms Priti Patel, employment minister of UK, this global unemployment problem is of major concern and needs to be solved to handle the international financial crisis. In this direction, UK along with 20 other nations are signing treaty to make efforts on the global level. The group of wealthy nations of the world the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) considers the issue of UK with its NEETS (Not in Education, Employment or Training) is a matter of immediate concern (Hazenberg, Lashley & Denny, 2016). The UK ranks lower than the OECD average even though the Neet numbers have slightly reduced due to new regulations of UK government which makes it necessary for the youth to remain in education till they attain 18 years of age.

The experts in the field of employment believe that the non-graduates in UK are struggling to cope with the changeover from education system to the workplace culture. This is mainly due to the effect of poor provisioning of career in schools and less number of employment options providing apprenticeships or work experience. The skills in UK skills are at low level and highly uneven in distribution as compared to the average OECD. It has huge group of low-skilled workers at the very bottom of the labour market and very high skilled at the top (O’connor, 2015).Some of the possible solutions where business world can contribute to reduce the problem of unemployement include creation of apprenticeship schemes.



本研究对两个主要研究问题进行了评估。首先,研究问题是:1)检验犯罪率与收入不平等之间是否存在关联。这是因为现有的关于关联的争论,一些研究指出了一个积极的关联,而另一些则没有。犯罪难题从《经济学人》的结尾和《犯罪学家》的结尾都进行了调查(Jones et al., 1986)。例如,正如媒体和研究报告所评估的那样,当金融危机袭来、金融体系爆发时,许多犯罪活动都是预料之中的。在美国发生了一系列银行抢劫案。在一个半小时内,许多禁令被实施。这一犯罪浪潮是由于该国正在进入的经济衰退。然而,与犯罪和经济有关的统计数据显示,2009年犯罪率下降。


谋杀、强奸、抢劫甚至汽车盗窃的数量都在下降。2010年美国刑事司法部门和联邦调查局发布的初步数据再次显示,犯罪问题有所减少。这一趋势在暴力犯罪和财产犯罪案件中得到了注意。在这样的背景下,缺乏互连的论点找到了力量(Green, 2013)。试图研究这种联系的理论指出,犯罪与经济一点关系也没有。至少在美国,人们注意到在20世纪60年代末,80年代和90年代,犯罪活动非常频繁。在20世纪60年代犯罪率高的时候,经济增长也很好。20世纪90年代后期,甚至在经济问题出现之前,犯罪率就上升了。


Two main research questions are assessed for in this research. Primarily, the Research question: 1) tests if there is an association between crime rate and income inequality. This is because of the existing controversy when it comes to association, some studies note a positive association, some none. The crime conundrum has been investigated both from the economist’s end and the criminologists end (Jones et al., 1986). For instance, as media and research reports assessed, when the financial crises hit and the financial system exploded, many crime sprees were expected. A flurry of bank robberies was observed in the case of the United States. In an hour and a half, many bans were hit. The crime wave was attributed to the recession that the country was entering. However, statistics which relates crime and economy showed that the crime rates went down in 2009.

The number of murders, rapes, robbery or even auto theft went down. Preliminary data which was released by the Criminal Justices Department and the FBI in 2010 for the United States once again shows that criminal issues go down. The trend was noticed in the case of violent crimes and property crimes alike. In such a context, the arguments for the lack of an interconnection hence find strength (Green, 2013). Theories that attempt to study this connection, state that crime isn’t closely related to economy at all. At least in the United States, it was noted that in the case of the late 1960s and then in the 80’s and 90’s criminal activities were very high. During the 1960’s when the crime rate was high, the economic growth was also good. And later in the 1990s even before the problems of economy started, there was an increased crime rate.

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

本报告以引言开始。它包含了基于比率和比例对公司的全面评估。方法部分描述了用于编写报告的技术,即比率和比例。报告中解释了不同比例的比例。然后在结果和发现一节中提供了比率的图表。在分析和讨论一节中,详细地用图形表示比率,并在图的每个分析部分中分别给出改进该比率的过程作为讨论。关于扩大业务的四种资金来源的建议载于备忘录格式的建议一节。在本作业中,根据公司提供的案例研究、损益表和财务报表,向Fairfield Ltd.提交一份报告。比率分析被用作分析数据的工具。对这些比率进行关键分析,并向公司提供改进的过程。

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

不仅如此,在对所有数据进行严格的评估后,还要向公司主管提出建议。Fairfort Ltd.推出了一种新的基于糖的能量饮料,目前市场主要面向苏格兰。但许多新订单来自希腊、德国和澳大利亚的市场。现在,该公司在苏格兰有业务扩展,数据仅基于此业务提供。因此,需要提供上述关键的评估和报告,以便公司获得其职位,并考虑在其他国家进行扩张。本作业采用上述比率分析方法,对结果进行了连续两年的计算。只有8个比率可以计算,因为在这种情况下没有关于债务人、债权人和存货的信息。如果有这方面的资料,可以将其他三个效率比率列入债务人的催收期、债权人的催收期和存货周转率。

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

This report starts with an introduction. It contains a total evaluation of the company based on ratios and proportions. The methods part describes the techniques used for writing the report which is ratio and proportions. The different ratio proportions are explained which are being used in the report. A chart is then provided of the ratios in the results and findings section. In the analysis and discussion section a detailed graphical representation of ratios is done one after the other and along with each analysis part of the graph the process to improve that particular ratio is given as a discussion. The recommendation for four sources of finance for the expansion of the business is given in the Recommendation section in the memo format. In this assignment, a report is to be given to Fairfield Ltd. based on a case study, the income statement and the financial statement provided by the company. Ratio analysis is used as a tool for the analysis of data. The critical analysis of these ratios is to be made and the process for improvement is also to be provided to the company.

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估
Not only that but also a recommendation to the director of the company is to be sent after critically evaluating all the data. Fairfort Ltd. has launched a new sugar based energy drink for which the market is made in Scotland at present. But many new orders are coming from markets of Greek, Germany and Australia. Now it has its business expansions in Scotland and data are provided based on this business alone. Therefore, it is needed to provide the above mentioned critical evaluations and reports so that the company may access its position and consider for expansion in other countries as well. The results are calculated in this assignment for two successive years by the use of ratio analysis as is mentioned. Only eight ratios can be calculated as the information regarding the debtors, creditors and inventories are not available in this case. If this information were there, three other ratios of efficiency could have been included as the debtors’ collection period, the creditors’ collection period and the inventory turnover ratios.





这是一场独家的咖啡秀,它邀请所有的人从咖啡的消费者到咖啡的商人都沉浸在咖啡市场中。世博会于9月3日至9月5日举行,所有主要的咖啡连锁店都聚集在这里,展示他们能为咖啡产业带来何种形式的改善。在这个时候,所有的消费者也会聚集在一起,展示他们对整个咖啡行业的期望(TicketBooth, 2015)。由于不同的咖啡烘焙师聚在一起,这也是他们展示自己产品与众不同的时刻。这个行业聚集在一起,展示了他们独特的酿造口味。除了咖啡商、主要供应商和消费者外,本次展会还将展出,向咖啡店、产品开发商、辅助性供应商等展示不同的业务需求。这不仅加强了所展示产品的品牌,而且实际上也展示了品牌在市场上可用的空间形式。


The purpose of this report is to critically discusses the concepts and theory behind event management by considering an actual event that has taken place over the years. Coffee Experience is an event that is conducted in Sydney which is a trade expo type of event. The event has been discussed in terms of the socio-economic impact the event had and other impacts. HR has been discussed with respect to the event and recommendations have been made. Events are created in the context of a celebration, as a promotion for a brand, as a form of networking for professionals in a field, etc. The purpose of this writing is to present one such event that took place last year, called the “Coffee experience” and present a critical analysis of how that event has had a potential impact in terms of the social, cultural, economic, environment and political attributes for the place where the event was conducted, the human resource management practices that were used, and the fit between the event sponsor and the stakeholders involved in the event. The event selected for discussion in this work is the “Coffee experience” expo which is a trade event that is conducted yearly in Sydney Australia.

This is an exclusive coffee show and it invites all people indulging in the coffee market from the consumers of the coffee to the traders in coffee. The expo happened from the 3rd of September to the 5th of September and all major coffee chains came together here in order to show what form of improvement they could bring to the coffee industry. This was a time for all consumers to also come together in order to present what their expectations were from the coffee industry in general (TicketBooth, 2015). Since different coffee roasters came together this was also a time for them to present how their products are unique from the rest. The industry comes together to show their unique brews tastes and more. In addition to the coffee traders, the main suppliers and the consumers, this show was also about exhibiting in order to present to the different needs of the business to the cafes, the product developers, the ancillary suppliers and more. This not only reinforces the brand for the products displayed but would actually show the form of space available for the brands in the market.







World markets have changed after industrialization and capitalism took over its reigns. Capitalism and the concept of mass production was popular in early industrialised economies like the US and Europe, but post 1980s when the capital markets or the stock markets started to be of relevance, the production concept of managing organisations took backstage and financialization of organisations came to be considered as more lucrative, profitable, and powerful. Finances managed organisations more than production and its ability to outgrow demand. In doing thus, anti-competition rules were introduced which further provided innovative push to corporations attempts of downsizing and expanding though mergers and acquisition.

This concept of managing an organisation through financialization has been only barely profitable for society and the establishment of equality in nations, but has filled the coffers of managers and CEO’ with fat bank balances and perpetual income streams. The concept of financialization in contemporary economics becomes even more relevant and worthy of critical attention because it has demeaned production and has isolated the corporate governance standards that now lie behind the greedy demands of ‘return on capital invested’. This essay will analyse the importance, relevance, and role of financialization of organisations in contemporary economics and how it is poise to erode intrinsic value in a slow pace, leading to complete erosion of production value, and a crisis of insurmountable destruction.