

Interactive system designers may borrow observational techniques from ethnography, because they provide useful ways of observing and interpreting behaviour in real-world contexts. Designer uses this to understand the development of a particular software system. While the particular techniques may be very similar but the context and underlying assumptions are quite different. Engineering poses a different set of problems when it comes to understanding multidisciplinary teams. One concern is that engineers are usually trained to solve problems that have been given to them and are evaluated on the technical validity of their solution, not the relevance of the problem. Yet designing a system by strictly following a set of design requirements does not guarantee a successful product.

Human users add complexity and unpredictability to the situation and solutions that appear correct on paper may not be valid in practice. Software engineers are not taught strategies for questioning the design problem, so they often find themselves solving the wrong problems and ultimately failing to meet the needs of their users. Creating formal models of users and simulations of their activities provides a comforting feeling of having considered user’s needs, until the software is actually used. Technical expertise is essential to the development of quality interactive software, but that technical expertise must be used to software the right kind of problems. The design disciplines, such as graphic design and architecture, represent the third critical component of interactive system design.

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The hotel can be vehemently benefitted with proper imposition of risk management to ensure accurate rendering of hospitality management. The potential non-compliance activities in the hotel premises by either the visitors or the employees can bear negative outcome for the market profitability of the hotel. The guests can take visitors to their room without any proper answerability in the reception that can incur unwanted incidents which will deteriorate the reputation of the hotel among the tourists. Lack of control over the hazardous activities like using a harmful chemical must be taken into account by the risk management team to sustain the market oriented hospitality services of the hotel. Otherwise, the liquidity of the hotel can be reduced that can prevent them to provide hospitality service with compactness.
The recommended controlling methods can be effective to eradicate every potential hazardous element from the service provision of the hotel. The acts of non-compliance with the safety policy of the hotel must be terminated and rectified by the officials. This would help to procure immense advancement in the service provision that will allow the hotel to achieve the organisational objectives of market captivation. The risk management team to offer a healthy and safe stay to the valuable visitors must control the hazardous incidents like the usage of subversive fume. The potential hazards and dissenting activities in the hotel can cause massive disbursement to the hotel whereas; proper controlling measurements can be helpful to acquire both organisational and financial prosperity.

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