

The relationship that McDonald has with the franchise has become weak rather it has become worse. It is a fact that has been proven with the help of numerous surveys that have been carried out by various different organizations, and these surveys state that on a scale of around 1-5 the average rating that has been received by the organization is around 2.1. Many critics consider that this is an historical average and even the franchises claim that this is something that has happened quite recently (Yunus et al., 2013). Hence, they blame this particular issue as well, as an important reason behind the failure that is faced by the organization (Raju, Singh and Tariyal, 2015).
The Consumer Grievance is there
The company in this particular case is the largest fast food restaurant chain in the whole world. It can be said that they are such an organization that has successfully carried out their operations. They have used different technologies as well in order to maintain service quality. American Consumer Satisfaction Index or the ACSI however had indicated that with respect to customer satisfaction the rank that is received by McDonalds is lowest (Raju, Singh and Tariyal, 2015). The particular fact although, has been negated by various research, which claimed that only 1% of the customers have a bad experience in McDonalds fast food chain and around 95% of the customers did not have any kind of bad experience in the McDonald’s outlets, located around the world (Lim and Loh, 2014).
Thus, it can be concluded that the SERVQUAL model had helped in the “gap analysis” of the McDonalds stores that are there. The above analysis and the recommendations would help the organization to improve their service quality. It is important in the present scenario because there are numerous fast food restaurants in the market. Moreover, the customers are moving towards healthier food options, along with it, the number of cases that are there is increasing and making it difficult for firms such as McDonalds to survive. Therefore, this particular analysis is important for the growth and the development of the organization.

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在本篇加拿大论文代写-中国数字支付的发展中发现,中国政府正朝着数字支付的方向发展。在中国,多种支付方式用于不同的目的。现金卡、信用卡、借记卡、ATM卡、移动钱包、数字钱包和网上银行选项是中国最受欢迎的货币交易模式(Dorsey et al., 2016)。现在,智能手机也能进行巨额交易。在在线支付系统中,风险总是很高。交易数字化的最大风险是身份盗窃、账户被盗、手机丢失等(Chen et al., 2014)。各国的网络犯罪部门帮助公众对罪犯采取行动来制止犯罪。在线交易系统中有不同的安全选项,为客户提供安全。接下来论文范文加拿大论文代写-中国数字支付的发展分享给留学生阅读。

Nowadays, most of the countries in the world want to make a big move to become cashless (Khanna, 2017). In the markets of different countries all over the world, different types of digital transaction methods are ample. Among those mixed systems, young people of the countries are more associated with the digital payment mode (Khanna, 2017). The governments of the countries want to change the transaction mode into cashless to stop the corruption. Different benefits of the cashless payment system are there. In the present market, a risk is always consistent for the public to carry the cash with them but in case of digital payment option, the customers do not need to carry cash with them and they can pay the money with the help of credit cards, debit cards and even Smart phones (Tee and Ong, 2016). The governments of the countries provide some discounts for the online transaction. The older people of the country are facing some problems regarding the online payment option but some of them have accepted this action due to stop the corruption (Patel and Doan, 2017).

In this regard, China governments move towards the digital payment option. Multiple payment options are used in china for different purposes. Cash cards, credit cards, debit cards, ATM cards, mobile wallets, digital wallets and online banking option are the most preferable modes to transact money in China (Dorsey et al., 2016). Now a Smartphone is also capable of making transaction of a huge amount. In the online payment system, it always subsists a high risk. The biggest risk of the digitalization of transaction is Identity Theft, the hacking of accounts and loosing phone etc(Chen et al., 2014). The cybercrime departments of the countries help the public to take action against the criminals to stop the crime. There is different security option in the online transaction system to provide the security to the customer.

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Analysis of gathered data also helps to get the outcome of the research project. The researcher also conducts a descriptive analysis of this specific research project. During analysis, researcher also uses these secondary data collected from different source such as journals, research papers, internets and books. Researcher also gathered the information with a view to identify the factors, and this helps to grow the trade relationship between Australia and Asia.
Researcher has to find the GDP growth rate of the countries of Asia and Australia. Growth rate of GDP also depends on the import and export of the goods from the market, so trade relationship between two countries or countries of different continents also help to grow the economy of the countries. Researcher also compared the GDPs of different countries to know the economic condition of the countries. Researcher also identified the role of fiscal policies in case of identification of the relationship between the continents. In this case, the researcher also has intended to recognize different data regarding recent exports and imports of Australia.

During the secondary data analysis, researcher also compared the GDP’s of different countries in Asia and Australia. Researcher also gathered information with a view to GDP of different countries since 2012 to 2016. In case of Australia, GDP rate fluctuates every year. In 2016, the rate of GDP increased 0.1%. Asia is the world’s largest growth leader, but in 2014, the growth slightly down. Some countries of Asia have better economic growth than Australia. In 2014, the growth rate of India is 1.5% and it is very huge, because India is an emerging country and also export huge amount of national products to the foreign market.
Australia also has emerging power and also can export different products in the foreign market and this also help to increase the GDP and make a good trade relationship with the foreign countries. Establishment of business relationship between the countries also helps to earn more profit. China, Japan, India are the most popular and enriched countries in Asia, so this making relationship with other countries also gives extra benefits to Australia. A chart is depicted below for identification of the current trade performances between Australia and Asia.

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