
essay代写-案例研究法。案例研究法被认为是非常有益的,因为它可以通过收集数据和存储数据为研究人员的分析提供定量和定性的支持(Eisenhardt和Graebner, 2007)。需要将纵向研究对象的各个方面理解为对定性数据分析很重要。分析的重要性不如为研究者提供帮助的各种案例研究的形式。案例研究法为各种证据提供了支持,可以通过讨论找出研究的目的。论文范文essay代写-案例研究法分享给留学生阅读。

The case study method has been noted to be hugely beneficial in how it can provide both quantitative and qualitative support to the analyses that are made by the researcher by collecting the data and storing the same(Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007). The aspects of longitudinal subjects would be required to be understood as important to the qualitative data analysis. The analysis is not as important as the forms of various case studies which provide assistance to the researcher. The case study method as such provides support to various evidence can be discussed in order to find out the objective of the research.
The benefits of analysing the qualitative data provide an elaborative understanding of the various findings. Simultaneously, it supports the analysis of the literature review and relates the findings to what have been considered as important to the development of the case study. The details with which the findings of the case studies can be related to the information that is gathered from the case study is also said to be hugely important. Particular improvements can be made about the various developments within the understanding of the strategies that would be required to be considered as being important to the behaviours of the changes(Easton, 2010). The benefit of being able to analyse data at micro-level is considered as one of the main aspects of choosing case study over other forms of research methods. The implication can be noted in how the various data can be effectively scrutinised in order to be able to understand the various ways in which a set of data and findings can be analysed in the most effective way possible.
There are other advantages of conducting research by case study as well. The first is the availability of the data within the context of use of the research. The case study might be used by understanding the underlying processes of the subject and identifying the needs of the texts which would help the readers to relate to the strategies that can be used while interpreting the text and making observations about the findings(Lewis, 2015). In this context, a case study provides considerable amount of benefits in terms of how it can provide major support to the research to focus on the problem and issue at hand, rather than being distracted by the consideration of the variables that are important to be noted in other forms of research.
As such, the case study methodology has been chosen in the present research so as to gain a holistic and real-life understanding of how organisational changes are facilitated among global companies. The example of Google has been chosen for the present study in order to understand the same, the findings from which would be later discussed in order to gain an understanding of the problem.

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加拿大论文代写-有效的品牌管理。品牌管理是运用不同的技术和策略来增加产品线价值的营销功能。有效的品牌管理有助于公司为产品制定合理的价格,增加忠实客户。战略计划的实施可以使公司在市场上保持品牌地位,实现公司的愿景(Sanders, 2012)。例如,英特尔和微软等公司采取了不同的策略来吸引大量的客户。公司在市场上推出了创新和高质量的产品。英特尔(Intel)推出了英特尔Core处理器,微软(Microsoft)推出了微软Windows套件,提高了它们的市场份额。这两家公司都在市场上建立了自己的品牌声誉。论文范文加拿大论文代写-有效的品牌管理分享给留学生阅读。

Brand management is the marketing function that uses different techniques and strategies to increase the value of the product line. An effective brand management assists the companies to set a reasonable price for the products and increase loyal customers. The implementation of a strategic plan enables the companies to maintain a brand position in the market and achieve the vision of the company (Sanders, 2012). For example, the companies such as Intel and Microsoft have implemented different strategies to attract a large number of customers. The companies have introduced innovative and high-quality products in the market. Intel introduced Intel Core processor, and Microsoft introduced Microsoft Windows suite that enhanced their market share. Both the companies have built their brand reputation in the market.

The relationship between the buyers and suppliers is one of the most important aspects of the value chain management where the business organization provides great effort to create value for the money of the customers. Power dominance in supply chain management implies either suppliers or buyers power in a transaction. Before any transaction, both the parties, the buyers and suppliers, used to negotiate, and in this negotiation, the dominating party uses their power to make the transaction more profitable for them. However, the importance of the power concept is reducing over the time as within the increasingly competitive market, each organization has numerous options, and thus mutual understanding and trust are becoming a more important factor in buyer and supplier relationship and outcome of the relationship. The power influence in buyer and supplier relationship is reducing, and the mutual understanding and trust are becoming vital in this relationship and outcome.

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論文代寫-美國退出巴黎氣候協議的影響。美國本土農民將在這一過程中受到深刻的影響。美國農民不需要遵守氣候變化政策。農民被認為是減少和消除溫室氣體排放的重要制度工具。聯合國的科學報告稱,美國農民將是受影響最大的人群。他們很難在惡劣的天氣條件下種植農產品。這會影響邊際消費。由於國內需求的增長,這個國家的出口將受到限制。需要更多的進口來滿足人口的需求。在這個過程中,原料的生產會受到很大的影響(Betsill, 2017)。這個國家不遵守的政策會影響世界。放棄一項協議和其他各方對協議的理性思考,會使公司受到深刻的影響。預計這些問題將嚴重影響生產。這一事件預計將影響到加入該條約的新興國家和較貧窮國家。它將影響當地人民的生產和生活。接下來論文范文論文代寫-美國退出巴黎氣候協議的影響分享給留學生閱讀。

In this schema, the local American farmers are expected to be deeply impacted in the process. US farmers need not adhere to the climate change policies. The farmers of the nation are considered to be important instruments of developing system that would reduce and remove the greenhouse gas emissions. The scientific reports of the UN state that the US farmers would be the most impacted people. It would be difficult for them to grow produce in hostile weather conditions. This would impact the marginal consumption. The export of the nation would be limited owing to the growing domestic demand. More imports are required to meet the requirements of the population. The production of the raw materials would be deeply impacted in this process (Betsill, 2017). The policies that the nation does not adhere to would impact the world. Abandoning of an agreement and rational deliberation of other parties to the agreement would cause the companies to be deeply impacted. The problems are expected to become grave for the production. This event is expected to impact the emerging nations and poorer nations who had entered the treaty. It is expected to impact the local production and life of the people.

To address this event, the other nations must take considerable impacts to reduce the emissions by US. CO2 emissions are considered to be an important role in the sustainable development. There is an intricate relationship that exists between CO2 emissions and economic growth. The high-income countries would play a more important role in the CO2 emissions. America is a high-income nation and the impacts would be higher. The event of not adhering to the climate energy protocols would cause detrimental damage. The δ value would have increased and caused large scale damages. This action of US impacted the morale of the nations who were a part of the Paris Climate Accord Treaty. The US is considered to be a large economy that can impact the performance of the world markets. The volume of trade in the nation is high. It is expected that the other nations would need to compensate for the act of US leaving the treaty (Mann, and Hassol, 2017). The coal production has been considered to be renewed in the US. This would impact the greenhouse gasses emission and cause more damage to the environment. The increase in coal production would be impacted in this process. These factors state that the nation is expected to pollute at high levels in the nation (Mann, and Hassol, 2017). To summarize, the act of US leaving the Climate Accord is not considered as a positive future event. There will be increase in green house emission and the world nations would have to pay considerable damage in maintaining the current ramifications that would be caused by damage.

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