


Umayyad Caliphate is the greatest Muslim dynasty that ruled the empire of caliphate. The house of Islam was the place, where the Muslim government ruled. The non-Muslims were allowed to live there on the Muslim sufferance. The House of War was the outside world, which was not subjugated. Battle of Talas was fought in 752. This battle defined the situation that Chinese civilization would be limited to west. Muslims defeated Chinese, which stopped the expansion of the Tang dynasty. This war also set the boundaries, for what is modern China today. Battle of Poitiers was fought in the year 732. This battle was fought between the armies of Islamic leader Emir Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi Abd al Rahman, and the army of the Frankish leader Charles Martel. Muslims were defeated in this battle and their northward expansion was halted. Thus, the battle of Talas River was more important for the expansion of Muslims, as they could easily defeat the Chinese.

Byzantine Empire was the continuation of the Roman Empire. Christian in nature, it was perennially at war with the Muslims, Flourishing during the reign of the Macedonian Renaissance. Byzantine Empire was mainly a Christian State. In the fourth century, Roman world was turning to become Christian. This Empire is considered as the first State, which worked on the authority of the Church. Paganism was very important for the common people. The role of the emperor Constantine I was very important in establishing Christianity in Rome. Byzantine army was the direct descendents of the Roman Army. Their role was to maintain discipline, organization, and strategic prowess.
This Empire was based on the authority of the Church. Thus, Church played a very important role. Church made the religion of Christianity more organized.

Cordoba was a State in Islamic lberia. This State was ruled by Umayyad Dynasty, in which some parts of the North Africa were included. The importance of this period lies in the expansion of culture and trade, and also saw the construction of masterpieces of al-Andalus architecture.
It is very difficult to achieve balance between the republicanism and minority rights. The majority of the Western nations could not force a dress code on the citizens; however, Muslim societies have forced and debated the use of many different garments for women covering. Western philosophy is totally different from the Islamic philosophy, thus they could not be considered as part of west.

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