


Organizational culture profile (OCP) is a tool that was initially derived to assess the individual’s organizational fit for the company (Robbins, 2009). This tool is used for the evaluation of the potential fit of the individuals for the organization. There is an innate need for the company to address the culture change. This is used for the distinguishing of the subcultures and evaluation of the potential fit of the company. The person organizational fit is used as a useful predictor of the job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The OCP is thought to be an important tool or instrument to measure the fit of the individual preference and the organizational culture. Conventional measures of person situation fit are used as a limited set of descriptions and situations. In some cases, the companies fail to ponder on the idiosyncratic differences. These need to be factored by the company. This OCP model is used to think about 54 statements of values that is used to reflect upon the factors such as innovation, stability, orientation of the people culture, outcome orientation, easy going factors, detail orientation and team orientation.

In Aldi, the reviews state that there is a discount provided to the employees. There is also expectation that the people must work hours depending on the external market need. The main factor which is alluded by the workers in the work review sites are that the management focuses many of its policies on the factor the money (Clegg, Kornberger and Pitsis, 2015). There are values respected and the local producer’s products are sold in the shelves. This organizational culture of the company is compared with the personal goals in the following section.

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