

蔡伟森(Wayson Choy)的《纸影:唐人街的童年》(Paper Shadows: A Chinatown Childhood)是根据作者在温哥华城市长大的经历和事件编年史写成的。这是一本纪实回忆录。关于温哥华城市观的移民观和他们与生俱来的挣扎已经被描述成一个有趣的故事(Finlayson, Hordley, and Drew 129)。本篇埃德蒙顿论文代写-崔龙海的移民生活分析的目的是了解作者的梦想,方言,移民的生活和他们的战争经验。这些细节将在下面详细介绍。

Choy discovers he was adopted at the age of 57. The dreams and viewpoint of the world of the author is comparably changed after the information was available. A weaving of back and forth of the issues and the wind chimes are detailed. There is a discussion about the impacts of the war in Vancouver’s Chinatown. The narrative elements that are used by Choy show how they dealt with the various issues. Abandonment, helplessness and the tumultuous times during war are made aware to the people. The innate narrative of this is specifically detailed when Choy’s family decides to move past their pet dog (Finlayson, Hordley, and Drew 129).
His family is found to move from Vancouver to Ontario. The leaving behind the pet shows how the Chinese women are made to stay back in their homeland when their husbands foray into the world to create newer livelihood.
The dialect with each other in their culture and the ways in which they amalgamated with the western culture are detailed in a number of smaller elements. For example, Choy’s exposure to the Chinese opera seems to help him grasp the ideologies of his roots (Finlayson, Hordley, and Drew 129).
His mother tries to state that the weeping characters of the opera are happy tears. There are many layers of human psychology. The differences in cultures are evident in this portrayal.
Choy is a Canadian and at the same time has Chinese roots. It is confused about the identity of the individuals. Many memoires from this childhood explains the differences that people from other cultures feel in a western society (Finlayson, Hordley, and Drew 129). The ways in which his mother lived her life and the aspirations to become a cowboy show the difference in ideologies as well as how the immigrant children develop into unique individuals.
Added to this, the external war events cause them to face even more confusion as to their original identity. There are many layers of stories and narrative elements that are mixed into this narrative element. The dialect and the final inference can be eluded that there is no real end. The wanton creation of ending shows that only time can foray and address the issues of the present.

The narrative element of the story is that Choy has leaded a life that is full of perplexing issues. There are many narrative elements embedded into its design. It can be understood from this book that life has many layers which cannot be fully comprehended.

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