


This essay will arguably propose the enhancement and widen scope of inclusive education that should embody special education in the context of school going children, and present convincing reasons of its expansion and drive across all systems of education. In providing reasons, the essay offers ethical, moral, and overall societal benefits of an inclusive education over a special education method.
Differences between the two education systems
Inclusiveness being the key principle of inclusive education, it differs from special education which remains isolated and only confined to the special and the disabled ones. Inclusiveness years for an education which is similar for all and judges all students through the same defined benchmarks and criteria (Day & Travers, 2012). Whereas, special education has less stringent criteria and the teaching, education is lacklustre, which is brought down to the level of the students ability. Inclusive education forces a raise on all students and challenges them to raise their level of abilities and understanding and make them more equivalent and one. Special education lacks the fervour with which the inclusive teaching takes place, which is to prepare the school students to be globally competitive and develop them into more responsible citizens. The irony of the fact is that when cognitive development and capabilities rise during school period, this is the time when the inclusiveness factor must be implemented for all special students (Forlin & Loreman, 2014). This is because if special children are never exposed to normal teaching and normal students, they will remain unchallenged and confined in their comfort zones. The yearly progress they are required to achieve would remain unachieved and this could seem as an intentional and deliberate exclusion of special students from mainstream inclusive education system.
Inclusiveness develops a stronger resilience in students to accept defeat and challenges and to understand one’s limits and excellences, whereas special education fails in giving this chance to special students, who in fact requires more love and support to overcome their disabilities on a psychological standpoint. Special education does not have a specific goal of the progress that is seen in inclusive education, and therefore it lacks the primary condition of their existence to enable students to progress along their years as the normal students do. This difference is justified by the expectations that are set by the respective education systems. Inclusive education sets their expectations high and demands the development of students into torchbearers of co-existence and equilibrium sustenance among all classes of society. Special education sets their expectations low and only accommodates the abilities of the disabled students in the context of a flexible goal, hence a special student only grows to an extent that he or she can exhibit, but not to the extent that the system demands (Hornby, 2016).

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