

The need for keeping records and evidences was the key factor facilitating to implement CPG. This can be considered as essential for the facilitation of appropriate interventions and decision making and there must be availability of these records at all points of time. The best mechanism that can be considered for ensuring there is availability of essential information in this context is the variation of clinical practice. As a midwife, the role in this case is focused on standard of care for each and every antenatal women, while considering the Maori status of Mary and how the well- being of unborn baby can be monitored.
Guidelines based on national evidence are in existence to detail minimum essential components of Stroke Management 2010, along with the epidemiological profile specific to the country and priorities of the country and are on the basis of the recommendations and guidelines of WHO. The system of health will be ensuring that there is recruitment and deployment of sufficiently skilful attendant for being able to provide each and every women with Stroke Management 2010 in good quality. The standard of quality will be useful in addressing antenatal care on routine basis that include tests of screening for complications that take place during stroke. There is a major requirement for careful and clear explanation of the relevant information, while being assisted by an accredited interpreter, other than the provision of information in written form.

For preventing, alleviating or treating health issues having direct relation with stroke are known to be having unfavourable result on stroke. The key focus is on providing appropriate information to the women along with their partners and families, while providing evidence on healthy stroke, postnatal recovery, and childbirth that include caring of the child. Each and every decision has to be made in accordance with future pregnancies for the improvement of outcomes of stroke.

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The modernity in a modern architectural design has come a long way from being defined as a singular form of designs standards using glass, steel, and concrete, but it has lost its basic relevance and has taken a more broad definition which allows tremendous flexibility to alter it according to the call of nature. The modernity has taken many forms and has been evolving ever since there has been a revolt against it in terms of adapting to the changing external environment and accommodating all demands of the surrounding nature. The fundamental concepts of modern architecture are no longer constant and are bound to change with the rising demands of the transitory nature of modernist space, the demands of variable tectonics, and the formation of disruptive design patterns in modernism. The social structure constantly changing and representing its presence in the building design demands, the changing definition of modernism, and the changing cultural landscape demanding new ideas are major reasons for the loss of the fundamental pattern of modern architecture indicating the transitory nature of the confined limits of modern architecture.

The best example of the changing nature is the emergence of energy efficient buildings, which were never conceived a century earlier, but only came into being with the concerns of climate change and rising costs came into picture among architects and building developers. The use of glass was never a dominant factor in the designs of the last century, but is pre-dominantly the priority in energy efficient buildings in the current definition of modern architectural designs.

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代写价格-风险管理的概念与识别。风险管理的概念与识别、评估和确定风险的优先级相关,以便应用资源来监控、控制和最小化导致行业风险的行为。风险管理理论的目标是向企业保证,风险可以在不确定的未来得到控制,而不偏离企业设定的目标。制定的战略有助于管理威胁,并通过尽量减少使用资源来避免威胁。风险管理的方法涉及一些关键的组成部分,这些是:确定威胁的特征,评估特定威胁的脆弱性,确定风险的后果,采取措施减少风险和确定战略的优先次序。Mars和Weir (2010, p.98)认为风险管理的某些原则有助于评估风险并避免与风险相关的情况。其主要原则包括创造价值和对战略保持透明。这一原则还取决于人的行为和等级制度的决策权,以及他们根据市场的需要保持的变化。论文范文代写价格-风险管理的概念与识别分享给留学生阅读。

The concept of the risk management is associated with identifying, assessing and prioritizing the risk so that resources can be applied to monitor, control and minimize the actions that are contributing to the risks in the industry. The objective of the risk management theories is to assure the business that the risks can be controlled from the uncertain future without moving away from the goals set by the business. According to Borghesiet al. (2013, p. 12), the concept of the risk can be found from various sources including the uncertainty in the economy, threats from the competition, failure of projects and legal threats, accidents and cause of natural disaster. These sources are considered to be potential threat to the business as it hampers the financial processing of the business as well as the market. The economy of the business and the revenue earned depends on the market it resides. The unpredictable events are the main cause behind the birth of the risk in any industry. Abdulrahman (2011, p.39) stated that risk can be classified as two events: negative events that brings potential amount of challenges in the smooth business venture and positive events that gives scope to build numerous opportunities. The perception of the risk is the most important task as it helps to develop strategic actions to control the impact on the industry.
The strategies formulated help to manage the threat and avoid them by minimizing the resources used. The methods of the risk management involves some key components, these are: characterizing the threats, assessing the vulnerability of the specific threats, determining the consequences of the risk, taking initiatives to reduce the risk and prioritizing a strategy. Mars and Weir (2010, p.98) opined that there are certain principles of the risk management that helps to evaluate the risk and avoid the circumstances associated with it. The main principle involves creating value and be transparent about the strategy. The principle also depends on the human behaviour and the decision making power of the hierarchy as well as change they maintain according to the need of the market. For instance, if the risk is linked with any natural disaster or accident it is the role of the strategic management team to develop and formulate strategies that will be helpful for the business to avoid the risk. According to Jiang et al. (2012, p.268), the team should be an integral part of the organizational structure to understand every operation undertaken by the company.

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