


当代的人管理实践也注重建立有效的团队单位。Workplace team work被认为是提高生产力的有效方法之一。然而,传统的人员管理对于团队合作的意义只在于对项目的影响。在现代人事管理的背景下,工作团队的工作重点是如何鼓励团队任务,比如工作阴影和跨团队作业等。它可以帮助指导挑战,也为团队工作提供了机会。通过鼓励员工的多样性和团队经验来管理员工,确保员工被作为一个良好的管理结构聚集在一起。在组织工作中,这些形式的团队结构有助于减少人员管理的问题(Cherry & Jacob, 2016)。

当代的人管理策略侧重于领导和接班人计划。组织的领导通常是内部招聘的。选择的领导者是那些能够很好地了解组织,并且能够与组织保持有效和可持续的关系的人。此外,这种形式的培训和选拔领导人内部会导致更好的工作结构,因为人们能够更好地了解彼此。他们有在公司工作的经验,也了解公司内部的文化。一些领导甚至可能了解他们工作的员工。这就增强了整个过程。这里有一个整合的人力资源规划,在这里创造了许多工作责任(Dickman et al., 2016)。


Contemporary people management practices also focus on building of effective team units. Workplace team work is considered as one of the effective ways to enhance productivity. However, traditional people management gives significance to teamwork only as far as the impact on a project is considered. Workplace team work in the context of contemporary people management focuses on how to encourage team assignments such as job shadowing and cross team assignments etc. It helps coach challenge and also gives opportunities for enhancing team work. Managing people by encouraging diversity and enabling their team experiences ensures that employees are brought together as a good management structure. In organizational working, these forms of team structures help reduce the issues in people management (Cherry & Jacob, 2016).

Contemporary people management strategies focus on leadership and succession planning. Leadership of an organization is usually recruited internally. Leaders selected are those people who understand the organization well and are able to have an effective and sustainable relationship with the organization. Furthermore, this form of training and selection of leaders internally leads to a better work structure as the people are able to understand one another better. They have experience working in the company and they know the internal culture. Some of the leaders might even know the employees they work with very well. This enhances the entire process. An integrated human resources planning is possible here and much accountability in working is created here (Dickman et al., 2016).