


商业公司和工业作为一个部门,是城市规划变化过程中的另一个代理人。他们是经过多次讨论和谈判形成的计划的执行者。他们从政府机构和机构获得合同来执行城市规划的设计方案。企业需要在项目执行方面拥有最大的竞争优势,同时也要考虑到其行为对环境的影响(Ward, 2004)。城市规划的变化可能是由于环境的剧烈变化,但变化的执行也会带来新的环境损害,在执行时必须考虑到这一点。对城市变化的需求可能是通过市场压力和生活方式的变化而产生的。

因此,执行者必须小心他们的行动的后果,并控制执行,以产生最大的产出,以最小的浪费和风险和外部性的滚转。建筑业和变革顾问是下一个代理人。他们是思考者和计划者,并在计划形成过程中引入可执行和灵活的专业知识。他们研究变化的后果,并建议计划转移和厌恶。这些顾问与政府当局合作,对所需的改变进行广泛调查。他们还听取和咨询公民社会,并提出建议,以适用于改革计划(Hanson, 2003)。他们需要对计划过程、实施的可能性以及变更项目的成本限制有独家的了解。


Business corporations and industries as a sector are another agent in the change process of urban planning. They are the ones who are the executors of the plan that is formed after multiple discussions and negotiations. They take contracts from the government agencies and bodies to execute the designed plans of the urban planning. The corporations need to be have the best competitive advantage in terms of project execution and also take into account the environmental impact of their actions (Ward, 2004). The change in urban planning may be due to drastic environment change but the change execution can also bring in new environmental damages which must be considered while executing. The demand for urban change may have been generated through market pressures and changes in lifestyle.

Hence, the executor must be careful of the consequences of their actions, and control the execution to produce the maximum output against the minimum wastage and roll-over of risks and externalities. The building industry and change consultants are the next agents. They are the thinkers and planners, and bring in implementable and flexible expertise in the plan formation. They study the change consequences and suggest planning diversions and aversions. The consultants work with the government authorities and make extensive survey of the required change. They also listen and consult the civil society, and make recommendations to be applied to the change plan (Hanson, 2003). They need to have an exclusive knowledge of the plan process, the possibility of implementation, and the cost restrictions for the project of change.