

Before discussing the drinking water quality in Hong Kong, it is important to note if the people in Hong Kong are satisfied from the drinking water which is made available to them.
In Hong Kong, there have 2 main source of water are supply from Mainland Guangdong and rainfall from nature. The Dongjiang raw water supplied to Hong Kong since 1960s. Currently, about 70-80% fresh water is comes from Dongjiang and conformed to the relevant national standard based on the agreement between the Hong Kong Special Administration Region Government and Guangdong Authorities. The raw water is suitable for drinking after the treatment by Hong Kong’s treatment works. At the same time, we have owned 17nos. And totally allowed storage in maximum around 580 million cubic meter volume of local impounding, reservoirs were located at different district within the Hong Kong boundary.
After collecting the raw water and distribute for public use, the rigorous water treatment process would be present and responsible by the Water Supplies Department (WSD). The water treatment was basically including coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation of impurities. During the process, the chemicals dosing have been made for disinfecting, balancing the pH of water and preventing on the bacterial growth in the distribution system. On behalf of the safest water supplies in the world, WSD is committed to supplying the drinking water in odorless, clear and free from bacteria in according and conforming to the Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality recommended by the World 6 Health Organization. In order to maintain the high quality drinking water for the public all the time, WSD has a comprehensive program for monitoring on the water treatment processes and the distribution network to consumers.
The water samples are routinely collecting from water treatment plants, impounding reservoirs, service main, connection point and domestic end-point. The tested results are strictly followed as the World Health Organization’s recommendations for Drinking-water Quality. It would allow the public rest relived on the drinking water is safe for use with conformity results complying with this reference and international standard.

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温哥华代写-保健品的营销组合分析,营销组合由四个p组成:产品、价格、促销和地点。它是掌握市场可见度所必需的营销手段之一。没有适当的营销组合,这个品牌就无法在市场上产生影响。只有满足消费者的需求,才能获得品牌的正面印象(Constantinides, 2014)。所有来自瑞士、布莱克莫、UGG、百健健、纽乐的保健品都应该让中国人可以买到。这些产品既要符合顾客的口味,又要使顾客满意。在保健品上市之前,需要了解产品的生命周期。一个产品需要多长时间才能成长、成熟并最终随着竞争对手的崛起而衰落。增加产品线也可以形成一种积极的策略,突出产品的功能以增加销售。接下来有关温哥华代写-保健品的营销组合分析如下:

The marketing mix comprises of four Ps: Product, Price, Promotion and Place. It is one of the essential tools of marketing that is required to grasp the visibility of the market. Without any proper marketing mix, the brand will fail to create its impact on the market. The positive impression of the brand can only be attained if only it satisfies the demand of the consumers (Constantinides, 2014). The product that is all the health care products from Swiss, Blackmore, UGG, Bioglan, Nulax should be made accessible to the people in China. These products should match the taste of the customers as well as satisfy them. Before the launch of the health products, the life cycle of the products should be obtained i.e how long a product will take to grow, mature and eventually decline with the rise in competitors in the fields. Increasing the product line can also result to a positive strategy where the functions of the product are highlighted to increase its sale.

The price is another important element that lets the customer pay for the product. The price needs to be tagged as per the income of the market and the willingness of the customer to pay for the products (Todorova, 2015). For instance, if the price of the cornmeal or the body lotion is high in China, it will not attract the population that relies on small income. Thus, the price should be placed in such a way so that the population of the meagre income can purchase it. If the market of the product is not large, it will not be able to increase the sale and profitability. The promotion is held with different medium like advertisements and public promotion. In China, advertisements can be done in various forms like digital media, events and sponsorship. The advertisement is the main medium to make people aware of the brand and its products. The main platforms that one can choose to advertise in China and Hong Kong are e-commerce sites, blogs and social networks and online gaming. It is important to choose a suitable place that becomes convenient for the customers to purchase their products.

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The STP in marketing signifies Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning that is considered to be the effective method in Modern marketing. Segmentation involves segmenting the customers into different segments so that their needs and preferences can be understood. The marketing action will be taken in response to the market segments of the region. The segmentation will help the company to incorporate different marketing strategies to grab the attention of the potential customers.
The segments of the Chinese markets are done on the basis of the lifestyle, preference, demographics, psychographics, beliefs and value and behavior of the market. Furthermore, the audiences are broken down as per their age, sex, income level, profession, ethnicity and the geography (Etzel, Walker & Stanton, 2012). These factors matter when the business thinks of expanding its market worldwide. For instance, the baby milk products need to be launched in the Chinese market that has more kids or pregnant women. This will help the market to increase their sale as they will target the market that will have its potential buyers.
The targeting of the Chinese market sets the criteria size, difference, money, accessibility and the benefits involved. The criteria of the market must be large enough to penetrate. If the size of the market is small, the segments will be small resulting to smaller amount of targeted audience. Besides, the targeting should be directed to the dealers in China to make the products come within the reach of the customers. The difference between the segments should be limited so that there is a scope of profits from every segment (Reynolds, 2011). The segments achieved should derive certain benefits from the products. Product positioning is the last element of the STP process that determines the position of the product or the firm in comparison to other competitive firms. Positioning is applies to all levels of competition like product level, category level, corporate level and industry level.

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加拿大代写-人力资源管理和劳资关系,这种形式的短期或临时雇佣条件将在没有任何形式的协议的情况下发生,这是正常工作场所所要求的。对失业的担忧也可能因为外包而增加,因为雇主可能无法获得更便宜的灵活工作资源,可能会选择外包工作。权力上的不平衡扩大了。这是一个不道德的人力资源管理技术和不道德的劳资关系技术的例子。为了在工作场所建立更好的劳资关系,公司有必要采取多元化的态度,允许员工表达他们的不满和冲突。然而,在一个人力资源管理实践增加了权力的不平衡的公司,员工就不能提出冲突或纠正他们的不满(Quinn, 1997)。在处理工作场所劳资关系时,公司有必要不对未加入工会的员工或已加入工会的员工存在偏见。接下来有关加拿大代写-人力资源管理和劳资关系分享给留学生们阅读。

This form of a short term or a temporary condition of employment will take place without there being any form of agreement as is required in a normal workplace. The increased fear of job loss could also exist because of outsourcing, as where an employer might not be able to get cheaper sources for flexible work might choose to outsource their work. There is a widened imbalance in the power. This is both an example of an unethical human resource management technique and unethical industrial relations technique. For better industrial relations to exist in the workplace, it is necessary for the company to have a pluralist attitude where it allows employees to present their grievances and conflicts. However, in a company where HRM practices serve to increase the imbalance of power, then the employee would not be able to raise conflicts or get their grievances corrected (Quinn, 1997). Organization’s decision making process must be better aligned to empower employees and this would be a basic ethical guideline. In managing the workplace industrial relations, it is necessary for the company to not bias an un-unionized employee or a unionized employee. All employees whether they have participation through a Union or not will still have rights and it is necessary for the employer to respect these rights.

The decision making of an organization is usually well regulated by means of legislations, regulations and also best practices for the industry. Good ethics in this context serves as something that overlaps sometimes with these legislations and regulations but not always. Ethics are the basics to living in a way that assures fairness for everybody. It is true that the very nature of the business is such that it expects to profit. However, it is also true that businesses which are not invested in good ethics will not only lose their workforce but will lose their consumers and also their market share. It is recommended that for these reasons and for the reason of just keeping good ethics, organizations should adopt decision making capability focused on ethical issues that could be managed or could arise with their decisions.

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