essay 代写:金属陶瓷的诞生

essay 代写:金属陶瓷的诞生

现在为了更好地理解这些线条,有必要了解金属陶瓷的诞生及其所寻求的贡献。金属陶器诞生于20世纪80年代。当时的社会文化背景是一个拥抱摇滚乐队如枪炮玫瑰和重金属的典型特征是小想法。当时的大多数年轻人都关注那些不那么严肃的乐队,关注当时的社会政治背景。Metallica在政治问题,战争等方面都是先驱这在重金属音乐中并不常见。乐队的风格是一种不合群的风格,而“让自己自由自在”,就像赫茨菲尔德在《圣愤怒》(St. Anger)中所表现的那样,是金属乐队激励许多人去做的事情。赫特菲尔德和乌尔里希这两位关键球员来自两个不同的世界,因此在创作和演奏中存在着内在的冲突。

essay 代写:金属陶瓷的诞生
他们共同的兴趣是英国的机灵鬼。他们的主要贡献是为那些无法认同邦乔维(Bon Jovi)等同时代人的歌迷们带来了音乐。年轻人需要以放弃的形式释放他们的迷恋,而Metallica则填补了这一空白。metallica的儿子们是私人化的,他们的作品反映了许多男性的痴迷,其中大多数是年轻人。它的特点是:愤怒、绝望、怀疑、恐惧等等。以圣怒症为例,他们的青春岁月过后,艺术家们仍然以一种类似的宣泄方式来表达他们的情感。

essay 代写:金属陶瓷的诞生

Now to understand these lines better it is necessary to understand the birth of Metallica and what it sought to contribute. Metallica was born in the 1980’s. The socio-cultural context at this time was one that embraced rock bands like Guns & Roses and heavy metal was typically characterized by small ideas. Most of the youth at that time were focused on bands that were less serious, about the socio-political context of the time. Metallica was a pioneer here in touching upon political issues, war and more in a way that wasn’t typical with Heavy Metal. The style that the band was seen with was that of a misfit, and “to let myself go free” as Hetfield presents in St. Anger was what Metallica inspired many to do.Hetfield and Ulrich the key players came from two different worlds and hence there was the presence of an inherent clash in compositions and rendition.

essay 代写:金属陶瓷的诞生
Their common interest was United Kingdom’s Motorhead. Their major contribution was in brining music for fans who were not able to identify themselves with the then contemporaries like Bon Jovi. Youth needed a release in the form of experessions for their obsessions and Metallica filled this gap. The sons of metallica were personal and were written to reflect the many obsessions of men, mostly young men. It features, anger, despair, doubts, fear and more. In the case of the St. Anger, ages after their youth period, the artists still portray their emotions in a similar cathartic style.

resume 代写:酒店的三个调查结果

resume 代写:酒店的三个调查结果


resume 代写:酒店的三个调查结果

resume 代写:酒店的三个调查结果

As per the STR Report, the three findings about the hotel are as follows:Occupancy Rate: The occupancy rate of the hotel has been highest on Saturday, which reveals that the customers are likely to visit the hotel during the weekend to spend a relaxing time. As far as the competitors’ occupancy rate on weekend is concerned, there is not much difference but still the occupancy rate high in the competitors. ADR value: The ADR value of the hotel has been high on weekend i.e. the tariff of the rooms offered by the property boosted during the weekend due to high sales. However, the ADR value of the competitors is high and maximum during the weekend, especially Saturday.

resume 代写:酒店的三个调查结果
RevPar: The RevPar value of the hotel is high on Saturday i.e. the hotel offered maximum tariff and had high occupancy rate during the weekend. On the other hand, the RevPar value of the competitors was high on Saturday but showed significant increase. As far as the worst days are concerned, the Monday and Friday had the lowest sales. This is due to the fact that Monday is a weekday, and hence customers do not have offs from their work. The sales are high during the weekends i.e. Saturday and Sunday. However, the sale is low on Friday due to the fact that many customers do not week-offs from their work on Friday as well so the sale is usually estimated to be less during this time.






The unprecedented movement of foreign fighters to the Islamic states has been regarded as one of the biggest terrorist threats which may be described as one of the largest terrorist threats to different Western Nations after the attacks of 9/11. These people may do the consistent attacks on the different nations or their own nations. Foreign fighters from different nations may pose a series of threats and challenges for the ones who are opposed by IS. The very first and the foremost thing is that different foreign fighters play an important role in different operations of the ISIS organization and their operations.

The foreign fighters have been used by ISIS for the purpose of extreme violence so as to intimidate them from doing various operations. ISIS has been using these foreign fighters for the purpose of posing a serious threat to the organizations in order to proclaim extreme violence in order to intimidate the local population of the nation. With the help of these atrocities, they try to create and maintain fear in the minds of the people. In addition to this, the foreign fighters are also dangerous as they may be used by ISIS to create a plot and execute the plan to attack a nation.



此外,彭明盛指出,考虑到IBM在印度的扩张,关键因素在于以低成本获得劳动力。然而,他一直认为印度的技术基础也是极其重要的(Doole和Lowe 2008)。IBM可以考虑在印度寻找一个更大的高度熟练的人力资源来源,为全球服务运营和全球无缝转移提供人员。值得注意的是,大多数印度人都精通英语。然而,处于初始阶段的IBM在整个组织的人力资源开发中面临着压力。这对于将自己视为全球公民和全球专业人士的工程师和管理人员的培养是必要的,他们能够毫不费力地在全球各地移动,并在几个国家的背景下表现出有效的商业活动(Hill et al., 2012)。

组织设计以使业务与现有的或新的业务模型保持一致,以及最大化效率水平的关键战略方法而闻名。通过明确工作职责,重新定义工作及其相互关系,可以最大限度地提高这种效力。此外,组织的治理机制和其他要素对于推动新的支持性行为的业务结果和战略变化至关重要(Lakkaraju和Ajmera 2011)。


Further ahead, it has been noted by Palmisano that the key factor considering which IBM expanded in India was focused on gaining accessibility of labour at low cost. However, he has been arguing that the base of technical skills in India is also extremely significant (Doole and Lowe 2008). IBM can consider looking for a larger source of highly skilful human resource in India for staffing the global operations of services and seamless movement across the globe. It is worth noting that majority of the Indian population is fluent in English language. However, IBM, being in an initial phase, is facing the thrust in the development of human resource across the organization. This is required for the production of engineers and managers seeing themselves as global citizens and global professionals, who have the ability of moving effortlessly across the globe and performance of effective business activities in the context of several nations (Hill et al., 2012).

Organizational design are known for enabling businesses for the alignment of the organization with the existing or new model of business, and the key strategic approaches for maximizing the level of effectiveness. This effectiveness can be maximized by the clarification of responsibilities at work and redefinition of job along with their relations with each other. In addition, mechanisms of governance and other elements of the organization are crucial for driving business results and strategic change with respect to new supportive behaviour (Lakkaraju and Ajmera 2011).

essay 評判:數據信息服務

essay 評判:數據信息服務
對信息的訪問通常僅限於政府、網絡單元等授權人員。不幸的是,服務提供者也可以訪問相同的數據,這通常是鏈中的薄弱環節。未經授權的人可能會訪問這些數據,之後可能會將這些數據用於犯罪或欺詐。使用確保數據傳輸加密的設備和軟件將對防止此事件的發生大有幫助(Madden, 2014)。數據捕獲的不幸不良影響是,任何人只要訪問數據,就可以輕易地侵犯個人隱私。

essay 評判:數據信息服務
雖然互聯網使購物、獲取信息以及與朋友和家人保持聯繫等活動變得可能(McFarland, 2012);未經授權的人員訪問數據是一個重大缺陷,需要優先解決(隱私權利信息交換中心,2016)。雖然非常方便和容易的連接是主要的優勢,甚至基本的隱私權也受到這種侵犯。沒有什麼是私人的,正如雇主們所知道的那樣,他們甚至會查看社交媒體(在工作之前和工作期間)來更好地了解個人。

essay 評判:數據信息服務

Access to information is generally restricted to authorized personnel like governments, cyber cell, and so on. Unfortunately, service providers also have access to the same data and this is usually the weak link in the chain. The data may be accessed by an unauthorized person, who may later use the data for committing a crime or fraud. Using devices and software that ensure the data transmitted is encrypted would go a long way in preventing the occurence of this event (Madden, 2014).The unfortunate ill effect of data capture is the ease with which personal privacy can be invaded by anyone who has access to the data.

essay 評判:數據信息服務
While the internet has made it possible to simplify several activities like purchases, access to information, and also to stay in touch with friends and family (McFarland, 2012); access to the data by unauthorized personnel is a major drawback that needs to be addressed on priority (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, 2016). Although highly convenient and easily connectivity is major advantages, even the basic right to privacy is affected by this invasion. Nothing is private and as on date employers are known to even check out social media (prior to and during the course of employment) to understand the individual better.



另一项研究表明,在创新和竞争力方面,加拿大未能实现自己的目标,因为该国在研发方面的投资水平较低、高等教育院校入学率下降以及基础设施质量不断恶化,继续阻碍该国的表现。世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)在2015年全球竞争力报告(Global Competitiveness Report)中为加拿大提供了第22个排名。过去几年,加拿大未能采取主动改善排名。随着世界范围内对人才和投资的竞争加剧,加拿大面临着严峻的竞争。如果它计划跟上步伐,那么初创机构和企业家就需要被倾听。

他们被认为是中国创新的精髓,必须为他们提供一张桌子,让他们在场分享自己的想法和担忧。决策者应将这些关注和想法纳入决策模型,使其更有效。当谈到加拿大未来的形成时,他们的创业社区也可以发挥关键作用,起到带头作用。这个国家的初创企业需要敢于冒险,勇于竞争,敢于接受生活中的任何挑战和失败,因为只有这些特质才能通向创新之路(Anthony Lacavera and Victoria Lennox, 2016)。


Another research suggests that Canada has underachieved their goals when it comes to innovation and competitiveness, as the country’s performance continues to hamper by lower level of investments in R&D, dropped enrollment rates in post-secondary academic institutions, and the deteriorating quality of country’s infrastructure. World Economic Forum has provided the 22nd ranking to Canada in its Global Competitiveness Report of 2015, as the country fails to take the initiatives to improve its rankings over the past few years. With increased competition for talent and investment within fields and industries worldwide, Canada is facing severe competition. If it plans to catch up with the pace, startup institutions and entrepreneurs need to be heard.

They are considered as the quintessence of the country’s innovation and they have to be provided with a table and presence to share their ideas and concerns. The policy makers should incorporate these concerns and ideas into the decision-making model to make it more effective. When it comes to the formation of Canada’s future, their startup community can also play a pivotal role by leading the way. The country’s startup needs to be risk-takers, bold and competitive enough to accept any challenge and failures of life, as only these traits will lead towards the path of innovation (Anthony Lacavera and Victoria Lennox, 2016).






Supply chain management is the core of any business organisation as it deals with the movement of the product, raw materials, and finished products from their origin to the point of sale where it is to be sold to the end user or the consumer. The entire process of this movement constitutes the supply chain management and the effectiveness of the supply chain determines the effectiveness of the organisation to meet its requirement of timely delivery, meet anticipated deadlines, and consistently meet the rising and sporadic demand in the market.Swift Tyres started by Matt Swift who saw the market for foam based bicycle tyres requiring the replacement and punctures is at a juncture where it needs to decide the exact process of overhauling the supply chain process so as to meet the anticipated demand, rectify the current issues, save the company from a possible bankruptcy, and capture and capitalise on the growing demand of such tyres in America, Europe, and Asia on a large scale by enhancing its production along with arranging finances for the same.

This report will study the company and identify the areas where exact remedial action is needed, so as to have a refined way of progress and the firm getting into an advantageous position in major markets and among competitors for the future. The supply chain itself is designed in such a manner that it is time consuming and the company does not have a fall back option to depend on in case the parts or one of the vendors moves out and backs off from dealing with the company. This is not though of and must be considered as international market operate on a different factorial level and have varied circumstances under which they operate and export materials, such that any change in the factors which affect their operations will subsequently bring a new change in the way they are able to supply and the company will suffer for its production will be halted or delayed. The crisis point is that the company has been facing delays in its service, the declining product quality, and the deterioration of reputation in the market leading to a stagnant and declining phase for the company with an urgent necessity of remedial action to be infused and taken aggressively.






























这些被收集来的材料可能来自引用他人成果、数据统计、理论、实验结果等。通过收集材料,明确这些材料使用,这些东西可能会体现在essay outline中。









如今,几乎所有的年轻人都有自己的智能手机,并且至少拥有一个社交网站账户。这种趋势引起了欺凌的形式逐渐变异成网络欺凌─故意行为和造成的重复伤害通过使用电脑,手机,和其他数字技术(网络欺凌,2014)。网络欺凌的形式包括恶意评论、视频、谣言和图片,已经引发了许多青少年问题,如滥用毒品、自残和自杀。根据Ditch The Label annual bullying survey 2016,去年有150多万年轻人被他人欺负。因此,本文的目的是探讨网络欺凌的原因和影响,提出解决问题的方案,并进一步评价这些方案的有效性。至于原因,青少年在遇到一些不公平的社会现象时,更倾向于倾吐情绪而不考虑后果。其次,网络文化、网络道德缺失、网络社会问题管理不善也是造成网络欺凌行为发生的原因之一。




Nowadays, nearly all young adults have their own smart phone and own at least one social networking site account. This trend has caused the form of bullying which gradually mutate into cyberbullying ─ the deliberate behavior and the repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other digital technologies (What is Cyberbullying, 2014). The forms of cyberbullying include malicious comments, videos, rumors and pictures, and have triggered off a lot of teens issues, like drugs abuse, self-injuries and committing suicide. According to The Ditch the Label annual bullying survey 2016, more than 1.5 million young people have been bullied by others last year. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to discuss the causes and effects of cyberbullying, suggest solutions to deal with this problem, and further evaluate the effectiveness of these solutions. As for the reasons, youngsters are more likely to pour out their emotions without considering the consequences, when meeting some social unfair phenomena. Secondly, the Internet culture, the lack of network ethics, and the poor management of the problems brought forth in the network society also contribute a lot to the occurrence of cyberbullying behavior.

In addition, adults are slow to respond to cyberbullying and the victims tend to conceal the bullying for the fear of threats, which makes bulliers feel that there are little to no consequence to their actions (End to Cyberbullying Organisation, 2015). To solve the cyberbullying problems, both the government and school play a very significant role. To start, the government can make legislations to fight against cyberbullying and enforce social networking site companies to post some advertisements to remind the young people that they need to respond to their own malicious behaviors. Besides, government can assist the public to shoulder their own responsibilities to care for and educate the youngsters. For instance, they can paste eye-catching and comprehensible posters and advertisements at the bus stops, on the buses or at the underground stations to spread the messages of what the adults should do when their children are faced with cyberbullying and how they can successfully avoid the youngsters to bully others through comics or slogan. Furthermore, the government can also set up departments to provide more ways for the cyberbullying victims to bravely voice out what they have experienced, such as the anonymous 24-hour hotline and online chatting.