

鲍勃创立和发起的业务类型是渡船和船只。自组织和发展初期渡轮(Kuratko, 2016)以来,鲍勃一直在生产渡轮和便利渡轮运输。该组织因高速双体船而受到欢迎。该组织为特别服务提供商、军队和渡轮运营商提供解决方案。InCat公司致力于利用铝船技术(Kozubikova et al., 2015)。该品牌后来国际化,以打入全球市场。通过研究发现,在轮渡业务中,全球市场份额超过40%是由他的组织InCat (Schaper et al., 2014)实现的。


该业务的主要竞争优势在于缺乏具有类似经验水平的竞争对手。考虑到在造船和渡轮上的广泛经验,使市场对领导者的理解成为了InCat,这使得更多的客户能够吸引更多的客户(Kuratko et al., 2015)。此外,世界上大量的市场份额提供了对轮渡消费者的信任因素,因为这些组织能够在轮渡的经营市场中享有竞争优势。该组织被认为是在消费者分配的预算中及时交付船舶的市场领导者(Schaper, 2016)。因此,可以认为,Bob的组织已经开发了必要的竞争优势以确保全球市场份额(Kuratko et al., 2015)。此外,它还履行了对客户不断变化和不断增长的要求的精确责任和所有权。


The type of business founded and initiated by Bob was of ferry and boats. Bob has been producing the ferries and facilitating the ferry transport since the emergence of the organization and development of the initial ferry (Kuratko, 2016). The organization is popular for the high speed catamaran. The organization provides solutions to the special service providers, militaries and ferry operators. InCat is engaged in utilizing the technology of aluminum ship (Kozubíková et al., 2015). The brand was later internationalized to reach the global market. It is found through the research that more than 40 per cent on the global market share in the ferry business has been achieved by his organization InCat (Schaper et al., 2014).


The primary competitive advantage of the business is found to be in the lack of competitors with the similar level of experience. It is to consider that the extensive experience in building ships and ferries had made the market perception of the leader to be InCat and this enables to attract more customers to the business (Kuratko et al., 2015). Moreover, the substantial market share in the world provides with the factor of trust to the consumers of ferries due to which the organizations are able to enjoy the competitive advantages in the operating market of ferries. The organization is identified to be the market leader in delivering the vessels in a timely manner within the budget allocated by the consumers (Schaper, 2016). Hence, it can be considered that the organization of Bob has developed the required competitive advantage to secure the global market share (Kuratko et al., 2015). Additionally, it has been performed with the precise accountability and ownership of the changing and growing requirements of the clientele.






债务或者说是杠杆是任何公司资本结构的重要组成部分。R . vale指出,长期债务是美国所有公司资本结构的关键因素。债务与其他公司的可变资产的价值和现金储备。上述分析表明,债务相当于其资产,因此资本结构在较长时期内是强劲的。债务对美国许多公司的价值相当于公司资产的贝塔值。这有利于公司资本结构的财务理论。公司的资本结构是重要的部分,因为这有助于金融当局和政府在更长的时间内决定公司的实力。所有未来的投资都取决于公司强大的资本结构。在上述情况下,美国的大多数公司都是通过降低杠杆率来关注其强大的资本结构。总的来说,这一分析得出的结论是,美国公司高度依赖其资产、收入和股权投资。


Descriptive statistics for various capital structures for the firms in USA
This indicates that most of the US Firms have long term debt than liabilities in their capital structure. The level of significance for most of the variable is not important. Some of the capital structure variables like sales, liabilities, assets are the important factors in deciding the company’s capital structure irrespective of the country.
The net sales, liabilities, debts and assets are the growth factors for any company. In this case, the assets and liabilities correlations are almost zero for all companies in USA. The capital structure clearly indicates the value of debt in their balance sheet.


Debt or say as leverage is the important part in any firm’s capital structure. The R vale indicates that long term debt is the critical factor in the capital structure among all the firms in USA. The debt against all other firm’s variable where the value of assets and its cash & reserve. The above analysis indicates that debt is equivalent to its assets and hence the capital structure is strong for longer term. The value of debt to many of the firms in USA is equivalent to the firm’s assets as indicated through the beta value. This is in favor of the financial theories for the firm’s capital structure. Capital structure of the firms is the significant part as this helps the financial authorities and the governments to decide the strengthening of the firm in longer term. All future investments depend on the strong capital structure of the firm. In the above scenario, it is indicated that in USA most of the firms focus on their strong capital structure by reducing their leverage. Overall, it is concluded in this analysis that USA firms are highly dependent on its assets, revenue and equity based investments.






这份报告分析了一位名叫鲍勃•克利福德的澳大利亚企业家。该报告将讨论企业家的背景,以评估企业家激情的发展。它将讨论个体为发展理念和认识机会所采用的企业家特征和过程(Bae等人,2014)。本报告将进一步阐述已开发的业务类型,并将评估该组织的竞争优势,并将其与业务市场进行比较(Baum et al., 2014)。此外,未来的建议将提供给鲍勃·克利福德,涉及他所能采取的各种途径和业务。将描述企业家与业务的完整概述,以确定为本报告所选择的企业家的完整概要。


The entrepreneurs of the 21st century are progressive, dynamic and have good leadership skills. They possess such characteristics that not only help them to grow but also allow them to become competitive in the highly competitive business environment. This report is based on the one of such entrepreneurs, namely Bob Clifford. This entrepreneur threw his entrepreneurial skills, identified opportunities and developed ideas. Such identifications helped him to be highly successful and profitable today. This report highlights his achievements and recommends on his future business direction.


This report analyses an Australian entrepreneur called Bob Clifford. The report will discuss the entrepreneur’s background for the assessment of the entrepreneurial passion’s development. It will discuss the entrepreneurial characteristics and the processes employed by the individual for the development of idea and recognition of opportunity (Bae et al., 2014). This report will further elaborate on the business type that has been developed and it will assess the competitive advantages of the organization as compared within the operating market (Baum et al., 2014). Furthermore, the future recommendations will be provided for Bob Clifford involving the varied avenues and businesses that can be taken by him. The complete overview of the entrepreneur along with the business will be described in order to determine the complete profile of the entrepreneur that is selected for the purpose of this report.




考虑到动机是Bob最强大的特征之一,他仍然专注于建造船只,即使他的第一艘渡轮被拒绝,他仍然致力于开发更复杂的功能设计和渡轮(Kuratko et al., 2015)。此外,作为一种特性的创造力可以从由Bob开发的广泛的设计范围来看。他不仅坚持不懈,而且对开发的ferries (Ducker, 2014)的销售也很有说服力。他在创立InCat的初始阶段(Zolin, 2015)承担了所有可能的职位的组织角色,他是全能的。最重要的是,Bob承担了风险承受力、视野、商业技能和驾驶的特征,他在组织中担任主要领导者,不仅忽视了船只的设计和建造,而且还忽略了组织的管理(Fisher et al., 2014)。


Bob的其他一些创业特征是灵活性和开放性。这是显而易见的,目前组织队长的位置已经被鲍勃接管了。这个职位需要广泛的投入,而且时间很长,但他对水运的热情使他能够在发展国际品牌的情况下继续工作(Baum et al., 2014)。人们发现,鲍勃是澳大利亚最灵活的企业家之一,因为他不仅担任了船长的职务,还负责运送渡轮,而且实际上是在运河船上管理着这个组织。因此,在Bob的日常活动中,领导技能和业务管理技能是很明显的。


It is to consider that motivation is one of the strongest characteristics of Bob as he had remained focused and determined to build the boats even when his first ferry was rejected, he remained dedicated to develop more sophisticated and functional designs and ferries (Kuratko et al., 2015). Furthermore, the creativity as a characteristic can be viewed from the extensive range of designs that were developed by Bob. He was not only persistent but also persuasive regarding the sales of the developed ferries (Ducker, 2014). He consisted of versatility as he undertook the organizational role of all the possible positions at the initial stages of founding InCat (Zolin, 2015). Most importantly, Bob entails the characteristics of risk tolerance, vision, business skills and drive as he operated as a primary leader in the organization that overlooked not only the designs and construction of the boats but also the management of the organization (Fisher et al., 2014).


Some of the other entrepreneurial characteristics of Bob are the flexibility and open-mindedness. This is evident as presently the position of the organizational captain has been taken up by Bob. This position requires extensive dedication and it is time consuming but his passion for the water transport has enabled him to remain working despite of developing an international brand (Baum et al., 2014). It is found that Bob is one of the most flexible entrepreneurs in Australia as he not only undertakes the position of Captain which makes him responsible for the delivery of ferries but also manages the organization virtually from a canal boat itself. Hence, the leadership skills and business management skills are evident in the daily activities of Bob.




研究发现,罗伯特·鲍勃·弗雷德里克·克利福德·奥博士出生在澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚岛(Carland and Carland, 2015)。鲍勃有三个儿子,分别是克雷格、金和罗汉。在最初的几年里,鲍勃是一名专门的游艇爱好者,喜欢在学校、周末和学校假期(Carland et al., 2015)中航行。当鲍勃开始工作的时候,他觉得他的帆船运动很痛苦。在上学期间,鲍勃在几个科目上都失败了,这让他很惊讶,因为他甚至在木工方面都失败了。他的父亲是屠夫,在很大程度上没有帮助鲍勃。当他在起居室里(Fisher et al., 2014)制作了一艘14英尺长的木船时,这位木工老师大吃一惊。在他退休后,大部分童年时光都是和他父亲一起度过的。


在这之后,他说服自己继续留在水里,因为他已经钓了十年了。正是这种对水和航行的热情不仅激发了鲍勃,也创造了他的创业激情(Kozubikova et al., 2015)。鲍勃已经开始在他的房子的后院建造渡船在它被商业化之前。他从事渡轮业务大约八年,并专门花时间设计和建造渔船和帆船或渡轮(Carland et al., 2015)。因此,人们可以认为,正是由于对水运的强烈热情,才使鲍勃获得了他所取得的成功。当塔斯曼大桥于1975年坍塌时,鲍勃最终运营了两个轮渡业务,提升到五艘渡轮。


It has been identified from the research that Dr. Robert Bob Frederick Clifford AO was born in Tasmania, Australia (Carland and Carland, 2015). Bob has three sons namely Craig, Kim and Rohan. In the initial years, Bob was a dedicated yachtsman that enjoyed sailing after the school, during weekends, and school holidays (Carland et al., 2015). When Bob started to work, he felt that his sailing activities are suffering. During the schooling, Bob had failed in several subjects and this was surprising as he even failed in woodwork. His father was a butcher and did not assist Bob in much of the efforts. The woodwork teacher was taken by a surprise when he delivered a 14 foot long wooden boat that he developed in the living room (Fisher et al., 2014). Much of the childhood was spent with his father after his retirement on fishing.


After this, he convinced himself to remain on the water due to which he was fishing for over a decade. It is the passion for being on water and sailing that has not only motivated Bob but also created his entrepreneurial passion (Kozubíková et al., 2015). Bob has initiated to build the ferries in the backyard of his house before it was commercialized. He entered in the business of ferries for about eight years and dedicated the time to design and build boats for fishing and sailing or ferries (Carland et al., 2015). Therefore, it can be considered that it was the strong passion for the water transport that provided with the pathway to Bob for the success that he has attained. Bob eventually operated two ferry operations that enhanced to five ferries as the Tasman Bridge collapsed in 1975.




在自由化之前,许多银行被迫使用配额信贷。对贷款和利率有控制。这必然意味着银行不会使用价格来将贷款供应和需求因素联系起来。由于这一点,对债务的需求增加了。这通常意味着有更多的借款人只是被延长了。由于放松管制,有必要减少信贷。在放松管制的同时,经济活动中出现了周期性回升。他们被发现分享利润。基本面的改善被认为是真实资产价格的合理增长(Booth et al., 2001)。这些都被发现是投机性的增长,而不是由基本面决定的。在公司内部,资产价格的增加被发现为提高杠杆率提供了一种动力,这是由于名义利息的税收可抵扣性。这些名义利息支付被发现在这两个部分之间是分开的。如果借贷利率被发现增加更多的通货膨胀,可以增加税收减免,通货膨胀可以创造。这些可以被更高的借贷成本完全抵消。





Before liberalization, many of the banks were forced to utilize the ration credit. There were controls on the lending and interest rates. This invariably meant banks will not use prices to associate the loan supply along with the demand factors. Owing to this there is increased demand for the debt. This is often meant to mean that there are higher numbers of borrowers that are simply lengthened. Owing to the deregulation there is a need to ration credit disappeared. In the same time in the deregulation there was a cyclical pick-up within economic activity. These were found to share towards the profits. The improvement in the fundamentals is found to be legitimate increase in the real asset prices (Booth et al., 2001). These are found to set of speculative increases and not justified by the fundamentals. Within the firm the increase in the asset prices are found to provide an incentive towards the higher leverages owing to the tax deductibility of the nominal interest. These nominal interest payments are found to be separated between the two components.


If the borrowing rates are found to increase more with the inflation there can be increased tax deduction that the inflation can create. These can be completely offset by the higher borrowing costs. There is also the aggregate measure of the real cost of debt with the aggregate measure. In the cases of equilibrium, the cost of debt is found to put risk on the premium. They must be equal to the cost of equity. However, the equilibrium conditions are not continuous. In the cases where the borrowing rates are found to increase with the inflation there will be increased tax deduction. These are found to be completely offset by the higher borrowing costs. When the costs of the debt are found to be rising, it is found that they are relative to the cost of the equity. These are expected to be increased with the gearing. These are some of the firm level and the macro environmental analysis that needs to be considered with the case of capital structure of the firm.




权衡理论被认为是允许破产的考虑。利用债务作为税收挡箭牌的好处是可以受益的。债务融资有许多好处。下一个理论是啄食顺序理论。这被发现包含了不对称信息的成本。还有一些公司被发现优先考虑融资的来源。内部融资是考虑在内的。在这方面,债务被发现是公司的选择,它可以独立于公司的外部财务。资本结构替代理论的基础是公司的管理可以操纵资本结构(Kayhan和Titman, 2007)。这不是一个规范性模型。这是三种代理成本。资产替代效应。这是债务与股本比率的增加,对公司承担任何风险的激励将会较小。在这个范例中,净现值被发现减少了。有一个投资不足的问题被用来拒绝积极的NPV项目。除此之外还有自由现金流。这是给投资者的,管理层被发现有破坏公司价值的动机。






The trade-off theory is found to allow bankruptcy that is considered. There is the benefit of using the offset to benefit of using the debt as tax shield. There are many advantages of the financing with the debt. The next theory is the pecking order theory. This is found to encompass the costs of asymmetric information. There are also companies that is found to prioritize the sources of the financing. There is internal financing that is considered. In this the debt is found to be the choice of the firm that can act as independently of the external finances of the company. The capital structure substitution theory is based on the hypothesis that the management of the company can manipulate the capital structure (Kayhan, and Titman, 2007). This is not a normative model. These are three kinds of agency costs. The asset substitution effect. This is the debt-to-equity ratio increases there will be lesser incentives for the company to undertake any risks. The Net present value is found to be reduced in this paradigm. There is underinvestment problem that is used to reject the positive NPV projects. Apart from this there is free cash flow. This is given to the investors and the management is found to have an incentive to destroy the firm value.


These are some of the major factors and theories that explain the capital structure of the firm
Macroeconomic and Firm Level Factors Affecting Capital Structure Decision of Firms
In the cases of moderate ranges, the firms must exhibit preference for the internal funds over the external securities. Within the moderate ranges, there is requirement for the external funds in these cases the firms must prefer debt to equity. There is the preference for the internal funds. These must be evident in the negative relationship that forms between the firms’ cash flow and the reliance on debt. There are various costs that are associated with the external finances. These are found to be lower for the informational asymmetries. There are various explicit and implicit costs that are associated with the finances. These are found to be lower for the firms with the various stakeholders. These stakeholders for the companies include debt holders, equity holders, creditors, customers and employees. There are found to be more in the cases of larger firms (Booth et al., 2001).






在安全性方面,可以很容易地定义受欢迎的因素,并说明了在抗剪强度上可用的数量。为了使边坡达到极限平衡的初始状态,必须降低剪切强度的大小。因此,在有效剪切的概念下,可以很容易地表达出破坏表面的剪应力。 t = 1 / F *(c ‘ + ‘ tanØ’) 在考虑坡度的情况下,将其斜率表示为具有相变表面的均质材料,并将其离散化为3个楔形。自由身体图简单地解释了个体的楔形,并指示作用在它们上的力,显示了被动员的剪切力和摩擦强度被用来定义作用在每个楔形上的力。个人符号可以被增强的定义描述我=编号,l =两边的长度,ξ=动员剪切强度的内聚组件的内部表面,如果=动员的内聚组件剪切强度和外部故障似乎封闭质量下滑。


The theoretical analysis of the Wedge method is defined by way of the analysis which is being made by the illustrating the simple and the complete method of the wedge analysis. It is clearly demonstrated by using the multiple wedges that seem to be using the non-vertical interfaces. The generalized wedge method is determined to be the force and the moment equilibrium which is made to be explained along with the kinetic conditions. The fully mobilized strengths are fully structured on both the separation of the wedges and the achievement of the wedges is appropriately allowed for illustrating the admissibility of the wedges. The structure of the initial wedge based methods was illustrated to be addressing the solutions and the problems which are illustrating to be initial wedge based solutions. The structure, for the purpose of constituting the model, is illustrated to be based on the generalized model which is adequate for the slope stability analysis.


The well-accepted factors can be easily defined regarding the safety, and the amount is illustrated to be available on the shear strength. The amount of the shear strength must be reduced for the purpose of bringing the slope to its initial state of the limiting equilibrium. Due to this, the shear stress on the failure surface can be easily expressed concerning effective shear concept.
t = 1/F*(c’+a’ tanØ’) As per the slope is being considered, the slope is indicated to be made up of the homogeneous materials with a phreatic surface and the discretization into the three wedges can be depicted. The free body diagrams simply explain the individual wedges and indicate the forces that are acting on them with showing the mobilized shear and the frictional strength is being used for defining the forces acting on each wedge. The individual symbols can be depicted by the enhancement of the definition which is i= side numbering, l= length of the sides, Xi= mobilization of the cohesive component of the shear strength at the internal surfaces, Si= Mobilization of the cohesive component of the shear strength and the outer failure that seems to be enclosing the slipping mass.






楔形法是最简单的边坡稳定性分析方法。平面滑移面在楔形破坏中,斜向水平方向倾斜。在平面面情况下,滑移交叉口可以在坡面进行分析,或通过坡脚。伪静态分析的安全系数可以通过以下方式得到: 总应力分析包括土的应力参数,通常为粘性土的应力参数。在有效应力分析中,通常为无粘性土进行有效的应力土参数。因此,为了达到以下目的,应该知道孔隙水压力和滑移面。水位以上的土层和孔隙水压力假定为零。如果水表处于水平位置,而土壤在地下水位以下,则水表下方的孔隙水压力为流体静力。倾斜水位下的流网可以估算为地下水位以下的孔隙水压力。该方法被认为是估计边坡稳定性的最简单形式。计算是基于楔形法的。在对研究进行的分析中,分析清楚地解释了研究中解释的方法的结构。该机制的改进为计算边坡确定的故障提供了合适的机制。水的压力可以很容易地说明结构强度。


Numerical analysis: The finite element method is used to calculate the displacement field and stress field of the slope.Hence, the stability coefficient of each element and the sliding surface are calculated by using the rock and soil strength criterion. Practical engineering applications analogy: Comparison of the man-made slope which is designed with the practical slopes. These are experienced to evaluate its stability, produce a reasonable slope and slope angle.


Wedge method: Wedge method is the simplest analysis about the slope stability. Planar slip surface is there in the wedge failure which inclined at the angle to the horizontal. In the case of the planar surface, slip intersection can analyse at the slope face or pass through slope toe. The safety factor for the pseudo-static analysis can be obtained by the following way: The total stress analysis includes the stress parameters of the soil which is often performed for the cohesive soils. In the effective stress analysis, the effective stress soil parameters are often performed for the cohesionless soils. Thus, for the following purpose, the pore water pressures along with the slip surface should be known. The soil layers above the water table and the pore water pressures are assumed to be zero. If the water table is in the horizontal position and soil is below the water table, then the pore water pressure below the water table would be hydrostatic. The flow net in the sloping water table can be estimated as the pore water pressures below the water table. The method is considered as the simplest form for the estimation of the slope stability. The calculation is based on the wedge method. As per the analysis is being undertaken for the study, the analysis clearly explains the structure of the method which is being explained by the study. The enhancement of the mechanism provides the appropriate mechanism for calculating the slope defined failures. The pressure of the water can be easily illustrated for the structural strength.








Financing in firms or other corporate level investments are usually carried out by corporate organisations based on well researched financial mix. The goal of any investment is to ensure that there is a fair return and maximisation of value for the firm. The argument of Myers in the context of understanding investments for instance, where he discusses over investments and under-investment’s, can be analysed in context. In the case of under-investment, it could so happen that positive net present values in investment will accrue to debt holders. The accrual to shareholders takes a hit here. This causes the situation of a higher leverage ratio; however, this happens at the cost of less financial flexibility. With this, the issues of a micro environment that offers for growth opportunities also gets added in, leading to more issues to handle. Then managers might end up taking preventive action in leverage ratios, causing negative relationship effects between investment and the leverage that was noted earlier.


Investment hence has to be carefully decided upon. Secondly, note the case of over investment. In the case of over investment, it is possible that there could be issues of conflict between managers and shareholders. The reasoning behind these conflicts is because some groups would want to look into negative NPV investment as a way to improve the scale of the firm. In the context of the many issues surrounding a company’s capital structuring, this report is prepared for an investment company in London for which an investigation into factors affecting company’s capital structure decisions are assessed. The country chosen for analysis is the United Kingdom, and based on firm level and macroeconomic analysis, findings and correlations of relevance are presented to the management board. Detailed theoretical material is also added for the benefit of the audience.