


鲍勃创立和发起的业务类型是渡船和船只。自组织和发展初期渡轮(Kuratko, 2016)以来,鲍勃一直在生产渡轮和便利渡轮运输。该组织因高速双体船而受到欢迎。该组织为特别服务提供商、军队和渡轮运营商提供解决方案。InCat公司致力于利用铝船技术(Kozubikova et al., 2015)。该品牌后来国际化,以打入全球市场。通过研究发现,在轮渡业务中,全球市场份额超过40%是由他的组织InCat (Schaper et al., 2014)实现的。


该业务的主要竞争优势在于缺乏具有类似经验水平的竞争对手。考虑到在造船和渡轮上的广泛经验,使市场对领导者的理解成为了InCat,这使得更多的客户能够吸引更多的客户(Kuratko et al., 2015)。此外,世界上大量的市场份额提供了对轮渡消费者的信任因素,因为这些组织能够在轮渡的经营市场中享有竞争优势。该组织被认为是在消费者分配的预算中及时交付船舶的市场领导者(Schaper, 2016)。因此,可以认为,Bob的组织已经开发了必要的竞争优势以确保全球市场份额(Kuratko et al., 2015)。此外,它还履行了对客户不断变化和不断增长的要求的精确责任和所有权。


The type of business founded and initiated by Bob was of ferry and boats. Bob has been producing the ferries and facilitating the ferry transport since the emergence of the organization and development of the initial ferry (Kuratko, 2016). The organization is popular for the high speed catamaran. The organization provides solutions to the special service providers, militaries and ferry operators. InCat is engaged in utilizing the technology of aluminum ship (Kozubíková et al., 2015). The brand was later internationalized to reach the global market. It is found through the research that more than 40 per cent on the global market share in the ferry business has been achieved by his organization InCat (Schaper et al., 2014).


The primary competitive advantage of the business is found to be in the lack of competitors with the similar level of experience. It is to consider that the extensive experience in building ships and ferries had made the market perception of the leader to be InCat and this enables to attract more customers to the business (Kuratko et al., 2015). Moreover, the substantial market share in the world provides with the factor of trust to the consumers of ferries due to which the organizations are able to enjoy the competitive advantages in the operating market of ferries. The organization is identified to be the market leader in delivering the vessels in a timely manner within the budget allocated by the consumers (Schaper, 2016). Hence, it can be considered that the organization of Bob has developed the required competitive advantage to secure the global market share (Kuratko et al., 2015). Additionally, it has been performed with the precise accountability and ownership of the changing and growing requirements of the clientele.