


另一种对商业研究人员有用的文件是公开可用的贸易条款(Eriksson和Kovalainen, 2015)。贸易条款提供了有关具体行业的实际见解。商业研究人员将发现最有用的贸易条款,因为它将提供业务所需的行业分析。贸易条款也是可信的,因为它们是由行业从业者和专家(Braasch et al., 2016)开发的。区域杂志文章提供了有关选择区域的实用信息。如果重点放在本地影响上,它们对商业研究人员很有用。区域杂志的文章是由当地作者和记者准备的(Collis和Hussey, 2013)。由于当地的作家,文章提供了有关当地的相关信息。

报纸文章也可以用来获取有关事件的信息。这些文章提供了关于企业和行业的最公开的信息,因为在这个行业中正在进行的活动可以被研究(Bryman和Bell, 2015)。此外,还有一些业务文章提供关于行业问题和主要领域的报告和观点。商业文章的文件提供了全球和国家的观点,并结合专家的意见和分析(Coffey, 2014)。商业文章通常是由记者和公认的客座作家编写的,它们带来了高度特定的信息,并提供了更多的可信度。


Another type of document useful for business researchers is the publicly available trade articles (Eriksson and Kovalainen, 2015). The trade articles provide with the practical insight about the specific industries. The business researchers will find the trade articles most useful as it will provide with the industry analysis required for the business. The trade articles are also credible since they are developed by the industry practitioners and specialists (Braasch et al., 2016). The regional magazine articles provide with the practical information about the select regions. They are useful for the business researchers if the focus is on the local impact. The regional magazine article is such documents that are prepared by the local authors and reporters (Collis and Hussey, 2013). Due to the local writer, the articles provide with relevant information to the locality.

Newspaper articles also can be useful in obtaining information about the events. These articles provide with the most public information about the businesses and industry due to which the on-going activities in the industry can be researched (Bryman and Bell, 2015). Furthermore, there are business articles that provides with reporting and perspectives on the industry issues and major domains. The documents of business article offer both global and national viewpoints combined with the opinion and analysis of the experts (Coffey, 2014). The business articles are often prepared by the reporters and recognized guest writers which bring highly specific information and provide with increased credibility.