


并购在当今世界很普遍。大多数组织都了解这种方法为他们的盈利带来的好处。从企业并购是否有利于股东利益的角度来看待利润。有时,合并会导致经理更替,而在其他时候,合并会带来协同效应(Shukla和Gekara, 2010)。不管原因是什么,董事们更喜欢收购,因为他们为获得组织的利益相关者增加了财富。在过去的几年里,通过实践者们进行了各种各样的研究,以了解M和一个策略是否能达到预期的效果(Sharma, 2010)。



Merger and acquisitions are common in the world today. Most organizations have understood the benefit that the method brings for their profitability. The profit mostly is viewed from the perspective of whether the merger or acquisition will be beneficial to the shareholders or not. At times, mergers result in replacing managers while at other times, it results in combining synergies (Shukla and Gekara, 2010). No matter what the reason is, directors prefer takeovers as they result in increasing wealth for the stakeholders in the acquiring organizations. Over the course of years, various studies have been performed through practitioners for understanding whether M and A strategies work as desired or not (Sharma, 2010).

This essay has been prepared to discuss two essential components over mergers and acquisitions. The first part of the essay discusses two research methods utilized for measuring mergers and acquisitions performances. For doing this, various studies have been reviewed. The two methods selected are inclusive of event studies and accounting return. The second part of the essay discusses the overall evidence of research depending upon empirical event studies over whether mergers as well as acquisitions result in producing value for the acquiring shareholders of the companies. Three deal characteristics taken into consideration are how financing of the deal is done, whether deal has friendliness or hostility and the targets relative size.