


他们对这种学习的理解进一步增加了他们的生存和对其家庭的考虑,以及他们适应惊人环境的能力,例如,斗争、环境灾难,甚至从一个地方迁移到另一个地方。在他们的部分被真正承认的机会很小的情况下,他们的知识可以被证明是山区居民在对抗自然变化或品种所显示的新麻烦时不可或缺的资产(Gautam, D.和Sharma, A.)。, 2007)山区妇女扮演着许多角色,包括农民、自然资源管理者、看护者和家庭管理者。例如,巴基斯坦一个叫做吉德拉尔的小地区是喜马拉雅山脉的一部分。由于冬季的严寒和道路建设的不完善,这个村子的人口一年要与世隔绝近6个月。这个地区很容易发生地震、雪崩、山洪等自然灾害。然而,这里的妇女在社区早期预警系统中发挥了很大的作用,她们仅利用河岸上的石头就成功地构建了一个洪水监测系统。当看到洪水发生的早期迹象时,他们通过大喊大叫和使用镜子反射来了解他们村庄的人和住在山下附近院子里的人。
他们不仅在这里停下来,还确保实施计划,保护这里和那里放牧的人和动物种群。在所有的灾难发生后,这些精力充沛的妇女还清理废墟,重建河岸的石墙等,以便他们也为下一次做好准备。气候和环境变化有许多不利影响,这些影响可能每次都很明显,也可能不是很明显。对常规灾害和灾难性事件的不同脆弱性和危险之间的关键联系的研究为调查环境变化提供了必要的知识(Enarson, E.和Morrow, B. 1998;Alagan, R.和Aladukwaka, S。,2014)。一种危险的大气偏差在几个过程中影响着喜马拉雅山脉,但特别重要的是降水设计的修改和增加降水而不是降雪的机会,从而减少了蓄水设施。这些降水的总和可能因地区而异,导致干旱地区或水资源紧张。脆弱的山区环境还因物种的损失和迁移而受到破坏。所有这些环境的变化都会影响个体的生活方式。


Their understanding of such learning furthermore adds to the survival and the consideration of their families and to their capacity to adapt to the amazing circumstances, for example, struggle, environmental calamities, and even migration from one place to another. On the off chance that their part were genuinely recognized, their knowledge can prove to be an indispensable asset for mountain habitants in combatting the new troubles displayed by natural change or varieties (Gautam, D. and Sharma, A., 2007)Mountain women play many roles including farmers, natural resource managers, caregivers, and household managers. For example, a small region called Chitral in Pakistan is a part of the Great Himalayan Range. Due to very harsh winter season and poor road construction, the population of this village has to remain isolated for almost 6 months in a year. This area is highly prone to natural disasters like earthquakes, avalanches, flash floods, etc. However, the women here are so much talented in playing their role in the community early warning system that they have managed to construct a flood monitoring system by utilizing only stones lying along the river banks. On seeing the early signs of flood occurrence, they aware people of their village and the ones living in the nearby courtyards down the hill by shouting and using mirror reflections.
Not only here they stop, they do make sure that plans are implemented to protect the people and the animal stocks herding here and there. After all the mishap has happened, these highly energetic women also clean the debris, rebuild the stone walls in the river banks, etc. so that they are ready for the next time also.Climatic and environmental variations have many adverse effects that may or may not be urgently evident every time. Examinations of key connections between differentiated vulnerability and danger with regards to regular calamities and disastrous events offer imperative bits of knowledge for investigations of environmental change (Enarson, E. and Morrow, B. 1998; Alagan, R. and Aladukwaka, S., 2014). A dangerous atmospheric deviation is affecting on the Himalayas in a few courses, yet of specific significance are modifications in designs of precipitation and the chances for increased precipitation rather than snow, in this way diminishing the facilities of water storage. The total sum of such precipitations may vary from region to region resulting in drier areas or water anxiety. The delicate mountain environments are additionally being undermined by the loss and displacement of species. All of these environmental variations are going to affect the living styles of the individuals.