

assignment代写-中国能源消费现状。中国,也被称为世界工厂,来自世界各国的各种公司在中国的工业区合并,以利用成本效益有效的资源,如劳动力。对于大多数西方公司来说,劳动力是负担得起的,因为他们的劳动警察无法吸引当地的生产(纽约时报,2007)。中国有13亿多人口,人口众多,似乎比其他任何国家都更容易获得足够的劳动力供应,这给了企业更好的议价空间。与此同时,FDI在国内具有许多促进作用,如创造更多的就业岗位,提高要素生产率,增加技术转让等(OECD, 2000)。然而,当不断扩大的外国投资和廉价劳动力继续推动整体经济快速增长时,政府等环保监管机构对经济增长与环境的和谐背道而驰,人们周围的环境受到了相当大的影响。为解决这一问题,政府试图引导无论是外国投资者还是国内投资者转移投资风能、太阳能等替代能源的方式(Frey 2014)。中国的工业增长使其成为光伏太阳能电池板和风力涡轮机制造商的领导者。此外,中国最近与俄罗斯签署了一项价值4000亿美元的天然气协议。

David Elliott (1997) pointed out that the issue of environment is remarkable from early 1970s; some of key problems even emerged earlier. For example, the ‘smogs’ of the UK, the damage suffered by Germany’s black forest. Recent years, with the development of merging market, the problem of survival environment have been concern more by many of the other countries, not only for developed economies, the issue of environment has up to the level of international (Frey 2014). By concern of the situation of Chinese environment pollution, one kind of energy is deserve special attention, because of this nation is the king of coal, not matter as a coal producer or a coal consumer, the statistics of Chinese coal have deeply influenced the world coal price, and nearly eighty percent of China‘s total electricity generation is coal-fired, as a type of fossil energy, continued using of coal-and lots of it will make a heavier burden for environment governance. (Buchan, 2010), not limited to the area of coal, from the report of EIA associated with total energy consumption from 2001 to 2011, Chinese oil, nature gas and nuclear energy are inevitably have the rising trend with the economic growth, EIA forecasts that growth in China’s demand for oil will account for 64 percent of increased oil demand of the world during 2011-2013, and natural gas production is more than tripled over the last decades, nuclear power was more widely used than before, as of mid-2012, China had 15 operating reactors, and 26 new one are under the construction.
With the increasing energy consumption in China, the conflict between economy demand and society and environment harmony is increasingly prominent. Chang (2010) have found out that in long run and short run Chinese CO2 emission continue to increase along with the rapidly economic advance and energy consumption. More and more CO2 emission impact on climate change in Asian region, further accelerating the trend of global warming. Another point need to be concerned is because of China’s air pollution, resulted from unlimited use of dirty energy, human health in China will confront a new threat. According to China Daily, premature death related to PM2.5, which is the main source of air pollution in China in major 31 Cities have reached 257,000, making it become a major killer equivalent to smoking (Frey 2014). Evidence shows that the death rate of haze period of China is much higher than non-haze period, unfortunately, Guangzhou have average of 278 days of haze period each year, like many other cities in China.
Regarding China’s domestic enterprises of energy industry, there are also several reasons giving rise to increasing energy consumption, mainly it because the efficiency of using energy for Chinese companies is far lower than the companies of developed countries, lead to the creation of more pollutants, with the expansion of production, discharge of pollutants is difficult to get scientific and effective supervision. In addition, many Chinese enterprises blindness pursuit of economic interests, however ignoring the sustainability development of their own and enterprise moral education and corporate social responsibility.
Many measures in China have been used to control energy consumption, in this dissertation, influences of accounting audit system will be considered as major research direction.

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