


Triantafillou and Potari (2010) conducted research to comprehend the role of the mathematical practices in real work and in the construction of the mathematical meanings for the completion of a job. Mathematics has become an integral aspect over the last decade. It has been observed that many perspectives that have been adopted in the recent years. These work content are hidden in the technological tools. These modulations of the actual work content have different shapes in differential setting. However, the ultimate lining of the mathematical notions continues to be the same. Based on this, the authors state that it is imperative to have literary skills and practical skills that the workers need to assimilate in order to survive in the current dynamics markets. The formulation of the mathematical constructions and practices in the telecommunication were analysed. From the one year ethnographic research study, it was concluded that technicians use of the mathematical meaning was based on the place value and algebraic relations. These were expressed through the personal algorithms and metonymic reasoning. Finally, it was alluded that the educational implications of the technicians played an important role.
From this research, it can be alluded that numeracy and literacy practice is mandatory for survival in any vocation. It is important to consider the ways in which the technical knowledge can be shaped. The cases for the Australian workers have been probed by the following researchers. These have been detailed in the following.
Yasukawa, Black & Brown (2014) have developed a theory that more must be done for the Australian workers to remain competent. Their research alludes that the people need to develop workforce literacy and numeracy. It was deemed in this research that each company had its own lean production methods. These were known as competitive systems and practices. Each vocation had certain policies that explore the ways in which the worker must possess certain qualifications. Nevertheless, in real world situation, was different. It was observed that several factors and qualities that were requisite for the workers to sustain in the current employment practice. These needs to be analysed and developed by each worker. These techniques need to be developed by each worker.
The Australian retail industry employs more than 1.2 million people. This employs the largest and diverse workforces in the nation. The diversity and size of the industry is reflected in the specific requirement for each company and its consumers. It is expected that each team member must bring unique skills for their experience. In some cases, the companies require additional assistance (Yasukawa & Black, 2016). Social literacy, practice is required for comprehension of this research. This involves the engagement of the people with the communities of interest and in the creation of the practioner-community relationship when the focus of the people was on the skills and comprehension of their culture that exists in the local place.

To summarize from the literature review, it is evident that each position requires a lot of skills that are dependent on each vocation. These skills need to be developed by each employee. However, to understand the nuances, it is important to consider each specific circumstance. This is the reason for factoring in the specific case study.

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