assignment 代写-朝鲜在日本海试射导弹的辩论


朝鲜想要统治世界,想要向世界展示它的军事力量。基于此,我担心朝鲜正在寻求与其他国家作战。主权国家有权自卫,每个国家都试图发展自己的军火库来保护自己。然而,这些国家不能用他们的军火库来控制其他国家。从历史事件和个人分析来看,朝鲜想要控制邻国韩国和日本。因此,我反对朝鲜在日本海试射导弹。接下来有关assignment 代写-朝鲜在日本海试射导弹的辩论如下:

North Korean citizens do not have the freedom of speech and the news media are highly controlled. They have converted the communist ideology into authoritarian regime. The people in North Korea are not given the civil liberties like the other nations. This is evidence of the totalitarian policy that exists within the nation. The other nations are not aware of the living condition of the people and they have essentially not allowed their citizens to interact with the world.
A nation develops military arsenal to safeguard against enemy nations. However, this must only be for defense purpose. North Korea is aggressively expanding its military and developing nuclear weapons. It is evident from their actions that they want to expand their territorial control. This is not for self-defense against neighbouring nations. Rather it is for controlling neighbouring nations. This reckless testing of the ballistic missiles is perceived as a warning from the nation to the rest of the world. Being a nuclear power, it is alluded that the nation wants to enter into a nuclear war. This would cause large scale destruction to the world.
Based on these reasons, I do not want North Korea to test their ballistic missiles in Sea of Japan.
The allusions and inference are based from reading news from various sources. This opinion is formed from analysis of the historical events, personal analysis of the events and media opinion. Civilized democratic nations are against totalitarian or authoritarian government. Based on this, it feels like common knowledge to make these assumptions.
I personally think that this assumption is valid. People need to have freedom to have a quality of life. North Korea denies the people and acts like an aggressor. This argument has been made and there cannot be any statement stronger than this to make a decision. However, there is always room for improvement. Adding real historical events and data from the events would bolster the argument even more. This would increase the clarity.

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