
加拿大论文代写-现代中国文化的研究。中国文化被定义为具有深厚历史根源的东西。中国文化是独特的,具有深刻的哲学影响(Barme, 2000)。中国文化受到各方面的尊重。现代中国文化似乎融合了更多的个人主义和个人自主性。民主和科学比传统的智慧和对权威的尊重更重要。由此可见,文化是一种社会现象,它取决于我们作为人类的行为和互动方式。这是基于事件的主观本质(Coen, 2012)。由此可以理解,文化受到各种范式的影响,不能局限于单一范式。论文范文 加拿大论文代写-现代中国文化的研究分享给留学生阅读。

In cross-culture research, there are many models to describe traits of certain culture. Generally, there are two types of culture models: single dimension models and multiple dimension models. The single dimension models try to measure the culture by one variable, and multiple dimension models aim at describing the cultural by multiple variables (Morden, 1999).
Single dimension models include the high and low context culture model by Hall (1960), and the monochromic and polychromic cultural model by Lewis (1992). The most commonly-cited work in multiple dimension models is from Hofstede (1980).
Modern Chinese culture seems to incorporate more individualism and individual autonomy. There is more importance given to democracy and science instead of conventional wisdom and respect for authority. From this, it is quite clear that culture is a social phenomenon that depends on how we as humans behave and interact. This is based on the subjective nature of the events (Coen, 2012). From this, it can be understood that the culture is influenced by a variety of paradigm and cannot be constricted to a single paradigm.
Chinese culture is defined as something that has deep historical roots. Culture of Chins is unique and has deep influences of philosophy (Barmé, 2000). The Chinese culture is respected across the spectrum. Conventionally, culture of China is largely influenced by the Confucian policy. There is a lot of respect given to elders and they tend to follow the direction of the elders without questioning authority. In addition to this, the students in China may accept different status for acceptable activities of a student. They are very cautious in their words and try to avoid confrontation with elders or seniors in the organizations. Since this is the accepted norms and the seniors are considered to have more knowledge, it is expected that the next generation of people follow the established paradigms. In order to avoid hurting the sentiments of the elders in the society, they do not agree with a particular ideology. The students tend to stay silent to avoid any possibility of hurting people.

论文范文加拿大论文代写-现代中国文化的研究就为留学生分享到这里。加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供研究论文代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



代写论文-IMR公司的结构。IMR的结构使公司无法从IMR中受益,它的存在只是为了让外部人士受益。IMR的存在是为了保护那些无法或不需要了解公司内部工作的人,因此需要推测一些事情。公司不能是这样一个实体,公司必须知道它的运作,因此不能要求任何东西。IMR不能使内部人员受益,这一点在Morris v Kanssen案中也得到了证实,在该案件中,法院认为内部人员,如董事,不能声称他们不知道内部工作,或者内部工作有问题。作为公司内部人士,董事对IMR没有任何目的。IMR的设计是为了保护那些无法了解公司内部运作的外部人士。因此,董事被禁止依赖规则,因为他们被期望了解内部一致性,也被期望维护它们。他们有责任以正确的方式进行内部交易。董事不能利用IMR来为自己谋利益,并声称事情做得不妥当。董事有责任确保外界对其工作的假设得到满足,公司对与其合作的人也有责任。论文范文代写论文-IMR公司的结构分享给留学生阅读。

This IMR is structured such that the company will not be able to benefit from the IMR, it only exists to benefit the outsider. The IMR exists to protect those people who are unable or would not have the necessity to know the internal working of the company and would hence need to presume things. The company cannot be such an entity, the company has to know its working and hence cannot claim anything. IMR cannot benefit an insider, and this was established in the Morris v Kanssen case as well, where the court held that an insider such as a director cannot claim that they did not know internal workings, or that an internal working was faulted. A director has no purpose for the IMR as an insider of the company would do. The IMR was designed to protect outsiders who had no means of knowing the company’s internal workings. Therefore, a director is prevented from relying on the rule, because they are expected to know about the internal consistencies and expected to also work on maintain them. It would be their duty to conduct the internal transactions in a right way. Director could not use the IMR to their own advantage and claim that things were not done properly. It is the directors duty to ensure that the outside presumptions on working are met, and it is the company’s duties towards the people that it works with.

Outsider is hence relieved from the actual checking. The outsider need no consider the internal actions and could assume company and its internal steps are being executed properly. This assumption based on faith or trust is what most rules and regulations in partnerships and collaborated working is based on. It is hence a very basic assumption. This assumption is also necessary as not all outsiders would need to have working knowledge of the company internally. All outsiders need not have to understand the company’s management; some working methods of the company are kept from the public for good reason. So when the reasonable expectations of the outsider on the working of the company are breached, then according to the IMR, a claim can be staked by the outsider. However, what constitutes reasonable internal management will become an issue. According to the Act, the outsiders can assume that there are no procedural defects in director appointments. Secondly, director board meetings are assumed to be called and held properly. Thirdly, all board meeting approvals are assumed to be required under company rules. In addition, based on the situation, there could be further assumptions on internal working and consistency that the outsider could presume.

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论文代写价格-Zopa的主要竞争对手。第一个竞争对手是funding circle。这是英国第一家专注于商业融资的P2P借贷服务公司。它也是一个平台,在这个平台上,储户可以通过一个基于网络的市场直接贷款给小企业(Milne et al., 2016)。该公司的商业模式也基于许多方法,其中贷款人考虑设定利率和金额与借款人。另一个竞争对手是利率制定者。然而,与Zopa不同的是,该公司对所有3个主要借款人类别的贷款都很宽容,包括客户、中小企业和财产担保贷款(De Roure et al., 2016)。此外,该公司不沉迷于通过信用评级对借款人进行分类,而是只接受所谓的优质贷款。然后根据贷款期限而不是借款人的信用评级确定贷款利率。论文范文论文代写价格-Zopa的主要竞争对手分享给留学生阅读。

The first competitor is funding circle. It was the first P2P lending service based in UK focusing over funding of business. It is also a platform where savers indulge in directly lending to small business by a web based market place (Milne et al., 2016). The company’s business model is also based on many approaches wherein lenders consider setting the interest rate and amount with borrowers. Here, what is important is setting amount they wish borrowing and the process of online auction which helps in determining the way in which distribution of amount is done between lenders and borrowers (Madura, 2012). As a contrast to Zopa, borrowers are checked for credit by Experian and classification is done in bands of risk.
Another competitor is Rate Setter. However, as a contrast to Zopa, this company indulges in lending to all the 3 key borrower categories inclusive of customers, SMEs and property secured lending (De Roure et al., 2016). Also, the company differs from the sense that it does not indulge in categorization of borrowers through rating of credit rather it only undertakes to accept what is known as prime borrowing. Rates of lending are set then based on the loan term instead of the borrower credit rating.
Lend-invest is another P2P lending platform serving as a competitor for Zopa. The difference is that it does not lend to SMEs or customers directly based upon their credit rating but based upon property security if any held by the customers. This is the key reason why the company is less popular in comparison to its competitors.

论文范文论文代写价格-Zopa的主要竞争对手就为留学生分享到这里。加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供加拿大代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!